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" I think i should be group leader. "

Leon sat on a steel bench in the group room. The group room is a small private compartment allocated to every group for it's members to have a brief meeting in preparation for their tests.

" And why should we make you? " Jane gave him a cold stare. She was leaning on the wall directly facing Leon. Jose leaned on the closed door while Yeona and Charlotte shared the last steel bench in the room.

" Yeah, why should we make you? " Yeona added.

" Because I'm tough... A leader should be tough. " Leon made a chuckle feeling his reason was obvious.

" Why do I feel this has something to do with your muscles? " Jose questioned with a smug look.

" I know right?! " Yeona chortled, Charlotte giggled lightly.

" When I said ' tough ' i meant... Yunno, like responsible? " Leon said not sure if he picked the right word.

" So we all appear irresponsible to you? " Jane retorted and the others chorused a laugh.

" Alright, fine! ... Why don't we... " A heavy bang is made on the door silencing Leon and attracting everyone's attention. A startled Jose dashed away from the door at first before realizing he had to open it since he was the closest. He reached for the knob then makes a twist on it. Seeing who it was alone, he opened it widely.

" Here is your last member, group 7C. " An Alienodriod guard said as it ushered Elliot into the room before leaving.

" Olá " Jose greeted in Portuguese as he shut the door. Elliot walked in silently not saying a word as he returned a calm look to the gazing eyes in the room.

" Shouldn't you be introducing yourself? " Leon asked after a minute of silence went by. Elliot threw a glance at him and back at everyone like he was just noticing their presence.

" Uhm, I'm sorry.. I'm Elliot. It's a pleasure to meet y'all " He managed to say.

" Here I was thinking you died " Jane said with a smirk.

" Jane? " Elliot asked surprisingly with brows springing up.

" No, Bethany. " She replied with sarcasm and Elliot chortled.

" Okayyyy?? " Leon cleared his throat. " What's going on here? " He added.

" We are ... cell neighbours " Elliot turned to look at him as he tucked in his lip feeling the statement ' cell neighbours ' sounded really weird.

" We don't know each other. " Jane interjected.

" Wow, really? " Elliot's left brow went to his hair line.

" Yes, really. "

" Alright, whatever. " Leon said. " Elliot, I'm Leon. This is Yeona, Charlotte, Jose and Jane whom you already know.. "

" We don't know each other. " Jane muttered gently.

" .. We have been told to elect a group leader amongst ourselves that would help to coordinate the group and make us perform our best during the forthcoming tests. " Leon narrated.

" Okayyyy?? " Elliot gave him a ' go on ' look.

" We were about selecting one before you waltzed in." Leon added.

" Waltzed in? " Elliot repeated, feeling that sounded rude.

" Ignore that. " Jose said in Elliot's ears and placed a hand on his left shoulder as he walked past him from the door.

" You already sound like you're in charge if you ask me. " Elliot said.

" You see! Elliot thinks I should be the group leader. " Leon forced a grin.

" I don't think that's what he meant tho " Yeona muttered.

" Leon is the group leader. " Elliot made a sharp reply, turning to her.

" But.. "

" Do you want to be the group leader? " Elliot cut Yeona off raising his voice a bit.

" No." She replied.

" Anybody wants to be the group leader aside Leon? " Elliot looked at everyone. " Leon has no contender and that would be the only reason he becomes group leader. " Elliot added turning to face him. An Alienodriod forced the door open breaking nothing but the five seconds of silence, startling everyone.

" It's time for your first test " It said.

" Coordinate us to success, Captain Leon " Elliot said with a false grin.

The test commenced at the arena where the teens had selected out their members. Leon's group, group 7C was faced with another group in a soccer game.

" Seriously? Soccer?! " Yeona shrieked in disappointment.

" Out of all sports.. " Charlotte shook her head and sighs.

" Welcome to your first test in the STL phase. " An amplified Alienodriod voice flooded the arena. Both groups were the only people present which made the sound echo.

" Group 7C and Group 5B, you'll be engaging in a game similar to soccer. Both teams will be given a ball each and your goal is to successfully take the ball of the other team while preventing yours from being taken " The voice added.

" It's a defense and attack game all in one. " Elliot said underneath his breath beside Jane.

" What do you think they want to get out of this? " she whispered back.

" I don't know.. Prolly our strategizing and physical abilities... Speed and endurance inclusive. " Elliot replied.

" You're yet to tell me what that act was about? " Jane asked.

" It's nothing.. "

" Don't tell me it's nothing. Why did they take you away and why were you so scared that day? Why aren't you telling me? " Jane became curious.

" This place.. " Elliot sighs. " This place is not safe... It's not safe for any of us. Forget about how well we are being taken care of and all this fun we are having. It's not what you think it is. We are being used. " He added then turned to look at her in the eye. " I'll tell you in details when we get back to our cells "

" ..the first team to successfully do this within the given time frame of thirty minutes wins. If any team or both teams fail, you'll be severely punished. " The voice ceased. A ball was shot out from a nearby wall, one each directly to both teams. Jose caught it immediately due to his keen reflexes. An enthusiastic expression beclouded his face.

" We live soccer in Brazil " He said before flaunting his skills.

" Ripper! " Charlotte exclaimed feeling impressed.

" Good to see we have someone good in the game. " Leon commended then turned to Elliot.

" What? " Elliot couldn't get the reason for the stare.

" You realize it's a game for us " Leon said emphasizing on the ' us ' with more pressure.

" I'm afraid I'd be stepping out on this one. " Elliot replied.

" What do you mean by ' us ' ? " Jane questioned.

" Weren't you listening? Only three members from both teams are allowed to participate. The other three will step out. " Leon explained. " Elliot you have to be cooperative on this " He added.

" Of course I am. I'm so poor at playing so it's best I step out. "

" You don't know how to play soccer?! " Jane gave him a mocking laugh and Leon joined in.

" What's so funny? I have Incapabilities too godammit! " Elliot said and walked out.

" You have a minute more to begin. " The voice came back on.

" So which one of you ladies would join Jose and I? " Leon asked.

" Not me " Charlotte and Yeona chorused and walked out.

" I will. " Jane volunteered with a shrug, watching the other girls back out.

" You don't have to force yourself to " Leon said.

" Don't act like you can play without a third member. I'm your only option.. Doing it for the team. " She said and walked forward to participate.

The game commenced shortly and both teams held their own. It appeared difficult to both teams as they strived to win each other's ball.

" If Leon keeps this strategy we're gonna lose " Elliot said to Yeona from where they stood as spectators of the game.

" Why do you say so? " She asked with a quick glance.

" Leon thinks him and Jose attacking would earn him our opponent's ball quick but it's leaving our ball vulnerable to being taken. Especially since it's Jane who's defending. She's not so skilled at the game but she has done her best so far to keep it. The truth is if Leon doesn't change the strategy now, Jane would definitely lose it since she doesn't have someone to pass it to. " Elliot explained.

" What if Leon is gambling on that? What if his aim is to win the ball before Jane loses ours. Cause I believe he's aware Jane is barely holding off " Yeona stated.

" That would have worked in no time if our opponents were using a single defender. Both Jose and Leon are fast, they'd have won the ball before our opponents " Elliot pointed.

" Elliot is right. But switching to the opposite of this strategy would result to the same outcome because our opponents would switch too " Charlotte said from behind making both of them turn their faces to look at her.

" So are you saying both teams can't win? " Elliot asked.

" If they continue like this, yes " Charlotte replied.

" I don't think these things would give us an impossible game " Yeona said with a sigh referring to the Alienodriods.

" They are called Alienodriods.. " Elliot corrected.

" How do you know that? " She gave a curious look.

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