Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Danielle got home and happily embraced her mother, they sat down in the sofa and she put her bag aside. "So how was school?" Elizabeth asked.

"Okay!" Danielle said joyfully. "I'm happy, I made it, mom it was like the other school, just that the buildings are beautiful, the resting zone and field is a sight to behold, I thought I would stay there forever, the school is the most amazing place I've ever been and mom I can't contain my happiness." She spoke nonstop.

"Just breath Danielle." Elizabeth raised her hands with a smile, she knew Danielle always talk without taking a break whenever she is happy. "So you weren't nervous anymore?"

"Yes. But mom, it seems and angel came to inform me about things ahead." Danielle said seriously.

Elizabeth looked at her, puzzled. "How?"

Danielle told her mother what Elle had told her and waited for her mother's response. "It is really serious."

"I'm bothered but I'm really going to need to that advice."

"Yeah, you should. But for now, go freshen up and come down for lunch."

"I'm already filed." Danielle touched her stomach. "I ate my lunch at school."

"Okay then, go on and rest after taking your bath."

"Okay mom." Danielle pecked her mother's cheek and left for her room.


Fabulous was seen at school resting zone the next day in school, he caught a glimpse of Danielle. He watched her for a while as she smiled while watching the spring and flying butterflies.

He got up and approached her. "Seems you love the waters."

Danielle turned startled. "Sorry, but you startled me." She held her chest as she looked at the stranger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He apologised.

Danielle exhaled softly. "I love the waters true."

"Can I ask why?" Fabulous puts his hands in his pocket.

"I don't really know the reason, I.just feel good watching it." She smiled and looked at the water again.

Fabulous stare at her for a while. "I see, I don't have such sort of things I love seeing."

Danielle looked at him, he was still staring at her. "What do you think of when you want to feel good?"

"Happy memories." He sat down close to her. "I've not seen you in this school, are you new here?" He asked.

Danielle gave him a quick look as she remembered what Elle told her, she must have put on the the wow expression again. "How do you mean?" She sat up straight, trying not to give anything away.

"Because you're so pretty." He said softly.

Danielle looked at him and their eyes met for a brief moment, she looked away. "Are there no pretty ladies at all in this school? I'm not even that pretty." She muttered.

"Don't belittle yourself." He told her, still staring at her face, taking in all the reactions she let's out. "I've not see much pretty ladies, they all just act high."

Danielle looked at him as she listened. "Do you think being pretty are only from looks, it's from the character they possess."

Danielle looked around her and then back at him. "I don't actually know where this conversation is heading to but all the same thanks." She looked away, not ready to continue talking with complete stranger.

"I'm fabulous by name and yours?" He introduced himself as if knowing what she was thinking.

"Danielle swift." Danielle smiled as she look at the stranger who was now looking at the spring. Well this was the second person that have talked to her.

Just like her mother did, she will make friends even in this new school. She heard the bell and gathered her notes. "I have class now, I will be on my way. Nice to meet you." She quickly left.

Fabulous watched her leave, wondering where such angel came from. He smiled since it was not to bad to see them once in a while.

He looked at the spring and grins. "So this makes her happy." He looked up and took in deep breath.

Beauty took a gift to Chris who was talking to Ramon, she had a feeling that he won't act harsh since his friendly friend was with him.

"Chris, here's for you, I've always wanted to give you a gift." She puts the gift she brought on the table.

Chris looked up with his brow furrowed. "Who's this?" He scanned her with disgust. "Did I ever ask you to get me a gift?" He asked with a cold voice.

"Not that..." Beauty wanted to say something but he cuts her off.

"Then what?" He scoffed. "Your feet brought you here, you better talk them to take you back to where you came from and take your gift along side with you." He pointed at the gift that was on the table.

He looked up at Beauty. "I don't appreciate these sort of unnecessary gift, if you're fine then you can leave cause I'm in an important conversation with my friend." He wave her off like she was a buzzing bee.

Beauty was already in tears because few people were now watching her. "Can't you just accept it? People are watching." She looked around feeling so embarrassed.

Chris shrugged. "All the more, just leave." He said nonchalantly. She turned around to leave. "Hey!" He called out as she turned to face him. "Don't ever forget this, I hate ugly ladies."

He dropped the bomb as students that were watching sniggered. He got up from his chair and turned to Ramon that have been silently watching them all these while. "Ramon let's leave this thing." He look at Beauty and walk away.

Ramon went close to Beauty who was in tears. "Don't take him seriously, you're beautiful and as for the gift, I can can give it to him if you wish."

He took the gift from her hands with a smile. "Don't cry, he's always like that." He turned around and went after Chris. "Hey, wait up dude." He called out as he approached Chris.

"What were you doing there?" Chris asked him with a cold expression.

Ramon frowned. "Consoling the lady whose heart you just broke few minutes ago."

Chris scoffed, putting his hands in his pocket, he.looked at the over friendly Ramon. "I never did anything wrong, was that not offensive?"

"I see no offense there, she's letting her feelings known through this gift." Ramon lift the gift up for Chris to see.

"And I don't want it." He paused as he looked at Ramon's hand again. "What? You took the gift!"

Ramon touched his hair and looked down. "Yes, you might change your mind." He blinks.

Chris clenched his fist. "Get your head straight, I don't take such things, you should know me better." He exhaled softly. "If you want to keep that for yourself, then do. I'm off to see Alicia." He turned around and left.

Ramon scratched his hair slowly. "He really need to fix that attitude of his." He looked down at the gift Beauty brought, he opened it and saw cookies in it.

He smiled and took a bite. "Wow, it's delicious and rich." He looked around. "I better find a good spot to enjoy this delicious cookies." He smiled and walk out.

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