Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chris saw Alicia close to the field reading, he smiled and made his way towards her but knocked someone down, he looked down to see who he had knocked down but ignored the person and ran over to Alicia.

He took the book she was reading and looked at the covers. “Reading a novel again.”

Alicia grabbed it from his hands. “Yes, why not, you’re here again.”

“Alicia you did not show up for lunch yesterday, I waited for you.” He looked at her like she was guilty of a crime.

“I’m sorry, something came up.”

“Again?” Chris pouts. “Why didn’t you pick my calls?”

“You called?” She brought out her phone to check. “It never occurred to me that you did call.”

“That’s because you are too interested in your novels.” Chris frowned.

“I can tell you about it.” Alicia smiled and was about to continue when her phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID. She looked at Chris. “I’ve got to go Chris. Maybe I would call you later.” She took her things and ran off without giving him a chance to respond.

“Always running away every time.” He muttered. Someone tapped his shoulder from behind. “What!” He snapped.

“You could not even apologize?”

“For what?” He asked coldly, like she was buzzing in his ear.

“You knocked me down!”

“Really? I don’t know.” He said sarcastically.

“You saw me but you ran away.” She shouted. “Now take a look at my knee, it’s bleeding.” She pointed at her knee that was covered with dirt and blood.

He look down at her knees and then back at her. “Then go and fix yourself.” He got up from the bench he was sitting.

Danielle looked at the arrogant looking man. “What sort of person are you?” She shouted. “You knocked someone down without helping and you couldn’t apologize, but yet you’re just being rude and walking away. Did you mother not teach you any manners?”

Chris looked at her in anger. “Don’t ever talk about my mother that way!” His stared at her, eyes aflame.

Danielle scoffed. “I can see that you would never apologize but try to change such attitude.” She walked away limping as her blood drip down her socks. Chris glance at her and went the opposite direction.

Elizabeth saw her daughter’s knees swollen and wounded, she ran over to her. “Danielle, what happened to your knees and leg? Who did this to you?” She asked worriedly as she lead her to the sofa.

Danielle smiled. “It’s nothing, I fell down by mistake.” She lied.

“What mistake?” Elizabeth doesn’t buy it.

Danielle looked at her mother’s worried face, she never want to make her worried. “Mom, please.”

“You’re bleeding so much.” Elizabeth brought out the first aid kit and clean the wound. “All done, this should do for now. Go upstairs and change.”

“Okay mom.” Danielle got up to climb upstairs but she was still limping.

“Danielle, this is serious, it seems you have broken your legs, we need to go see a doctor.” Elizabeth walked over to help her.

“Mom, I can handle this, it’s not a big deal.” She smiled and raised her hand to stop her mother. “See I can climb up the stairs.” Danielle ignored the pain and climbed up the stairs.

She looked at her mother with a smile. “You see I’m okay and I will be alright even tomorrow. It’s not something you should spend money or, I just need a little rest and that it.”

Elizabeth studied her for a while, she breath a sigh of relief. “Okay, if you say so.” She watched her enter her room.

Chris sat down with Alicia having the promise lunch as his face was full of smiles as he stare at her. Alicia saw her smiling. “Are you this happy that I’m having lunch with you?”

Chris raised his brow up and grinned. “You can see it in my expression already.”

“Chris.” Alicia looked at him with a serious expression.

“Hmm..” Chris blinks.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized.

Chris was confused. “Why are you sorry?”

“Just, for everything.”

Chris put down his spoon. “Can you just smile cause it’s been long since I saw you smiling.” Alicia smiled. “Alicia are you bothered by anything?” Chris asked.

“Why did you say that?” Alicia asked looking at him curiously.

Chris leans close to the table. “Your behavior changed.”

Alicia smiled gently. “They call that maturity."

"Maturity?" Chris sighed. "I've known you since you were young, it's not maturity." He stare at her face seriously.

"Then what is it?" She rest her chin on her hands, looking him straight in the eye.

"Are you having problems?"


"What problems? I can help you." He studied her expression, now concerned.

"Man problem." Alicia said softly.

Chris frowned slightly. "Man problem?"

Alicia chuckled to see his facial expression. "Joke."

Chris breath a sign of relief, one thing he doesn't want was Alicia having any other man but himself. "Such a relief." He smiled.

"Do you love me?" Alicia asked as she bite her hamburger.

"Don't you know?" Chris leans close to the desk with a cute smile on his lips.

"I don't." Alicia said nonchalantly. "I just see you as a nuisance and interrupter." She looked at Chris who ignore her words.

He smiled and curls his lips up. "That's because I love you." Alicia looked up at him and their eyes met.

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