Read with BonusRead with Bonus


How could a woman like her who sells their body and soul just for money affect me so much? Who the fuck is this woman?

“Yeah, I like her,” I answered to Mr. K when Mexica went to the veranda to get some fresh air. It’s cold outside. Why did she go out? And wearing that fucking lingerie, huh? Is she out of her mind?

“I can give her to you,” said Mr. K again which irritates me.


“Yes. If you can close our deal tonight and give me good results. Just take it as my gift.”

I didn’t respond. Wait, why am I anticipating? I should’ve directly told him my decision about our deal! And that is fucking no! I will never agree with those dirty hands!

Mr. K suddenly barks laughter and stand up. “I will leave the two of you in a minute. Then think about my offer, Mandemus,” he winked at me and I knew what he meant. He expects Mexica to fuck me just to close our deals. It’s cheap and it’s not my type in negotiating business deals. Is this one of his dirty tactics to close the deals of some businessmen?

Before I stop him, he already went outside and lock the room, leaving the two of us, Mexica, inside the room. Mexica went inside the room and closes the door on the veranda.

She asked me. “When will you go out?”

“Why would I go out?”

“That old bastard went out, weren’t you supposed to follow him?”

Woah. Old bastard. She also addresses her master in that way, huh. “Do you often call him that?”

“Who are you to dictate what I say?”

“Aren’t you a sex slave of your master?”

She seemed hurt. Why? What’s wrong with what I said? It’s the truth. If not, then why is she here?

“You don’t know me,” she answered, finally.

“You seem familiar to me. Have we met before?”

“I told you, you don’t know me.” She look away when she said that. Something’s fishy.

“I think I’ve seen you somewhere,” I stated and stand up. When she was about to run away from me towards the big staircase, I grab her arms. “Tell me, you know who I am, right?”

She looks cold and fragile. “I don’t know you,” said in a harsh voice and with finality.

“Your eyes contradict,” I said.

“Remove your hands, Mandemus!” she said, aggressively.

I was shocked because she knew my name. We didn’t introduce our names. “You know my name…” I whispered.

“I… I just heard it from my master.”

“And now you’re calling him your master?” She was about to run away again from me, but I grip her arms. “Who are you?” I asked her in a baritone voice.

“Didn’t you hear my name? I’m Mexica! Stay away from me!”

“Do you know what your master told me?”

“I don’t fucking care!”

“You are supposed to do your best to make me feel better.”

“Why should I do that?!”

“You know what I mean.”

“I don’t! And stay away from me!”

“I’ll count one to three.”

“I told you! I don’t fucking care!”

“Three,” I said and pulled her in my chest. I stroke her hair to calm her down. I hug her and we stay in that position in a minute. We didn’t talk. I just continue to stroke her hair until her shaking subsided. She must be very, very, petrified of me. Maybe she expects me to be one of those men like Mr. K who will do such things to a woman like her. But I’m not that kind of person.

“Aren’t you going to force me to kiss you?” she asked in between sobs. She is now crying like a baby in my arms.

“No,” I answered.

“I thought you changed. Your body is telling me so.”

Inside my head, I smiled. She knew who I am from the very beginning.

“Who are you?” I asked her.

She started to loosen up herself and tell me her story. “I didn’t want to be here in the first place. My family moved to China a few years ago to sell me in ginseng house and I ended up here. They went back after getting the money.” She looked up to me. There was raging anger in her eyes.

“I’m Valkyrie, your childhood friend. Do you remember me, Mandemus?”

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