Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 003.


"Hi mum...Hi dad!"  I held the handling of my portable back pack as I greeted mum and dad, who are in the living room watching movie.

The living room is just as little as my back pack. Am I perhaps exaggerating? Maybe I am because the living room was little enough to have a dining room.

"Oh my girl! Welcome dear." Dad responded sweetly.

"How was school today?" Mum asked in a low tone with a smile painted on her round beautiful face.

"Fine mum...Is Carlos home yet?"

"No! He is not back. I have prepared something for you guys, go serve yourself."

"Alright mum, thanks!" I uttered on my way to my room.

I dropped my bag on the bed immediately I got inside, laid down on the bed weakly and folded up a leg unto another with my hand wrapped over the pillow as I placed my head on it. I thought of how much I was going to miss Clifford. I agreed we were still so young, but I'd know what I want at this young age of mine. This was not just a relationship for fun, I believed our love was stronger than our age. How would cope without him with me.

Tears forced itself out of my eyes and flipped down the pillow. Then, a knocked came through the door. I wiped off the little tears and rouse up from the bed as Carlos – an average short guy barged into the room without waiting for my permission.

"Why are you so late today?" I pulled off my jacket and hung it on my closet.

"I had to wait for an extra curriculum activities. What is wrong though?" He threw himself on the bed, pulling his sneakers off.

"Nothing is wrong. What do you mean by that?" I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off too, left with my white under wear.

"You look dull sis. I sense something is wrong. Talk to me."

Carlos had always been a loving and caring brother to me. He'd know if I was good or not even if I try keeping it from him. He had fought for me many times before,

I couldn't forget the day he had to hit some guys who bullied me back in my former school.

I sat back on my bed wobbly and leaned on the wall holding my pillow on my leg. "Carl!  Clifford is leaving."

"Leaving? For where?"

"He is  leaving for abroad. I don't know what to do Carl. I felt I'll be losing him forever. He assured he is  going to be back for me, but what if he didn't come back?"

"Joyce!" He moved beside me on the bed and gripped onto my hand."You love him right?"

Funny how he called me by name anytime he wanna be serious.

"You know I do."

"Then, why don't you have faith in your love for him?"

"Carl! You can't understand."

"Because he is girls favorite? Hmm! Is that it?"

"You know how much admiration he get from girls. I can't stand it if I have to lose him to other girls. I am scared."

He chuckled. "I know how much OK? But I also know how much Clifford loves you and he also can't stand losing you to any other guy. Aren't you beautiful too? Guys admires you a lot too, but still you never go for them. Same as Clifford, he won't go for them. So sis," he clasped my hand on his glaring at them and later looked into my eyes. "Give me that usual smile that makes you beautiful always."

I giggled."Thanks love. You are my hero."

"That is  more like it, so let's go eat, I'm starving. Mum said she prepared something already." He acted babyish.

"Foodie. OK, let's go on." I grinned.


I walked inside the small apartments that already looked empty or was it just me? The frames that was hung on the painted wall was no where to be seen. My eyes thumped at the luggage aligned at the entrance of the wooden door.

What was going on? I thought, then I saw my parents' moved out with a suit case, then an handy bag like they are set to leave the city.

"What's up dad? Mum! What is going on?" I called to their noticed as I gazed back at the luggage.

"Good you are here! Go change your clothes, we are leaving now. I don't think we need to wait any longer." Father uttered hastily, reaching for the luggage.

"What! Now! All of a sudden? What is going on here? What of my studies? My friends? I will be leaving them here without a proper goodbye? This is not fair, what are you doing this for?"

"This is not  about your friends right now, and your studies, I will make sure you complete all in abroad, but right now, think about your parents'." Father concluded, pointing his finger at me.

"Mum! You are not saying anything, can you just explain what is going on to me?" I stared at mother, then back to  father.

"What is your problem Clifford? I asked you to go change now, no more questions, no more words from you. We can't afford to miss the flight because of you. I have call the cab man, he will be here any moment, so get ready." Father was harshed on his words which made it look weird to me, he was not always like this. I guessed something was wrong.

"Son!" Mum dropped her palm on my shoulder. "Listen to your dad, this is not  the  time to think of your friends, think about us and your future. I bet all is for the best," she flipped down her hand to my palm as she said, "now go change."

I got inside my room and took my phone which was under my pillow in hope to tell Joyce everything, but she wasn't picking up no matter how hard I tried.

I pulled off my uniform and changed into a jean trousers and a forest green shirt designed in a black colour. I moved back to the living room to see no one.

"Son! Pls hurry, the cab man is here." Mum called out loudly.

I hurried outside, but my only focus now was to reach Joyce. Why was she not picking up?

The cab man zoomed off to the airport after everyone got to the car. Dad sat down at the passenger front sit, while I and mum were seated at the passenger back sit. I placed my right  hand on the window with my phone on the same hand still contacting Joyce.

The cab man pulled  the brake hard which caused everyone to lose sit balance which also caused my phone to fell off the window.

"Gosh! What happened just now?"  I asked in frustration.

"I am sorry, a car crossed us carelessly just now." He responded as he fixed his hand on the steering, then the other hand on the brake about to start the car.

"I need to take my phone, please stop the car for a moment." I requested.

"Please just move on! We gonna miss the flight." Dad stretched his hand forward to indicate like he doesn't understand what he just said with words.

"What is going on? I just asked him to stop the car to take my phone dad! My friend's contacts are there. I am gonna lose them forever and I can't afford to lose any of them. Pls just stop the car."

"Move on! What is the problem with your friends? Can't you just think about us for a moment, all you care about are your friends... From now henceforth, I don't wanna hear you mention any of your friends, not anymore." Dad scowled.

"What is up with my friends? I still don't get it. What's going on? Mum!"

Mum held my hand to signalled me  not to talk back.

"Ahh!" I gasped. What is going on now? I hope Joyce would wait patiently for me and trust my love for her.

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