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"Oh this is gonna be fun.. "

He uttered, a smirk plastered across his face while I'm still confused about the whole thing. Why the hell is he here? What is he doing here?

"I never thought I would have much time to torture you and force sense into your little head but guess the earth is on my side cutie. You just walked up to me yourself. "

He smirked as if it's the most amusing thing for me to be here.

"There's nothing you can funking do to me and stop calling me senseless. I don't know who you think you are fuckin are but I swear I'll find out and hunt you down, Gray Francisco. "

I fumed, my nose blazing.

"Well you see, that's where you are always wrong Mia. You think you can just put anyone down cause you're Cooper. You think it's okay to act like a queen just cause you're Mia Cooper, well sorry to burst your bubble but nobody gives a fuck about that.

If it's anything, you should be intimidated of me cause trust me you just made your life worse. "

He still had that smirk across his face and I so much want to slap it away from that his handsome face.

I know there's nothing I can say to him right now cause seriously I can't think of anything to say to him right now. He got me right there.

I breathed out and headed out, walking straight to the chancellor but shit! He already left!

I cursed under my breath and scrunched my nose together in disgust.

Does this means I've to go back to that prick?

I don't get all these. I made it clear that I didn't want to share a room with anyone and now he's there?

Not just any ordinary schoolmate. A schoolmate that I've grown to hate the most.

Shit! I really don't want to go to that room.

'Why? Is it cause you're afraid of him? '

My stupid subconscious just had to bump in right now.

Of course I'm not afraid of Gray. Why would I be afraid of him? If anything, he should be afraid of me.

I shook my head and walked back to my dorm room.

I shifted a bit uncomfortably on my feet before finally barging in.

The sight in front of me almost made me nauseous and I turned back immediately, my eyes going wide.

He was dressed in a fuckin towel. Only a towel hung round his waist.

"What the hell do you think you're doing dressing like that? Don't you have shame? "

I stuttered, my voice shaking.

"Why are you acting as if I'm totally naked? I'm clad in a towel cutie and for someone who did such a dirty thing to me earlier in class, you sure act innocent. "

I could literally feel his stupid smirk as he talks right now.

"You're crazy. "

I uttered under my breath and turned back.

My eyes linger down his body a little bit. He's built, that's a fact. Well built.

The water dropping down his chest isn't helping matters at all for me.

His hair was scattered across his face due to the fact that it's wet.

I wonder how it'll feel against my touch.

Wait! Did I just said that? I'm sure I'm insane. I won't ever touch his hair, why should I?

"If you're done eye raping me, can you please close the door you opened wide? "

He said with a smug smile and I turned back to realize that I really haven't closed the door.

I was mesmerized, no! Shocked by the sight of what I saw inside. I didn't even worry about closing the door.

I need to go get my things from my truck. I grabbed my phone off the bed where I dropped it when I came inside earlier and walked out.

I walked across the hallway as murmurs and chattering filled there. Yea, these people just don't know when to keep their damn mouth shut!

I rolled my eyes and walked to my car before pulling out my box from the bonnet.

I sighed and pulled it along with me.

I finally arrived at my stupid dorm room that I had to share with that prick.

I would have go stay with one of my friends but they already had their own roommates. It would be awkward.

I can't even believe I have to sleep in the same room with him. The thought alone made me nauseous.

"Finally, you're here.. "

Gray uttered immediately I entered the room and i raised my brows confused.

"Why so you seem to happy to see Me? What other evil agenda for you have now? "

I rolled my eyes and dragged the box to the other side of the room.

"I don't have any fucking evil agenda! You're the one who took my phone. "

He glared walking over to my side and holding his hand out.

"What? I didn't took your... "

I stopped talking immediately as I took my phone out only to discover it isn't really my phone.

Oh, I must have taken his phone by mistake while trying to take mine.

He raised his brows up at me and I quietly placed his phone on his palm.

"Your lame ass phone is on the bed. "

He smirked before walking away.

"My phone isn't lame. Watch your tongue or I'll cut it for you. "

I threatened, halfly meaning it.

"As if I will get scared at that... "

He chuckled and I took my eyes to him. He already changed our of that stupid towel and now putting on black shirt, black jacket, black trousers and black canvas shoes.

What's with him and black?

His gaze caught mine and he winked at me before walking out of the room.



"girl, you look so hot. I bet your mysterious boyfriend won't be able to keep his eyes off you "

Nicole winked at me from across the room.

I rolled my eyes and shot her a glare which made her chuckle.

"I'm so surprised you said you guys are gonna be sharing the same room. That's literally insane, I thought this room was meant for only you but I guess you're lucky. You're gonna have a fucking hot guy by your side everytime you turn. "

Elyse winked and I rolled my eyes at her.

'it would have been better if it wasn't him '

I muttered under my breath and grabbed my phone off the dressing table.

"They're not getting along Elyse, shut it. "

Darren spoke up for the first time he has been here and I shot him a appreciating smile.

"Oh, cut me the crap Darren. They're definitely gonna fall head over heels in love with each other.. This is how it always start off, a little hate then before you can blink, they can't live without each other again. "

Elyse teased and if she wasn't my friend, I'm sure I would have smashed her head against the nearby table.

"Let's just go to the fucking party! "

I groaned and tossed my phone in my pocket.

We all walked out of my room and I locked the door. I hope Gray took his key with him, in fact I hope he gets locked out.

I laughed at my own thoughts and we all entered my car.


We arrived at the fraternity house and there's already faint music coming out of the house.

We walked right inside and some few guys whistle as we passed by.

I was putting on just a Jean short, white tank top and black jacket.

I rolled my eyes and we walked over to Louis, Darren's friend who threw this fuckin party.

There were some few guy and some girls when we reached their table.

I breathed out and took a seat across from them and next to Darren.

"Mia, I didn't knew you would be here. "

One I recognized as Stephen said and I nodded my head at him together with a smile.

"I'm glad you made it here Gray. "

My head snapped up immediately and I looked up. It's really him. You've gotta be fucking me. What is he doing here?

"I would be bored as shit at home anyways. "

His voice sounded off and he took a seat across from me. Five seats from Darren.

His eyes met mine and it widened a little bit before he smirked at me and looked away.

"Why don't we play truth or dare? "

Elyse suggest scooting closer to gray and I want to knock his teeth out.

"Yes.. "

Some roared and a few cheered while I rolled my eyes.

We started playing the game anyways and the bottle stopped at my front. It's my turn and Louis is the fuckin one to ask me.

"Truth or dare? "

He asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Dare. "

I uttered and I earned some few whistles.

"I dare you to kiss Gray"

Immediately my eyes met gray's and he's just as shocked.

What the hell?

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