Isabelle watched as the tall man stood in their living room, a demeaning look on his face. An eerie silence filled the whole room as he looked around. He was about six feet tall, and really big. Although he couldn't see her, she felt like he could see all through the walls of the room. But his face didn't resemble the look of a beast as her father told her. She could say he even looked quite handsome for a man of his profession.
When she saw another guy pushing her father in the back and throwing him on the floor, Isabelle quickly rushed towards the kitchen to prepare a tray for tea. It might have been a stupid idea but she couldn't think of anything else to do to help her father who was obviously in danger. She had to do something.
She knew he wasn't the perfect father. Ever since her mother died, he seemed to have died as well. They faced hard times and he tried his best to keep putting food on their table. Eventually, he had no choice and had to borrow money from the richest and strongest man there was in the town. Welcoming this stranger with a cup of tea was the least thing she could probably do to ease the growing tension.
Just as she showed up with a tray on her hands, she saw the tall stranger stop what he was about to do. He frowned in confusion and looked around the room, as if searching for something. Then his eyes caught hers. She didn't know what to do then. Something in his eyes seemed to be telling her something but she was fairly sure he's just absolutely curious about her. She had never seen him before and only ever heard about him.
It was rumored that he didn't age and looked still as young as he was before. Perhaps that explains why he still looked as handsome as a man in his youth, given that he was the most powerful man known in town.
Her father kept telling her he was an extremely dangerous man. The strongest he'd ever known. But now as she observed the stranger, she could see just how cold and mean he could be. He values a man's word and punishes those who violates it. Even just looking at him made her a little nervous. Still, she would have to face him with courage. She had to help her father ask for forgiveness. Technically speaking, they deserved this treatment. Her father should've paid him a long time ago but time hadn't been kind to them and they were left drowning in their own sea of troubles.
The stranger's face remained unemotional even as he kept staring at her, observing her. She would give anything to know what he's thinking. But first, she probably should start greeting him. As Isabelle began walking down the stairs, she could feel all eyes on her. She strides towards them fearlessly and put the tray on the small glass table in front of the visitors. "Would you like some tea, sir?" she asked politely and his eyes flickered with surprise.
"Isabelle," her father called, his voice sounding nervous.
"Yes, Papa?" she asked, looking back at her father with a frown. She knew he didn't want her to interfere. But seeing him almost getting killed right on the spot earlier, he couldn't expect her to just standby and watch. She had to do something.
"I'd like some tea, Isabelle," the handsome stranger spoke up, taming all of her attention. She tried her best to ignore the way he called her name. It sounded so sultry and sweet and just perfect. He sat on the sofa behind him and leaned back comfortable in his seat, looking like he was having the best time of his life.
She proceeded to pour him a cup of tea and he thanked her as soon as she gave it to him.
"My pleasure," she replied, bowing down in respect. She waited for him to finish drinking before finally speaking her thoughts. "Sir, I hope you can give my father another chance to pay for our debt. We're doing our best to earn money and we still need more time. I hope you'll understand."
He took his time, finishing his tea. "I do understand.. that I need to end the agreement now before it gets worse. Your father took advantage of my generosity and I won't tolerate it anymore. Besides, a young woman like you shouldn't be working to pay for your father's debt."
"I'm his daughter and I'm willing to take the responsibility," I retort. "It would mean a lot if you could give us another chance."
"I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that proposal, Ms. Jones. I still want what I came for."
Isabelle almost felt like giving up. Were they really going to end up like this? Was her father going to jail? Or worse, die? Are they going to take him away to punish him?
"But we don't have the money," she protested, defeated.
He shook his head in disagreement. "That's not what I want anymore. At first, I wanted your father's death, but now I see.. there's no point in killing a man who can't even fight for himself when his daughter needs him the most. Your father doesn't deserve you."
She had no words to say and no thoughts at all. And with that, he seemed definitely satisfied. Then he turned his head to look at her father, directing an intensely glare at him, his eyes darkening with anger.
"Keep your end of the bargain, Mr. Jones. Your time's up and I want something else in return."
Her father began to look even more nervous. "I don't have much, Alpha Jaxon. I have nothing—"
The man called Alpha Jaxon slammed his fist on the small glass table in front of him. The glass shattered loudly and broke to pieces, the sharp sound erupting to the whole room. His eyes began darkening in anger and she jumped back in fear at the sight of him.
"I want her."