Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Hey chris!

He heard his name and turned around to see his friend walk closer to where he was standing. "Ramon, I'm having lunch with her." He joyfully told him.

"Why are you so interested in Alicia? Meanwhile all other ladies in this school are going gaga for you." Ramon looked at him like he was some kind of a psychopath.

"You have no idea Ramon. She's the only one in my eyes for a long time." Chris smiled and turned around to check if he will see Alicia but she was gone.

"Don't confuse that with love, she's just your childhood friends." He reminded him.

Chris expression turned cold. "What do you know about love, have you ever love any girl before?"

"At least I'm more friendly to ladies unlike you who treats them like flies and nonexistent things."

Chris frowned and his eyes darkened. "Ramon, don't overstep it boundaries."

"Well, maybe Alicia could help you since you treat her well." He looked at Chris who was getting a bit angry and he didn't want to drag this talk any longer. "Let's go."

"Okay, but you appeared late." Chris looked at him.

"I saw you flirting with Alicia so I have to wait till you're done." One thing Ramon knows was never to interrupt Chris whenever he was with Alicia.

"Point of correction, I wasn't flirting with her." He said coldly annoyed by what Ramon said.

""Whatever." Ramon said nonchalantly and walked along side Chris, they have been friends so he care less of whatever mood he would be.

Beauty who have seen everything with Felicia were seen frowning. "That Alicia is something." Beauty said in anger.

"Yes, she is playing hard to get with Chris." Felicia clenched her fist.

"If only I was Alicia, I would have followed him around and stick to his side like a glue." Beauty held the book the saw holding close to her chest.

"I'm a bit jealous of her, I don't understand why he treats only her so differently, even if she is his childhood friend." Felicia pouts.

Beauty exhaled softly. "She's just lucky she is wealthy, else I would have made her life miserable." She grits her teeth.

"Right." Felicia exhaled softly. "I wonder what it would be like, me sitting so close to chris like that."

"Girl, it will feel like heaven, he's so handsome. Just imagine that eyes looking at you."

"And that lips on your lips." Beauty closes her eyes. "And he is super intelligent." She blinks.

"If only I was a fairy godmother, I would cast a spell on him and remove his mean and arrogant attitude toward ladies." They both sat down dreamy.


Danielle was reading in the school library still amaze at how big the school was, including the library. She was so excited to be reading in a very quiet and lovely place.

Someone joined her on the table and leans close to it. "Excuse me."

Danielle looked up. "Huh!" She looked behind her but no one was there so she knew the person in her front might be referring to her. "Me?"

"Yes. Seems you're new here, I also saw you in class earlier."

This was the first time someone had spoken to her today, Danielle smiled. "Yes, I arrived today."

"I guessed right."

Danielle stopped smiling. "But how did you know? Is not as if you know everyone in this school." She looked at the person curiously.

"Well it's easy, you really act like a newbie."

"I don't understand." Danielle blinks.

"Like the expression on your face, it's like wow, wow, wow. Just like that we all know whose new here."

"Really?" Danielle pressed her lips together.

"Yes. Well, my name is Elle." The lady introduced herself. "You?"

"Danielle swift."

"Name sake." Elle smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine." Danielle flashed her a smile.

"Danielle let me advice you." Elle whispers as she looks around before leaning close.

Danielle stopped smiling and felt a little shiver run through her spine. "What advice?"

"Don't keep that expression of wow anymore I can tell you're not high class." She scanned Danielle. "No offense. This school is full of wealthy people so be careful and never show any weakness. Ever." She warned her and got up. "Just wanted to inform you." She left before Danielle could say something else.

"What was that?" Danielle shakes her head. "She's like a good messenger. Was she sent by an angel to pre inform me?"

Danielle felt goosebumps on her skin and looked around. "Well I will be careful from now on." She looked down on her book to continue reading.

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