Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I slid in my booth next to Nicole and she raised her brows at me while I grabbed a cup of drink.

"What happened between you and that guy? "

She asked, nodding her head to the back and I turned back, my eyes meeting with grey dark ones.

I winked at him and turned back to Nicole.

"You know how much I love fighting. Well, I was having fun doing that with some stinky guys who thought it was nice to spank my ass but then this guy came out of nowhere and took out one of the guys expecting a thank you from me. "

I scoffed and she laughed.

"He wants a thank you from Mia Cooper? "

She laughed harder and I rolled my eyes before gulping down the drink and pouring another one into the cup.

"Hey guys... "

I raised my head up to see Darren, Allison and Elyse joined us.

"Mia, congrats on your brother's wedding.. "

I nodded my head at Darren and smiled.

I feel hot. I need to dance.

"I'm gonna hit the dance floor. "

I informed the guys and slid out of the booth together with Elyse who also felt like dancing.

'Wow, isn't that Mia Cooper? '

'Heard the Cooper's were at the City's park last week '

I heard chatters as I hit the dance floor. I sway my hips to the bit of the music and my gaze accidentally met with his.

He scoffed and looked away while I laughed uncontrollably. Buddy is hurt.


I groaned as I heard chattering and I used the pillow to cover my head. It's not stopping, I cursed under my breath and rose up on my bed.

Damn! My head hurts like shit! Yesterday was one hell of a party. We danced and drank. I think I had fifteen shots.

I let out a sigh and stood up from my bed, moving straight to my bathroom.

I let out a frustrated breath as I moved out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth with a towel wrapped round my body.

I walked back into my room and opened my closet debating on what to wear. I looked out the window and it seems like its gonna be cold.

I decided on a leather black trouser with stripes, a black crop top and a black cardigan.

I pulled it out and laid them on the bed before closing my closet.

I dried my body and rubbed my skin with my body lotion before putting on my underwear and the clothes I put out.

I matched it with my black white glasses and white sneakers then packed my hair to a side ponytail.

I grabbed my phone and stuck it in my Cardigan's pocket before walking out of my room.

I breathed in the fresh new scent of the day. It's a new bright day for the Cooper's.

"Good morning family. "

I grinned happily as I moved to the dining room to settle down with my family. Everyone is present here.

Dad's third rule. Always be present for any family gathering be it birthdays, celebrations or meals.

I took a seat next to Cassandra, my favourite sister and across from Ryan.

"Good morning Mia. "

Violet, Vince's newly bride thought it would be okay to smile at me.

I rolled my eyes and nod my head at her. I don't like her too much, she's too bright and joyful for my type.

"It's polite to answer a greeting Becky. "

Father scolded and I let out a breath. Becky is the second name and only my father calls me that.

"I'm sorry violet. Good morning. "

I smiled and she grinned at me.

"Ain't you starting school today Mia? "

Mason asked and I nodded at him smiling.

"My little sister is finally gonna go to college. Trust me you're gonna enjoy it, just make sure you ride lots of dick and shake the school. "

Cassandra winked and I giggled as the maids arranged our breakfast.

"Cassandra, language! "

Mother scolded and she rolled her eyes over.

"Easy there Tatiana, there's nothing wrong if I say some small foul languages. No one is a kid here and Mia is eighteen, i think she's old enough for these things. "

She scoffed and mother threw a fork at her but she dodged it, the fork meeting Dad.

Everywhere went dead silent as we all started at father, waiting for Lucifer to speak.

"Baby, you're getting old nowadays. Your aim isn't what it quite was. "

Father teased mother and we all burst into laughter except mother who didn't find the joke quite funny.

"Oh really Silas. I guess I'm really old, I shouldn't be stressing myself at night in our bedroom, don't you think? "

She fired back and we all watched father's face went pale.

"Oh, you know I don't joke with that babe. I'm sorry, Cassandra apologize to your mother right now. "

Father scolded and we laughed again.

"Fine I'm sorry Tatiana. Please don't take revenge on my father and make sure you ride well tonight. "

Cassandra rolled her eyes and we all chuckled again.

"A man's strength comes from that shit. You can't really blame father. "

Ryan spoke out and I chuckled.

"I second that. "

Vince laughed and I took my eyes to Alexander who hasn't spoken a single word since we arrived here.

Alexander is my fourth brother and the forth son of course. He's quite gentle. He's the most quiet Cooper.

He barely speaks expect when it's needed of him to.

But he's also dangerous, dad's second best. I really love him though, he's my second favorite after Cassandra.

His gaze met with mine and he winked at me while I smiled. I must admit, my brother is the hottest thing I've ever seen. I'm sure he has made many girls heart did a triple double flip.

"That's okay family, let's dig into this thing. I'm hungry. "

Beth, my second sister spoke up as the maids lined up and bowed.

We started eating in silence, not a single word from anyone.

Dad's fourth rule. Always respect your table manners.

I watched as dad blew a kiss across to mother and she blushed. Damn! I love my family.

To the outside world, we're ruthless people. We kill without mercy. We're dangerous and deadly but to be sincere, my family is the most lovely family I've ever seen and we always watch out for each other.

Yes, we're involved in dirty business.

Yes. We kill ruthlessly and mercilessly.

Yes. We are dangerous and deadly.

But only to those who hunts us. We kill our enemies mercilessly and the dirty business? It runs in the blood. Right from our ancestors.


I parked in the school parking lot and got out of my car with Nicole beside me.

Every attention. I mean every single person attention turned to me as I walked down the school compound.

Everything followed as I walked alongside my best friend. Yes, it's in our blood. Cooper's always gain attention wherever we go and sometimes I hate that shit.

The feeling of many eyes boring holes into your skin. Damn! It's terrible.

Just as I was about to reach the school hallway, one jerk stepped in front of me scowling at me.

I sighed and breathed out. Of course, there's gonna be someone who thinks it's okay to waste my time.

Two guards were beside her and I groaned. Such a pet. Who brings a bodyguard to school? Right, showoff!

"You cooper's think you guys own the world. You bitch, I sent you a friendly invitation to my party but you refused to show up cause you feel you're too big. "

Seriously! Is this girl serious?

It's a new semester and she's fuckin telling me about a party that happened last freakin semester?

"Are you done? "

I asked, fiddling with my fingers and she just thought it was okay to push me.

She fuckin pushed me?!

I smirked and grabbed her hand twisting it and she's already groaning beneath my feet. Right where she belongs.

Her bodyguard tried to come to me but my glare made them stop immediately and phones were already up. Don't these people have work to do?

"Next time, you don't touch me not to talk of pushing me. "

I scowled but suddenly my hand was jerked off from her and I raised my head angrily to look at who would have dared to interrupt me.

My eyes met with his dark ones and I'm slightly taken aback. Him again?

He helped the girl up and handed her over to her bodyguard before turning to me.

"You?! "

I snapped angrily and he smirked at me stucking his hands in his trouser front pocket.

"Missed me? "

He asked, raising his brows and I scoffed.

"You really got no job, do you? "

I scowled and he smirked again.

"You're really rude Mia Cooper "

He uttered and I rolled my eyes.

"So you found out who I am. Good for you and when do you plan on stopping meddling with my business? "

I yelped.

"When you decide to get some manners. "

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into. I'm gonna make you regret this, I promise. You're gonna regret messing with a Cooper. "

I growled but he didn't seem the least intimidated.

He moved closer to me, his breath all over my face without breaking eye contact. His face cold. Mine angry.

"I heard they call you Lucifer's Daughter but you're just a cute adorable little thing. "

He mocked and my anger increased.

"You're gonna regret this."

I warned but he only smirked.

"I'm counting on it cutie. "

He winked and walked away, leaving me angry, dumbfounded and feeling stupid.

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