Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Caressing the waist of a lady

Kate William is the managing director of People's bank. She's a tall slim lady with a figure 8 shape. She's beautiful and have a pointed nose. She has a pair of white beautiful eyes.

She's hardworking and diligent and that contributed to her quick rising to the position of a manager within few years after been employed.

Next morning, the day after her last encounter with Raymond, she drove as usual to work. As her, car raced into the bank premises, she frown at the sight before her.

She saw the head of the marketing unit Lukas Jamiu circling his hand on the waist of Betty one of the staff.

What nonsense? How can he be touching another staff in such a careless and carefree manner?

He is not representing the good image of the bank and she would make him pay for it. The duo smiled and kept talking without noticing the fact that the boss lady had seen them.

Kate called for a brief staff meeting that morning. She precide over the meeting as expected. She gave a few words about how they needed to publicise the bank and drew in more customers and investors.

After that she went to the main reason the meeting was called. She started by saying, the people's Bank is a great financial institution who had survived and outlived many of its competitors.

One of the reasons why it survived was because discipline and forthrightness had always been their watchword. And when the word discipline is mentioned, it has to do with the staff of the institution who portrayed the trait in them.

For that single reason of upholding the legacy her predecessors have left behind, she would not condone any form of misconduct. Therefore a certain person will serve as a scapegoat for others to learn from.

" Mr Lukas Jamiu, you are henceforth relieved of your position as head of the marketing unit and you'll go on suspension for a period of two weeks. You are a senior member of the board of directors, you should be ashamed of yourself for indulging in an act of indiscipline!"

Everyone shivered at Kate William's words. What had Lukas done to deserve such a demotion and even have to go on suspension. What act of indiscipline had he engaged in?

Lukas opened his mouth agaped. What had he done to deserve this punishment? He raised his head and looked at his boss with confusion in his eyes.

All the staff bowed their heads. None dare to raise their heads for fear of meeting the boss' gaze. They concentrated on the files on their desk but was observing everything from their split vision.

"This morning, weren't you seen caressing the waist of a lady at the bank premises?" Kate asked looking expressionlessly. Deliberately avoiding to call the name of the lady.

Lukas was shocked. He wasn't caressing,he was only holding her by her waist and it was an innocent act no strings attached.

"No ma'am, I was just holding her by the waist and not caressing her"Lukas defended. How can just holding a lady by her waist be misinterpreted to mean something else?

"Oh really? Then tell everyone here the difference between holding by the waist and caressing the waist?" Kate inquired.

Lukas became speechless. How can he explain differences between the two. He didn't know he was coming to sit for an interview. He would have read and study for possible questions.

"Jacintha, you'll take over the position of the marketing unit henceforth. Any other questions?" She looked around totally ignoring Lukas facial look.

Seeing no one said anything, she dismissed them and the meeting came to an end. Immediately she went away, all the staff gathered around Lukas sympathising with him.

The boss has a total dislike for the male staff. What the females would do and she wouldn't even say a word, if a male does it, sorry will be the case.

That way, Lukas went on suspension and Jacintha took over his position. 70% of the senior position in the bank, ladies were heading. Only God knows what men or the male gender had done to her.

Later in the day, Kate dialled front desk unit and asked that Betty see her in her office. Soon the later arrived and stood before Kate.

Kate sized her up and down before saying " Looks like you are so cheap that every dick Tom and Harry can effortless caress your waist as they like. If ever I see you cheapen yourself again in or around the bank premises, then count yourself out of job"

Betty bowed her head. She knew it. She was the lady whose waist the boss claimed was caressed. She's Lukas partner in the act of 'indiscipline' like her boss claimed.

She had been worried after Lukas left and kept wondering besides her, who else did Lukas hold in such a friendly way? They were just exchanging cordiality and nothing else.

But since she perhaps have never experienced been caressed, how can she be able to differentiate between holding and caressing, how can one possibly explain to her now that she would understand?

"Am sorry boss" Betty said. She'll just say anything that will calm her rather than explain that Lukas was not caressing her.

"Sorry for yourself. That's how you allowed youselves to be trampled upon by men" Kate response was blatant. She eyed her before asking her to leave her office.

Betty bowed slightly before gently walking away. What's her business with that, If she allow men to trample on her? She's an adult and can choose to live her life in her own terms and not by hers. But offcourse, she can only say that in her heart.

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