Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chris was a little bit bothered by the limping and bleeding knee of the lady he knocked down the other day. He didn't understand why he felt bothered bit.

He tried to search for her but shakes the thought away. Ramon who noticed his reaction approached him with a drink. "What's bothering you?" He hands Chris the drink and sat close to him.

"Nothing much." He sipped the cola. "Just a lady I knovked down by accident." He said indifferently.

Ramon looked up interested. "What happened to her? Why are you bothered by it?"

Chris looked around if he could spot her in the field but he didn't. "She was bleeding and limping, I just have the feeling that it would be worse today."

"Did you apologise?" Ramon asked Chris who became speechless. "Don't tell me you did not apologise, to a bleeding and limping lady."

"I told her to fix herself." Chris tried to justify himself.

Ramon scoffed and looked at his arrogant friend. "It would be worse today Chris. You should at least check if she's okay."

"I don't care." Chris shrugged.

"But you care." Ramon pointed at him, knowing that if Chris doesn't care he won't let the matter bother him.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Hey, I don't even know that person and how can I go searching for a person I don't think I would see. It's a big school, where do I start searching?"

Ramon exhaled softly, knowing that chris was right in it being a big school so he decided to let the matter rest for now.

Chris smiled. "I have got a good news." Ramon looked at him curiously. "I confessed my feelings to Alicia."


"Yes. I'm so happy I did." Chris grinned as he sipped his cold again.

Ramon looked at his friends happy face and couldn't help but scoff. "Don't you feel tortured?"

Chris stopped smiling, puzzled by the question. "What do you mean?"

"Someone you knocked down is still in pain but here you are feeling so happy and joyful."

Chris expression turned cold. "I've got to forget that, don't make me look bad cause I can't even remember the face of that lady and she is so crazy to have bad mouthed my mother."

Chris got up from the chair now furious as he remembered what she said about his mother. "I don't even want to see such a person, if she's in pain then she deserves it."

He runs his hands through his hair and scanned Ramon with his cold eyes. "Ramon see you later, I think you're a joy spoiler." He turned and walked away.

Ramon exhaled softly as he watched him leave, praying for his friends attitude and heart to be changed.


Danielle was in school still having problem walking, but she pretends to be okay in front of her mother this morning.

She sat down at the open field going through her book. "Hi, Danielle" Someone sat close to her as she looked up to see who it was.

"Hi, how do you know my name?" She asked when she did not recognise who it was.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me. Elle."

"Oh, name sake." Danielle smiled happily. "Sorry, it's just because you appeared and left suddenly."

"I was in a hurry then." Elle smiled as she look at Danielle again.

"I'm glad I met you again, I thought you were an angel sent to pass a message to me, a useful one at that." Danielle touched her hair gently, still staring at Elle.

Elle smiled. "I just wanted to inform you."

"Can you please make me understand what you really meant?" Danielle asked curiously, the last time she did not understand.

"Well it's just as I've warned you, you need to be very careful not to be pointed out as a low class."

"Don't everyone come here to learn, what's these class things all about?" Danielle was still a bit confused.

Elle faced her with a serious expression. "It's the rich world here, so they vote by class, the low ones who come in here are bullied and made to transfer, I just want you to be aware because I see you have a unique character." Elle pause. "Can we be friends?"

Danielle nods joyfully. "Why know? I would love to be friends with you."

Elle looked down at Danielle's knee. "Your knee is injured and swollen, what happened?"

Danielle look down at her knee and back at Elle. "Oh this. I fell down, more like knocked down." She smiled softly.

"Knocked down?"

"Yes I bumped into a rude mannered man, he didn't even apologise." Danielle frown at the memory of that arrogant man.

"Well, it's more like this school." Elle muttered.

Danielle looked at her skeptically. "No, I have met different people with good characters, this one is just so full of himself. Well I won't let it bother me since that kind of person would never change. I hope we never cross paths again." She looked down at her book.

Elle smiled gently. "Just take care of yourself, you're so forgiven."

"Well there is no gain in holding grudges." She smile.

"That's one good feature in you." Elle and Danielle chuckled.

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