Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

"Yes? What do you need?" He asked while still looking at me.

I straightened up and grabbed the ointment jamb. "I'm here because I want to tell you something, will you please allow me to wander around this Saturday?" I asked nervously.

His eyes narrowed. "Where are you going? Who are you with?" he asked still staring at me.

"I'm with Psalm, he just want to roam me around and I already said yes to him. Please, let me go with him please." Suddenly his face darkened and went back inside his room.

"No." Did he really said that he will not allow me? "And who's Psalm? Did I already tell you about making friends?" He asked while looking at me.

He is now sitting on a couch in his room. I took a small step so that I could see his expression better and hear what he had to say.

"Psalm is a good friend. He is nice to me, he didn't do anything to me." Finally. I didn't stutter. I saw how his eyebrows shot up.

"Oh, really? Humans are never nice to anyone Klea. You know that, they just come and go. Meet you and hurt you. Just like what your mother did." He said firmly.

"No! My mother did that because Daddy does bad things! And Mommy was furious that time and she don't know ㅡ"

"Are you dumb, Klea? Who is the Mother that who will ruin her own child? Your Mom did that just to get away from the crime she did. And trust me, she won't be back like how she promised you. People come and go but they never come back. " Saint said with full authority. Like all the words coming out from his mouth are the truth, the only truth.

"No. Mommy said she'll be back. She promised me and she never broke a promise." I striked back.

"Whatever, Klea. Continue being dumb and let's see what the world will give you." I looked at him with the deadliest look I can ever have. He was stunned a bit but immediately got his cool back.

"Daddy wants me to have a normal life, Granpa Santino wants me to be protected by you so that I could have the life that I want. But, you're doing it wrong. You're not protecting me, you are caging me like an animal. Like I am your property. This isn't the normal life that I wanted. This isn't the normal life Daddy pictured out for me, and this is not the protection your Dad wants you to do. You disappoints me , Saint. You disappoints everyone, including your own Dad. " I said and I could clearly see in his eyes how surprised he was because of my answer.

I know it hurts when your parents are disappointed in you. Now, take that Saint. Grandpa Santino loves me as how he loves his children. Grandpa Santino treats me as his own, and I know how he wants Saint to be a good man in the future. And I know how disappointed Grandpa is right now.

"Take that back .." Saint said in a low tone.

"No! That's the real Saint! And there's nothing right to do because you're wrong in the way you protect me!" I exclaimed. He clenched his fist and let out a deep sigh.

"Take that back, Klea. Dad was never disappointed in me. Never." I flinched when I heard how dark his voice was. He seems to be able to touch and end my life with that voice.

"No. Saint, you need to hear the truth that Grandpa Santino is disappointed in you ㅡ aw!" I stopped speaking when he suddenly grabbed both my shoulders tightly.

His grip is so tight that might crush my bone but it didn't anyway, but I'm sure it'll leave a mark.

"Take that back!" He shouted in front of me. I'm scared of him, when he's angry he looks like my  Daddy and I don't want anyone to be angry with me, I can't take it  if someone is mad at me

"I never disappoints my Dad, Klea. You don't know that because you really have no role in our lives!" He shouted again, I closed my eyes and I could feel the strength of my heartbeat and the nervousness I was feeling.

"You are not important in our lives, you are a burden!" He said again before I was released, I rested deeply. He just said that because he was angry and I knew that.

He was about to speak when his phone suddenly rang. He eyed me and shot me a death glare. "Go out. And if you want to join  Psalm in that roam around this Saturday you will take care of it. As long as I do not pick you up and you will take care of it alone."

I immediately nodded and hurried out of his room. Saint can become a devil when he is really mad. His name may sound like an angel but his attitude is ruthless. He kills, he gambles and he does bad things.

I grabbed my shoulder and noticed the swelling. I knew it. His grip will make my skin swollen. I could clearly see the violet color on my skin. I sighed.

I went straight to the kitchen to get ointment from the first aid kit. I immediately went into my  room and applied ointment to my swollen skin.

I bit my lower lip because of the pain I felt when I touch it. It will also disappear after three days.

The next day, Saint and I were silent. He never said a thing, it's good that my sleeve covers my swollen skin. I know Sister Mary will be angry with Saint if she will see it.

When I arrived at our classroom, everyone was quiet. They looked at me again as if I had done something wrong. I rested deeply and sat in my chair.

But I stopped when I saw what was on my table. Sticky note with the caption: 'meet me at the rooftop' -psalm

I smiled. Psalm is really nice. So I could not stay away from him because he was kind to me. I never had a friend like him.

I immediately followed his wishes and went to the rooftop. I saw him leaning on one of the broken bookshelves, I approached him and waved.

"Saint allowed me!" I said smiling.

"Really? That's good. I'll just pick you up at your house, where do you live?" He asked with a smile. I was left speechless, if I tell him Saint's address he would know that we live under one roof.

"Ahm don't, no need to pick me up just tell me where we will meet and what is the  time. My parents will be angry when they see a man outside our house." I lied. Psalm nodded at what I said.

"Why did you sending me here?" I asked and looked around.

"Because I came from the national bookstore yesterday and you mentioned that you love reading books, right?" My eyes immediately went wide because of what  he said, don't tell me?

"I bought you a book. It's The Fault In Our Stars." I smiled and immediately accepted from him the book he had given me. It's hardbound. I know it cost to much!

"Thank you!" I happily said and smiled at him.

"Always welcome. Come on, we might be late for our  class." I nodded at him.

Sister Mary would be happy if she found out about this. But I can't help but to think ...

Do I really have a crush on Psalm?

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