Cora's POV

I wake up to rustling sounds near my head, forgetting the dream of meeting Drake. I open my eyes and see nothing around by the water. Then I hear it again next to my head. The zipper on my bag is moving. I suddenly sit up and turn around. I find a small little bundle curled up trying to now hide behind my bag. Dirt all over his or her body, naked with lots of scars all down their back. Never mind the fact I can see its bones so easily. Sticking out like branches on a tree.

"Oh!" I didn't know what to say.

"Hey hunny, I'm not gonna hurt you… look I will move back for you but will you please show me your face" I ask.

The little figure is shaking like a leaf but nods its head. So I shuffle myself backward to give room. The child looks up and blesses my heart this poor child seems to have suffered severely from the scars on its face. With long dirty blonde hair which reaches its hips. Thin cheeks and sunken eyes. I internally cringe at the long scar that runs from the middle of her head, down the side of her eye, to the middle of her cheek. I cover my emotions not letting on to the pain I feel for this child.

"Ok, can you talk?" I ask tentatively. The child nods slowly.

"Are you a boy or girl?" I squint trying to figure it

"Girl, mam," she whispers.

"Do you have a name child?"

"Peri, mam,"

"How old are you?"


I nod my head. She looks about 5 due to malnourishment. Looking at little Peri pulls at my heart. How could someone do this to a child? I notice her shivering while trying to wrap her gangly arms around herself.

"Peri... would you like something to wear, to keep you warm? I promise I won't hurt you," I say gently.

"Yes please, mam,"

"Please call me Cora, I've got some nice thick jumpers in my bag, grab whichever one you like" I smile at her.

Her eyes open wide revealing the grey color in them. She slowly grabs the zip and then stops. Looking back at me to check if it's still ok. I nod. Once it is open again she stops. I nod again. She grabs the top jumper which is a long navy blue cotton jumper and quickly puts it on. The jumper reaches just above her knee and the sleeve are very long for her.

"May I…" I reach my hands out and then stop waiting to see if she will let me roll the sleeves up for her.

She nods. I get on my knees and move towards her, keeping my hands in front of me, once I'm just arm's reach from her with my backpack in between us I move my hands so my palms face up. She lifts her head and just watches me for a moment. Then her left arm comes up to my hands, I grab the end of the sleeve and start rolling the fabric towards her until I see her fingers sticking out then let go. I do the same to the other one. I watch her flexing her fingers and looking at me curiously.

Not wanting to scare her I sit back down and cross my legs. Waiting to see if she does anything. I decide she doesn't need me staring at her so I turn my attention to the waterfall. The sound of the water splashing into the pond and the birds chirping in the background soothed me. The colors of the sunrise just peaking through the waterfall make it shine like magic is flowing through it. I close my eyes and just listen, waiting to see if little Peri does anything.

I hear sounds of movement from her then feel a finger poke at my leg. Then again a few seconds later. Next thing I know little Peri is slowly climbing into my lap and curling up into a ball. I wrap both my arms around her, wanting to protect her from this terrible world. I raise my hand and stroke her hair.

"I don't have any food or water little Peri but I think we need to find some quickly. You look like you could use a good meal. Do you think the waterfall is safe to drink?" I ask. I wasn't planning to get food on the way down but with her, with me, I can't not.

"The water is ok, mam" she whispers back.

"Please, call me Cora, come on let's go have a drink of it, and then you can come with me to my home. We will find some food on the way there, ok?"

She nods her little head and we both get up.

Walking out from behind the waterfall, we stop at the side of it and I hold my hands out in a cup shape and collect some of the water, drinking straight from my hands, then giving some to Peri. Once we've had enough I ask Peri.

"Hey, how did you get into this crater? I had to climb down that tree over there," pointing to the fallen tree.

"See the gap over there" she points to a medium sized hole just past the right of the waterfall, I nod my head at her.

"If you go through the hole it leads to a stone staircase, which comes out under a bush in the forest,"

"Do you think I will fit?" I ask.

"Yes, it's big, I've been coming here for a long time now and some of the big men can get through it," she says while looking down. I kneel down in front of her, grasping her tiny hands.

"Peri, are you alone? How long have you been coming here?" I ask concerned that she's 10 and no parent is in sight.

"My grandma was looking after me but men came to take her away about 3 months ago, a few days later I found this place, the men said they needed my grandma for her sight," she looks up at my face and slowly a tear leaks out. I wipe away at it.

"Oh, Peri. I'm so sorry that's happened to you. Don't worry though, no matter what I will keep you with me. Nobody will hurt you while with me ok?" I reassure her.

"What do you mean they wanted her for her sight?" I ask.

"She's a seer, people come from all over to get a vision from her," she says.

"Oh ok, what about your parents?"

"I never knew them, they were killed when I was a baby so my grandma looked after me. She showed me how to see," she smiles while reaching for my hand.

"That means you can see my future, doesn't it?"

She nods her little head at that.

Not knowing what to say I embrace her in a tight hug.

"Come on sweetheart we need to get going" I let go of her and she Leeds the way to the staircase, she goes through the hole first and then I crawl through.

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