Chapter 5
Senator Donald Zu and his wife Laura Zu had just returned from the cocktail party organized by the President. The President’s eldest son was celebrating his fifteeth year birthday.
His parents had organized the party on his behalf and invited only the dignitaries. Feng Lin and his younger brother Dele Lin were the only kids of their parents.
Though been President of the country, he allows his family mixed with other members of the community. An act that made him earn respect from the citizens.
When Senator and Mrs. Zu arrived home, they were shoked when they found the chauffeur lay on the floor in his white uniform and the tip of his nose touching the floor.
The couple were surprised, they exchanged looks before alighting from their car. The chauffeur that brought them home suddenly turned his face in a frown.
That spoilt little brat must have done this again. No one would have allowed old man Jim to lay on the floor like this if not her. Only she is capable of been heartless like that in the entire Mansion.
“Mr. Jim! Why are you on the floor?” senator Zu inquired, looking very dissatisfied. He hope his daughter is not at it again.
“The young madam asked me to be like this sir” old man Jim replied but still remained on the floor. Only the senator and his wife can lessen his punishment. He’s definitely fortunate today to see them arrive early .
Today was the third day of his punishment. He had served the same punishment for the past two days and only when the young madam decides to let him stand up would he be finished.
Young madam? The couple exchanged looks at each other. Nelly? Why is that girl sometimes so heartless and unhuman in her behaviours ? How can she asked an old man like Jim to lay on the floor?
Senator Zu sighed quietly, Mr. Jim was almost same age as his own father and can pass for a grandfather for Nelly.
“Stand up Mr. jim” Senator Zu ordered. He watched as Mr. Jim struggled to raised his stiffen nerves and stand up. Feeling guilty for his Daughter's unhumanness, Senator Zu went and gave a helping hand.
When Mr Jim finally rose himself to a sitting position, his facial complexion had gone red. His eyes red showing evidence of tiredness and been over-stressed.
Laura Zu turned her face away. How can an old man like Jim be subjected to such a punishment by a ten year old? What kind of a child does she have as a daughter?
Mr. Jim is the seveth chauffer they have changed in two years. And his the most patient one among them all. He had stayed longer than any of the other chauffeurs.
Just imagine what the old man was going through at the hands of Nelly. What offense will an old man like him have done to Nelly to deserve this humiliation?.
If she should ask Nelly now, her reasons will be so flimsy that one would almost want to smirk her. She still doesn’t know if Nelly is her daughter or not.
The couple apoloised to the older man and gave him the rest of the day off. When they walked in, they saw Nelly playing games with her computer and the fisrt thing she said to her parents was why they should interfere with her method of disciplining her subjects.
Totaling ignoring her childish tattling, her parents asked her why she was been mean to Mr. Jim that she could punish him so unfairly.
Nelly answered and said, she’d once warned Mr. Jim to reduce the volume of the car horn but he wouldn’t. Then two days ago, while he came to pick her from the school, on their way home, Mr. Jim blasted the horn when he was overtaking another vehicle and that got her annoyed.
Today was the last day of his punishment. And she intends making him stay longer than the usual two hours he served his punishment.
Senator and Mrs. Zu exchanged glances. She’d been punishing old man Jim for the past two days? And no one told them about their daughter’s mischief?.
An old man like Jim serve’s punishment for two hours over his inability to reduce the volume of the car horn? Such a lame reason to use her power of been a senator’s daughter on the innocent employees of her parents?
“Just shut the crap! Have you lost it? Who said you could take laws into your hands and punish whoever you think or feel like humiliating?” Laura Zu scolded her daughter.
“Cant I correct the employees in this house mama?” Nelly asked becoming sullen and turned her face away. Her mama doesn’t seemed to agree with anything she does. She yells at her and detest her every moves.
“No baby, that’s not what your mother meant. But you see, you’re too young to punish Mr Jim and besides, Your reasons are lame, they hold no water. Mr Jim is an old man and he’s more or less like your grandfather” Senator Zu coaxed his daughter.
This girl Is stuborn headed and ruthless in her behavior. What’s she going to be like when she clock eighteen or even at twenty? He doesn’t know what to do about her rude attitude.
“No, no daddy. He is 'like' but he is not my grandfather” Nelly retorted. Isn’t there a difference between “like and is”? when has her father become so dumb not to know the differences.
“Ok. He is not your grandfather. But don’t do such silly thing as punishing him again. If you do, you will not have a chauffeur that will drive you to school anymore. You’ll have to go in the public school bus” Senator Zu cautioned.
Rather than take to correction, little Nelly started throwing tantrum. She took her computer game and smashed it against the wall, and proceed to take the flower vase when her father held her in an embrace and that sooth her grievances.
Laura Zu shook her head before walking away. This girl is something else.