Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 005.

My face shoved with a big frown as he leered at me. A girl broke in the moment;

"I can now see how shameless you can be Joyce. We  all are aware that your ex boyfriend and your current one are sworn enemies, how come  you fall in love with your ex enemy?"

"The answer is obvious. Her ex is handsome but a broke guy, the current one has this money every ladies want, so"– Lisa smirked while  everyone laughed out to her word.

"Can we pls just stop the rubbish you girls are saying." Eddy yelled.

"This is just how Joyce is different from you girls. You girls have been saying nonsense to her since, but she still doesn't say anything to you all, not because she had nothing to say but because she never need to act like a fool you girls are." Eunice blurted out rudely, pointing fingers towards them.

"She kept mute because all we said is the truth. She can't deny it." Lisa defended once again.

"It is okay now girls, stop this now." Eric shunned.

"I don't need you to take side with me 'cause I actually knew what you are up to, then about the so called loan, it is also obvious you are only passing out fake rumors and I am sure it is you who planned it Eric."

"Like seriously! Now you are blaming me for your guy's mistake." He pointed to himself with the finger close to his thumb.

"I saw them myself and stop trying to defend the thief." Cecil cried –a tiny boy in class which was considered the tiniest in school. This was just what he was good at, spreading of rumors, the one he might have saw or the opposite. That was why he never had skin.

"What makes you believe he is a thief? By granting loans? Does that made him a thief? I believed you guys are educated and intelligent, but it's a pity I was mistaken."

"What are you trying to say?" Sandra asked folding up her arms to her chest.

"According to my knowledge about this, there are two types of loan banks could grant, the secure and insecure, but generally, banks grant loans to an existing customer with good credits," I wandered a bit and stretched out a finger to them, "I will only ask you guys some questions expecting you give me an answer."

"Go on! Let's see what you got, 'cause I am still not able to figure this out."

"Fine! Who are those legible to be granted loan form the bank? Can a bank grant loan to a layman who doesn't have anything in return to substitute the debt in case they are not able to pay for it? What I am saying in essence is, Mr. Francis couldn't be qualified for an unsecured loan, nor a secured one."

"Secured loans  which may be leveraged against assets or accounts you have at the bank, or something more tangible like a house, cars for securities." Felix responded intelligently, gesturing.

"Thanks a lot Felix. So with this, I still don't understand how the bank would grant loan to Clifford's family when they have nothing from what we both mentioned above, either the money or properties, how possible?"

"So. It is obvious they are fake bankers, simply means it is a conspiracy. Who could it be then?" Eunice puzzled.

"Someone who knows much about us, the person is aware that some students' will pass by at that time to spread the rumor to everyone, to ruin Francis's family reputation." I squinted at Eric, as his eyes trembled in fear. His throat gulped in and out, then he flinched over the scarf on his neck.

"Do we need to think much about this? Now we know they are innocent and thanks to our intelligent Joyce." Eric gathered the courage to speak out, letting out a gloom smirked.

"Is that so? Are you – are you really happy we found them guilty? Aren't you the one that plot this against Clifford all because you envy him a lot, you hated him and you want everyone especially me to feel the same. Isn't that so?"

"I wouldn't need you to give false accusations against me." He widened his brow. All he knew how to do is to point fingers acting all innocent.

"Isn't it making a lot of sense now? It is obvious you are the only one that hate him and only you could stoop so low to that extent just to ruin him."  Felix attacked him right on his face.

"Obviously!" Precious added.

"This is making sense now, Eric could do something like this because he has the power to bribe anyone with his father's money," Lisa declared in a high pitched voice." We are really sorry for thinking such things against you Joyce. Let's all apologize to her."

They all apologized to me and bombarded Eric for the goatish plans he made just to get me. He has once caused an innocent suspension for Clifford's for his own mistakes.  This is just one of his usual tricks to get me to love him, but he never knew it made him look more stupid.


Mic testing....

The event was crowded with people, in different dazzling attire. They all sat down as the arrangement of seat in banquet settings, rocking to the tune of music played by the DJ at the corner of the hall. The hall was decorated in elegant colors with glittering chandeliers hanged on the ceiling.

The table was embellished with bouquet, and fingers shop was placed at the front of each guest. The caterers roamed about the hall with foods in tray on their hands, serving each guest.

Joyce swirled around with a large smile on her face, clad in a long white wedding gown exposing the small of her back. Her hair was bonded in buns, with white clips clipped on it to beautify the hair. Her eyes dazzled in make over made by the short lady with an oblong face beside her, she smiled along with her holding onto the face brush.


I stared back at the mirror in the hotel room, admiring the beauty that suddenly embroidered in me. I could barely concealed my delight,  after five years of waiting. It worth to be grateful for, to finally be with the man who wanna be with just you. I flashed back to the memories of us, ignoring the buzzed caused by few friends of mine in the room – littered with used wipes, empty plastics of drinks, hills, cotton board and the sort I couldn't recognized.

"Oh my, you are glowing Joyce, look at how pleased and excited you are." Sandra voice came through, distracting my attention.

I still held on the smile on my lips.


I turned back my gaze in an amused look to  identify the voice that called up to me. "Oh! You are back already."

There was the photographer in an all black dress. He crossed his camera around his neck putting on a white snickers.

"Yeah! I am here to take the last picture now. Are we ready?" He said in a serious tone, then he positioned himself to take the pictures of me.

Sandra and I later became best of friends as we both gained admission into the same university, and we both studied the same course. I lost some of my friends contact in secondary school which made it impossible for them to show up on my big day.

"Joyceeee... "  I caught a sight of an attractive lady in a black sequence material, styled in a long straight gown that was lined, exposing her light skinned lap.

"Oh my God!"

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