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Chapter 6


I instantly walked down on the stairs. I ensured that tears were not visible on my eyes. This is really disgusting! I couldn't feel what I'm actually feeling right now.

What happened was suffocating as fvck! I couldn't believe that I was eventually raped by my boss? Was I? I couldn't believe it, I just lost my virginity?

Not that virginity has something to do with women's dignity but it could eventually a gift for my future husband. It was actually for him but that Kiro!

That Kiro is a monster! I will tell everything to Madam and Lady Linda!

He just fvcking molested and raped me yet I couldn't do anything. This is worst. I cried my heart out awhile ago at the comfort room but I feel like crying out again now. I want someone whom I could talk to. This is insanely frustrating. I want to get out of this mansion as much as possible but things are hard when it comes to me.

I'm sure that Madam is on her study room so I went there immediately. I was about to enter but I heard two persons talking inside.

"M-madam, what if Kiro used Lyka for his p-pleasure? I am so worried for that child! Why did Joday and Doday let her go to Kiro's room?!"

I was shocked at her words. It was Lady Linda. So they knew? What, they knew? What the hell is happening? They knew? And what do they call it? Pleasure?

I'm sure there's still something behind those words. . . . What could probably be it?

"J-just calm down, Linda. . . . You know Kiro's condition, we can't stop him."

Condition? And they can't stop him? Why couldn't they stop him?

"I'll just going to pay her like how I pay those former maids Kiro used so she won't spill the tea. I will protect my son, he's been through a lot," Madam explained.

They will pay? They will pay me to shut my mouth up? That's a crap!

I was dumbfounded on what I've heard. So, I'm trap? They will just pay me if I'll complain? So, there's nothing I could do but shut my mouth up?

What the heck? I feel like crying again. I feel so hopeless. And what just Madam said? Just like the other former maids? So Kiro also raped those maids?

What's happening, really?

I was flabbergasted when the door opened and Lady Linda was already in front of me. She's with Madam, too.

I was shocked to see them, so are them.

"L-lyka? You're here awhile a-ago?" Madam asked, nervously.

"A-ahm, no no Madam! I was just about to enter but the door opened," that was my alibi. I don't know why I have to gave an alibi when perhaps I am the victim.

"O-okay, you're the one who went to Kiro's room for his f-food, right?" Madam asked.

Lady Linda's eyes were imitating. She's nervous.

"Y-yes, madam. Why?"

"I was just asking."

Lady Linda then clinged into my arms.

"There's nothing wrong happened to you Lyka, right? Y-you're okay, right?" She then hugged me. This was the one I needed awhile ago— a hug. I badly wanna cry on her shoulder and tell her all my disappointments and pain. But, I need to numb it all.

I knew to myself that I can't lose this job because my family is rooting on me. They need money, we need money. And I'm sure the "money" that Madam was talking about with Lady Linda awhile ago won't be enough if I tell them what Kiro did unto me.

"Linda! Stop asking her—"

I interrupted Madam's word when I answered Lady Linda's question.

"Ahm, what's wrong, Lady Linda? What's the fuss? There's n-nothing wrong. . . . What are you talking about?"

The two women stood still on what I've said. As if my words were not believable.

Yes, I need to do this. I need to lie, fo my own sake. I couldn't lose this job. I am not an educated person so some employers won't open an opportunity for me if I apply job and work for them.

"What did you say, Lyka?"

"Did we heard it right?"

They fired me questions. It was as if they were already expecting that Kiro would do something to me. Funny, they didn't help me! They're really bad.

"Lyka, I was worried about you. You're too precious at first sight. Tell me, he didn't do anything on you or did he do something? Lady Linda is here for you, okay?"

"Stop that, Linda!" Madam shouted at her. I was shocked to see that side of her. What's the matter?

"Then if Lyka is telling the truth. Then, my Kiro is already cured, right? My son is already cured, right Linda?" Madam smiled like a mad woman. She even clapped her hands while asking Lady Linda the same question again and again.

"Tell me, Lyka. You're telling the truth, right? You're telling the truth, right?" Madam asked.

I choked on my own saliva before answering, "Y-yes Madam. . . . What's the matter? Why are you acting like that?" I pretended.

"N-nothing, nevermind. I am just so happy, Lyka!" She shrieked.

"Linda, please call the Kiro's doctor immediately and don't let Joday and Doday wander around the mansion. Tell them to stay in the maid's quarter." She commanded and held my hands. She then grabbed me and we entered the study room. She let me sit on one of the sofa and gave me a smile.

She's the weirdest person I've seen.

"M-madam, what's going on? This question is really running on my mind now. . ."

She then sit on another sofa, the one in front of me and took out an envelope.

"L-lyka, Kiro my son has an illness. A condition where in abnormal of sexual hormones occurred," she explained. I was shocked on her words. What? Does that illness even exist? I do not know anything about it.

"What? What about it, Madam?"

"He has a Satyriasis. We will just wait for the doctor so you could understand the condition well."

"I also locked Joday and Doday so they won't wander around the mansion. They don't know about Kiro's condition. . ."

I was speechless. Literally, speechless.

Later, the doctor arrived together with Lady Linda in the room. Madam and the professional greeted each other.

"The roots of out-of-control sexual behavior may be quite varied. It may be caused by underlying personality disorder, an 'addiction' or physical disorder."

"Nymphomaniac in the female and Satyriasis in the male believe to be caused by pituitary gland dysfunction or irritation of the brain cortex," the Doctor then explained while we keep on listening.

"In Kiro's case, you told me Madam that he experienced anxiety and depression. Well, anxiety and depression contributes a lot on his state. . ."

"You also told me that he always drink alcoholic beverages. And that contributes too."

Madam Gustavo then nod. Gustavo is their surname, by the way.

"Yes, doctor. You already explained these to me. Now, can we talk about his new medication?"

The doctor then gazed at me. What's that gaze means?

"Lady Linda told me on the phone that awhile ago, a maiden went to his room but then did nothing with the woman?"

Is that a big factor for his condition? What? Then, my lies were not really good. They will probably think that Kiro is already cured. I know that it's respectful to call him on his name but I don't want to put honorifics on him. He's a demon.

But. . . Isn't he a victim too? Of his condition? He's not on his normal state and I'm sure if he doesn't have that illness, he'll be just like her kind mother?

I shrugged all my thoughts and listened to the doctor.

"Yes, doctor. The girl in front of me is the woman who went to his room. But he did nothing on her, fortunately."

The Doctor then smiled and congratulated Madam. What was that for?

"We should change our medication for him then since he's improving. . ."

"Antidepressants, certain types of depressant used to treat depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder may help with with his compulsive sexual behavior. . ."

The professional continued talking.

". . .Naltrexone, used to treat alcohol and opiate dependence and blocks the part of his brain that feels pleasure with certain addictive behaviors. It'll be a great help for behavioral addictions such as compulsive sexual behavior. . ."

".... And lastly, the Mood Stabilizer, generally used for bipolar disorder BUT may reduce compulsive sexual urges," the doctor then gave Madam the receipt.

Madam Gustavo and the doctor continued talking.

Argh. I just want a shower to erase all of his touch on me. I'm hopeless and my mind is clouded on what's going on. Spare me some time to think about this whole thing, please.

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