Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I watched as he walked back into the house with his hands stuck in his pocket and I tried to think about the words again.

He definitely couldn't mean everything he said. He's probably saying all those to get me to back off and accept defeat. He's so cunning.

He wants me to be scared of him so he can embarrass me again in front of the entire school.

I scoffed and looked away. But again, how the hell did he knew my father's name?

No one actually knows my father's real name, they all call him Lucifer.

So how come Gray knows him? This is all so confusing.

I groaned and walked back into the house. I want to get out of here.

I looked around for my friends and I can't find them. Where the hell did they went to?

I groaned and pulled out my phone to call Nicole but it slipped right from my hand.

The drink must have had quite a effect on me. Everything is shaking and so blurry.

I need to get back into my room. I grabbed my phone from the floor and walked out of the fraternity house heading for my car.

I pulled out my keys when I reached my car and I couldn't even say which one is my car's key. There's something with that drink. It's not just soda, I think it's mixed with whiskey and tequila.

I should have just had one and sleep.

Now I can't even figure out my own car key.

I stumbled across the car glass window and I giggled like a idiot.

"I see you are drunk. "

His voice came out of nowhere and I pulled back to turn to him.

He's laying against the wall and his arms are crossed across his chest with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Damn! Why does he have to be so.. So beautiful?

"Are you done staring at me? "

He's already in my face and I didn't even notice him walk up to me.

"What are you doing here? Go away from me. "

I slurred and turned back to my car, still battling with my keys.

"You are drunk Mia, you need help. You can't probably drive not even having control of your own self. "

He said and I rolled my eyes before gulping.

"And so? Why do you care so much? You told me to stay away from you but how the hell am I supposed to do that if you keep coming around me ?"

I yelled, getting frustrated about the whole thing.

First my damn car won't budge cause I can't even find the goddamned key and now, Gray is trying to torment me. Why is he so cruel anyways and always poking his nose in what isn't his business?

"I'm not coming around you. I'm just trying to help you. You can't drive like this. If you do, I'm sure you are gonna collapse into a tree or something "

he shrugged, obviously finding this amusing while I find it frustrating.

"Just go away. "

I snapped and grabbed the keys once again, trying them one after the other till I finally got it.

I unlocked it with shaky hands and opened the door before jumping inside the same time the passenger's door opened.

"Hey, are you crazy? What are you doing? "

I yelled but he only rolled his eyes and jumped in.

"I said get out of my fucking car! "

I yelled.

"Either you start the car and we can get to the dorm peacefully or you can stay here all night and yell for me to get out of your car even though I won't. "

He shrugged and crossed his arms again before resting his head on the headrest.

"Fine "

I groaned and started the engine.

"That's what I thought. "

He smiled and I turned to glare at him before driving out of the fraternity house.

I still can't believe my friends bailed out on me and Nicole? She's sure gonna get it from me tomorrow as soon as I figure out how to hold my own freaking phone without it slipping away from my hold.

My hands are shaking as I handled the steering wheel and I can feel gray's eyes boring holes into my skin.

"What?! "

I yelled and looked at him briefly before looking back at the road.

He chuckled and his voice echoed right through the while car.

"You know, you have quite a attitude. I'm just trying to help! "

He snapped and I rolled my eyes. Yes, says someone who just threatened me.

"You Are really the confused one here. You just told me to stay the hell away from you that you are dangerous even though I know you're lying about that.. "

I stopped and looked at him to stop him from interrupting me.

"And now, you just want to help me, are you crazy or what? "

I snapped but he just remained silent.

I turned to him wondering why he's so silent but he has his eyes closed. It's like he didn't even listened to what I was saying.

"Gray, are you listening to me? "

I yelled and suddenly I lost control of the steering wheel.

I looked back at the road and tried to gain control of it back but I can't.

My hands are too shaky.

Gray placed his hands over mine and handled it right from his seat.

Fire cackled under me at our skin contact but I just ignored it as I looked over to him. His features looked so serious and his lips are pressed into a thin line.

He got us back to the road and we both breathed a sigh of relief.

He stopped the car and just parked it by the side of the road before looking over at me.

"That was what I was talking about. "

He uttered to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you. "

I said after a moment of silence then looked over at him. He looked surprised or maybe shocked?

Yea, the almighty Mia Cooper just said thanks. I'm sure that's enough to make a headline. I don't know why people think I'm rude.

"Why are you looking at me like that? "

I blushed and looked away from his watchful gaze.

He smiled and his dimples popped out. I haven't noticed that he has dimples. It's such a cute one and it goes so deep, just drawing small circles round his cheeks.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised you said that. You don't say it much often, you know? "

He teased and I turned to glare at him.

He's pushing it.

"Yes, now shut up and forget about it or I'm gonna take it back. "

I threatened and he shook his head.

"Then I'm gonna force you to say it back. Remember I'm the one that made you say it in the first place. "

He winked and laughed. I couldn't help but to laugh along with him.

We both stopped and he gazed into my eyes, just staring not saying anything and I looked away from him.

"Mia.. "

He called and I turned to look at him. His eyes.. They were so beautiful under the street light.

"You are not so bad as you make yourself. "

He said and I laughed, shaking my head.

He laughed along with me and it's so amusing to watch him laugh. The way his dimples stuck out and his eyes seems so brighten even more is quite a sight to watch.

He stopped laughing and turned to me. Catching me in the act of looking at him.

I blushed and looked away immediately. I think the alcohol is really having a effect on me.

"You look cute when you blush. "

His voice came out as a whisper and I turned to look at him. He had a smile on and I don't know what happened or what pushed me to it.

I leaned over the divider and grabbed his face between my hands and gently placing my lips on his.

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