Read with BonusRead with Bonus



The teens were all led by an Alienodriod each to a section that was so massive, similar to a stadium but enclosed at the top with a glass dome making the sky visible and it's natural light illuminating the entire arena from above. The teens filed in from various corners into the arena clueless of what was actually about to happen. Well armed Alienodriods stood guard around the perimeter preventing anyone from going out or coming in. It looked like a gladiator match contest with absolutely zero spectators and unlike a stadium with a football pitch, the floor was entirely paved.

" Welcome! Dear Earthlings! "

An amplified Alienodriod voice boomed all over. There were no signs of massive speakers but still the voice flooded the arena with no specific source.

" You all have been summoned here to participate in the secondary test level. A phase of consistent mental and physical tests that would help us accurately quantify your various mental power and strengths. You will all be divided into groups of six members and each group would decide on a group leader themselves. " The voice paused. Every human teen assembled in the arena could hear it.

" Now, your ring bearer which is the collar-like device around your neck has already been matched with your members. You are to look for those five members and elect a group leader yourselves. " Murmurings ravaged the entire arena making the speaker quiet for a while.

" How do you know your members? "

The voice continued. " Your ring bearer would make a beeping sound Immediately you get to arm's length with your designated member. This could take the whole day but you've been allocated a total of five hours to do that. Any group who fails would meet the consequences. Good luck. " The voice ceased.

" Just five hours?! " A young teenager beside Jane exclaimed surprisingly. She glanced at him and sighed with her arms folded. She didn't seem to be show any form of anxiety regarding the situation at hand but she stood comfortably narrowing her eyes about trying to see if she could identify Elliot somehow. ' we are over a thousand plus. What am I thinking? He could be anywhere. I can't even recognize him if I see him. I hope that fool knows what he's doing. ' she thought. The scene was like the evening hours in a mordenized city when people got back from their place of work, It was crowded. The teens moved like ants from a shattered anthill from here to there with a great noise in search of their members.

" Hey! " A girl who looked about Jane's age greeted her. That was the third ' hey ' she said to get Jane's attention.

" Oh...hi...I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you over the noise. " Jane apologized as she turned to look at who it was.

" Uh, that's okay." The girl giggled nervously then presented a bright smile.

" My ring bearer beeped Immediately I got this close to you. I guess we are in the same group. " She added with another grin.

" Oh I see. That's good. " Jane replied plainly. She was extremely poor at making or sustaining a conversation. Back on Earth, her mum would jokingly call her ' Raven ' and she would ignore with levity. The girl before her didn't seem disappointed, she still had a charming grin glued to her face as she constantly pushed her long black hair behind her left ear.

" I'm Yeona " She said and threw her right arm for a shake almost automatically. Jane wasn't used to this, she never made friends or talk to people that much but she did likewise. " Jane. " She said.

" Nice to meet you, Jane."

" Same." Jane could tell she wasn't American by her accent and facial features. She was Mongolian. She had a very long dark hair with thin brows and pretty white eyes, a v-shaped face and pink thin lips with a skinny and tall figure unlike Jane who was fleshy and average height. Jane had her hair woven neatly into fat black cornrows, she had beautiful huge eyes that suits her perfectly with fat dark brows, A flat nose, plump lips with the lower part naturally red and a round face. Her oily brown skin was enough proof she was African.

" Aren't we supposed to be looking for our group members? " Yeona asked.

" Nope. We'd let them find us. " Jane replied looking elsewhere.

" You realize we don't have the luxury of time " Yeona remarked.

" And you realize we can't afford to waste energy. " Jane glanced at her. " The speaker made it clear it was a mental and physical test. " She added.

" So we just let our members find us instead."

" Yes. Like you found me "

" You think it's easier that way? "

" It is. If the six of us are looking for each other, the chances that we would never find each other are very high. " Jane explained.

" That's true. But if we all stood one place the chances that we would never find each other is a hundred percent sure " Yeona pressed.

" You weren't standing one place like me, were you? "

" Neh. "

" So are the others. Not everyone thought about what I'm doing. " Jane replied and gave an expression that suggested she was done talking. The two became silent for a while. Yeona had no choice but to stick with Jane. She didn't even like the idea of looking for just five people out of a thousand plus individuals. It would definitely be exhausting. They both had a point and both ways could get them their members but one was easier than the other.

Three hours afterwards,

The intensity of the crowd had reduced. Most groups had found it's members but people still moved about in haste. Jane and yeona now stood together with three other young teenagers like them. They had found their members except just one in less than two hours.

" Okay, it's just one more person left. " Leon, who joined after yeona said as he made a proud stance looking around like he was scouting for young footballers from the sidelines.

" Just relax dude. He or she would find us in no time. Jane's idea is the best. " Jose said and gave Jane a smirk but Jane wasn't even looking.

" I know that. And I'm not worried." Leon turned to him. He was German. Everyone could tell. He was about yeona's height, had a dark brown fluffy hair, small green coloured eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. He also had a wide a jaw and broad shoulders.

" You did sound like you were." Jose sighs as he tugged his coily black hair. His English wasn't as smooth as the others. He barely spoke English that much so it sounded a bit funny. He was a Brazilian and appeared to be very much older than the rest with his visble growing moustache line. He had a brown skin which was a bit lighter than Jane's and was much more slender than Leon and certainly not as muscular. He had dark eyes and a nice set of white teeth and lips not as thin as Yeona's or Leon's.

" Hey, you haven't said anything since you came " Yeona said with a smile to the member who just recently found them.

" I-i was trying to catch my breath " She stammered for no reason.

" Were you running? " Yeona asked with a giggle.

" No but it was tiring moving around this place... And I'm not used to crowds " she said very lowly. Yeona could tell she was very shy and definitely was the youngest of them all.

" Oh, sorry about that. What's your name? "

" It's.. it's Charlotte. " She replied.

" Nice to meet you Charlotte, I'm Yeona. " She pulled her cheek playfully and it made Charlotte blush.

" Okay... " Charlotte smiled and Yeona giggled thinking it was cute. To be precise, Yeona saw her to be so cute. Her timid nature and light voice was very attractive. She had a straight blonde hair with a fringe over her forehead. But she was about Jane's height but much younger. She had brown eyes and a straight nose with thin lips. Her skin wasn't as white as Yeona's, it was pale. She had an Australian English accent which Yeona could notice as she spoke.

" One more hour! " Leon was definitely anxious now.

" I think we should look for the last person. He or she hasn't found us yet " Yeona said.

" That doesn't sound like a good idea to me." Jose said." If we go looking for the last person we would never find ourselves back in time. It's like starting again. " He pointed.

" We have just an hour left, Jose. " Leon faced him with a confused stare.

" We wait." He replied like a parent would when they have their teenage kids pestering them over something they are not willing to give.

In no time, the voiced boomed back into the arena announcing a group had a member who wasn't present at the moment and that would be the only group spared if they are up to five and not six.

" You think that's our group? " Charlotte asked Yeona.

" I have no idea " she replied.

" What about you, Jane? " She turned to her.

" Maybe " She answered not turning to look back at Yeona. She appeared to be lost in thoughts. Elliot hadn't returned for three days before this. She wondered if he had actually escaped or was caught and detained somewhere else. The reason she said maybe to Yeona was the fact she believed Elliot was caught and could possibly be their missing member. ' That boy is a dummy, how did he think he would escape ' she thought.

" Time Up! "

The voiced boomed after an hour was gone.

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