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Ramon tracked Danielle in the school resting zone and walked over to her. "Hey, excuse me." He called out softly.

She lifts her head up to see the tall figure standing close to her. "How many I help you?"

He swallowed hard. "I don't mean any disrespect, but is your leg okay?" He pointed at her knee.

"Yes. Why not."

"Can I ask you how you got the injury?"

Danielle was a little puzzled at how curious this stranger was, but she just had to say it. "I fell."

"Like bumping into a man?" He pressed his like together and wait for her response.

Danielle looked at him more closely. "Who are you?"

"Ah, sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Ramon." He stretched out his hands but she didn't take it so he dropped it back to his side.

"Ramon, why are you so curious about my injury?" She asked with her brow slightly raised.

Ramon exhaled sharply. "I think my friend is responsible and I'm here to apologise in his stead."

"Your friend?" Danielle scoffed. "That rude man."

Ramon sat close to her. "I.know he's so rude."

Danielle frowned. "He can't even apologise, well, I'm not even expecting that from him anymore,'s okay." Danielle looked away.

Ramon admires her and smile. "You're so kind, others will bear a grudge." He said honestly.

"They ought to, he really needs to fix his manners." She scowl.

"I'm sorry." He apologised.

Danielle looked at Ramon. "He is lucky he has a friend like you."

Ramon smiled. "He's just like that to ladies and almost everyone. "

"He really needs to change, tell him I have forgotten about what he did and that I'm not angry at him but he should be a little nice." She got up. "I would take my leave now." She turned to leave.

"What's your name?" He called out.

"Danielle swift." She smiled and left.

Ramon touched his chin. "This Danielle has a good heart." He smiled and leans back on the chair.


Ramon went over to Chris house during the weekend and they both played video game together. "That lady, Chris, she has a good heart." Ramon told him while they play.

"Which lady?"

"The one you injured."

"I did not injure any lady." Chris full attention was in the game he was playing.

Ramon just took a glance at him and shakes his head. "Well, I apologise to her on your behalf."

"What?" Chris dropped the game and looked at Ramon. "You what?" He snapped.

"I did it since you refuse to do it." Ramon shrugged.

"Are you okay?" Chris glare at him.

Ramon looked at his friend with furrowed brow. "But, you know what, she have even forgotten and forgiven you for your wrongs, she told me to pass an advice to you, she said you should change your manners." Ramon stretched the last words to him.

Chris eyes darkened. "She should watch what she says. Let her wait until I get my hands on her." He grits his teeth.

"Hey you should apologise for your wrong doing." Ramon was tured of his arrogant attitude too.

Chris looked at Ramon with a furrowed brow. "Ramon, that lady will get it hurt from me." He sneered.

Ramon scoffed. "Do you have any idea about the pain she is going through from that swo6and injure knee, have you seen it yourself, how bad it is?"

"Are there no hospitals?" Chris sighed. "Those things are public nuisance." He yells, referring to Danielle as one.

Ramon swallowed hard and breath out. "You're wrong again Chris."

"Ramon, please. I'm tired." He closed his eyes and saw the image of her bleeding knees and limping legs. He opened his eyes. "Aish! So bothersome." He stood up.

He picked up his wallet and phone. "I guess I should go see Alicia, it could clear my mind. See yourself out later." He walked out of the room.

Chris went over to Alicia's house which was few blocks from his own. "You're watching without a popcorn, good thing I got one." He walked into her room and saw her seeing a movie.

Alicia looked up surprise to see him. "How did you get in here?" She sat up.

"I let myself in." He knew the password so there was no need to knock. He walked over to the fridge. "I guess you have some drinks in your fridge."

He brought two can cola and the popcorn and sat down on the chair next to her, putting the drink and popcorn down. He looked at Alicia who was still staring at him. "I know I'm your superhero." He opened his arm with a smile on his lips.

Alicia scoffed. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to see the person I love." He winks her and opened the cola for her. "What movie is this?" He looked over at the screen.

"An adventure movie." She said simply and sipped her drink.

"Again." Chris looked at her. "I guess I should put more interest on adventure movies and novels to suit your taste." He smile and sips his cola.

"Really?" She smiled and turned to continue her movie.

"Yes." Chris stares at her for a long time. He leans in and kissed her cheek.

"Chris." Alicia looked at him with a wide eye.

Chris smiled. "I wanted to clear my mind this is why I came to see you and now I feel the burden leaving my shoulders. Alicia I love looking at you cause it makes me relief."

"Chris." Alicia puts on a serious expression. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" He smiled and stare at her expectantly.

"Please stop liking me." She said softly and seriously.

Chris stopped smiling. "I can't. Why should I?"

"I consider you as a friend, so.please."

Chris rubs his face, trying hard not to frown. "I would not stop loving you, Alicia." He told her seriously.

"I don't love you, we are just childhood friends." She tries to make it clear to him. "Maybe you're confusing that to love."

"I'm not a child Alicia." He stare at her eyes, his expression getting more serious.

"Then stop acting like one."

Chris got up from the chair. "No matter what, I won't stop loving you, so better think and reconsider it."

He exhaled softly and picked up his phone. "Bye." He smiled gently. "Seeing you was helpful." He turned around and left the house before she could say another word.

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