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Touch and See

That morning, when Raymond arrived his office, he called Jane and thanked her for giving him a wise counsel the day before. The later smiled and said it's nothing. He then Promised to reward her some day.

After that, he got busy until lunch hour when Richard came over to his office and called him for them to go for lunch. Richard was his friend but also his employee.

Together the two young men went to the company's cafeteria. Soon their friend Oscar joined them and they made their orders.

While they waited, Richard asked his friends if they were able to go for the movie premiere they were invited for?

"Oscar is a pain in the ass. He kept me waiting all evening and never showed up" Raymond complained. He was really upset when Oscar made him miss an invite. He had even forgotten that he promised himself to go even with him.

"Am sorry. I forgot I promised you to wait for me" Oscar apologised. He really forgot truely and when he remembered, it was late in the evening.

He just married few weeks ago and it seemed he couldn't just go out easily like he used to do. His wife needs him as well and he's trying to adjust and strike a balance between friends and wife.

"You forgot, and you didn't see my calls as well right?" Raymond asked. After keeping him waiting all day and made him waste his time loitering around the house. He even called him and he didn't answer the phone.

"You called me? I didn't see your missed call nor knew when the phone rang"Oscar responded sincerely. He brought out his phone and scrolled through and saw Raymond's missed call. "Am sorry Ray. I swear I didn't see it"

Richard started laughing and winked an eye to Oscar. His friend now forget to make up for an appointment. Infact he didn't know when his phone ranged.

Having a wife is great but responsibility follows. His marriage is yet to clock a month and he has already begin to forget meeting up with his friend as agreed by them Both.

"Are you Ok Richard?"Raymond inquired faking annoyance. He wondered what so funny that Richard have to laugh so annoyingly.

Richard forced himself to stop laughing and answered Raymond's question. He said he was wrong to have relied on the words of a man who just got married.

Oscar made him lose their appointment and couldn't even see his missed call. Does that give him any signal? The dude was probably busy at the time.

Oscar threw him an eye and tried to restrained himself from laughing as well. Looks like he was busy at the time as Richard had teased.

"Not my fault, the drive is still very high" Oscar blurted out and started laughing. Richard joined him leaving the now smiling Raymond to shake his head.

The waiter served them their lunch and Raymond dug into it. He thought as much when Oscar didn't answer his call. Whatever, the duo would take advantage of this to taunt him.

"Hurry up man and get married. You are the only single man among us" Richard urged. He knew his friend would have been more than ready to be married but that Kate of a lady is been hard to get.

"Time, just give me time guys and everything will be fine"Raymond replied. His waiting for Kate to love and accept him. If that's out of it, then marriage is the least thing that will keep him waiting.

"If Kate is playing too hard to get, there are other prettier ladies out othere Ray" Oscar declared. It's been years since he's been chasing that lady and he has nothing to show for it.

Different occasions, he had witnessed how she embarrasses him and yet his friend will still feel unoffended and continued from where he stop to keep chasing her.

"I don't want any other prettier lady, I want Kate William. It can only be her" Raymond snapped at him almost immediately. He doesn't want anyone else. He only loves Kate.

His two friends said nothing more and quietly ate their lunch. Richard was the most disturbed. Kate was Mabel's childhood friend.

And because of that, Kate had become a family friend. He feels uncomfortable seeing his in the middle of two friends and don't know who's side he should stand.

Kate is a great friend and a good person. Once he heard Mabel told him that Kate was suffering from a psychologically problem. She hates men because she hates her father. She believes all men are same.

She had stayed away from the male species all her life. At a time in their university, she was nicknamed 'touch and see'. She got that nickname when a course mate of theirs mistakenly hugged Kate like other female students at the beginning of the semester.

That guy would never forget what he experienced that day. Kate slapped him across the face after violently pushing him away.

Mabel said she can't remember if there were more horrible words found in the dictionary that Kate didn't use to insult and harass that guy.

She went further and reported him to the school management for sexual harrasement. It took much pleadings from her and other trusted female coursemates to persuade Kate to withdraw her case against that guy.

Since then, everyone male took to their heels and nicknamed her 'touch and see'. But when close to Kate, one would readily agree that she's kind hearted and can go miles to make her loved ones Happy.

She's arrogant to those who know her from afar but very friendly with those who really knows her. If you want to have a great relationship with her as a male, never cross the limit by uttering the words 'love, date or hanging out together' to her.If you do, you'll see another personality of hers.

Soon they finished their meals and returned to work. Raymond asked Richard how's Mabel and the kids? He would create time and come see them.

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