Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A neighbor or a flirt

Ruth watched him as he left, she rushed to the door and locked it. She rested on the back of her door with her eyes closed.

“I asked for an exciting life and not a weird one, why did you bring me to a psycho?“ She asked looking at the ceiling.

“It's a good day, I won't let him ruin it for me, I've gotten a job with good pay, one step at a time.“ She muttered tapping herself on the shoulders.

Ruth went to her room, took a bath, and came back to the living room to make dinner for herself. She ate and went to bed.

The next day, Ruth hurriedly took a bath and dressed up for work, the moment she stepped out of her bedroom, a loud gasp escaped her lips. She held her heart trying to calm it down as her heartbeat took a different pace when she saw the figure sitting on her sofa.

“Good morning beautiful,” he beamed and woke up from his seat. “You look even more beautiful today.“ He took slow steps towards her.

“What in the name of God are you doing in my apartment? And how did you get in?“ She looked at her door and it was the same way she left it yesterday. She took huge steps backward, her eyes held his.

“Again, it wasn't hard.“ He caught up to her, pinned her to the wall, he raised both of her hands above her head. Ruth's heart skipped a couple of beats.

He brought his lips to her earlobe, his free hand held her waist, and pulled her close. “Are you scared?“ He asked peering deep into her dark brown eyes.

Ruth was lost in the moment, her eyes noticed some of his features. His dark eyes, his firm cheekbones, his pointy nose, and his luscious lips. His brown hair was long enough to reach his shoulders.

When she realized herself, she struggle to break free from his hold. “Hey step back.“ She muttered trying to free herself.

“What if I don't want to?“ He simpered.

Ruth raised her legs, she aimed at the young man in between his legs, but luckily Robert caught her leg on time, he spread them apart and stood in between.

“That was a dangerous game you just played my sweet little Ruth.“ he muttered.

He bit her earlobe, Ruth gasped, her eyes voluntarily shut. Robert smirked, he took a couple of steps back giving her space to breathe.

“Goodbye little mouse,” he blew her a kiss and left.

Ruth stood unmoving, her breathing was out of place. She held her chest in an attempt to cool down her heart which was pounding heavily.

She looked at the time and she was almost late for her first day, she rushed out and boarded a cab which took her to work. Luckily her boss was yet to come in, she hurriedly put things in place on his desk.

“You are early, Wendy will give you a run down on things here. She is going to show you what you are supposed to do every time you come to work.“ Her boss explained.

Ruth nodded her head and followed Wendy. Wendy was the former PA, she resigned from work because she was given a better position in another company. Wendy taught her everything she needs to know, she taught her how to make his coffee.

“That should be all, I will email you his pending work and his schedule for this week.“ Wendy uttered, she shook hands with Ruth and left.

After a long day at work, it was finally time for Ruth to retire for the day. She thought of what happened yesterday and today at her place and decided to talk to the landlady about it.

The landlady looked like she was in her mid-seventies, her short grey hair rested perfectly on each side of her head. Her wrinkled face twisted into a frown when she saw Ruth coming from afar.

“Good evening Mrs. Lawrencia, I have a complaint that needs to be attended to.“ Ruth went straight to the point, she saw no reason for formalities.

“Evening, what can that be?“ Lawrencia asked.

“The guy living in the other apartment connected to mine is a nuisance. I don't know how he does it but he enters my house like it's his, I went to work the other day and when I came back I saw him in my house, I don't know how he got in.“ she seethed.

“I am not involved in anything you have with him, the only thing we have is a contract together with you being my tenant. Find a way to settle your problem, I have other things to do if you have nothing else to say then you can see yourself out.“ Lawrencia said, she stood up and left, Ruth's mouth open.

She angrily returned to her apartment, she stood by the door pondering if she should go in or not, and she decided to summon the courage. She went in expecting to see him but he wasn't present, she looked around but he wasn't in her house.

Ruth stood in front of the wall which he had harassed her on this morning, her lips twitched “pervert.“ She muttered and went in.

She went in, took a bath, and came back with just her bathrobe on. “Missed me?“ She heard his familiar voice.

He stood by the door, “damn you are sexy,” he murmured loud enough for her to hear. He entered the room fully, he took quick steps toward her while she did the opposite.

Her hands held the bathrobe as though her life depended on it. “Please leave, don't come close.“ She muttered still going backward.

“Don't worry, I won't be doing anything. I made you dinner, are you hungry?“ He inquired.

“What do you want from me?“ She questioned.

“Nothing much love, I just want to be your friend.“ He smiled. He stopped in front of her, his eyes held hers in a staring competition.

“Friends don't break into each other house, friends don't harass their friends.“ She pointed out.

“Well, I don't want a normal friendship little mouse, have you ever heard of friends with benefits?…”

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