Chapter 1
I ran out of my room panting as I wore my slippers. I just got a call from Pablo and he threatened to kill my dad if he doesn't see me in twenty minutes
I know this would end someday
I waved my hands to stop a cab
Fortunately, a car stopped
"Hi pretty". He said and I got in
" Drive faster please ,Pablo's club". I said
He ignited the car
That was when I remembered I was not in a cab
All things being equal, I'm gonna save my money
He got to my destination, I alighted out of his car and ran into the club
Hey! He shouted as I ran in
I don't have time for 'heying" now...I don't want to loose my father
"Why are you just coming, you are two minutes late!" He said and slapped my face
I sobbed
"Can I...can I see my dad?" I stuttered
"Yes, thank God you are here...I almost killed him." He replied and ordered his boys to take me to where he kept my father
"Father!" I called and went to him
He was on the floor with bruises all over his face
He tried to say something but then he coughed and vomited blood
Dona" he said
" Please, do this for your Father..it's just a month". He said and coughed again
"No dad, I'm working and I promise to.get you out of here soon." I said then Pablo's men came and dragged me away from him
They wiped my him, I cried and cried
No, I can't be a stripper!
My father was in pains as he was beaten terribly
Pablo smiled and smoked out of his cigarette
I couldn't take the pains anymore
"I will pay you your money!" I shouted and tried to free myself from his men who held me
"I will pay you your money, quit beating my dad!" I shouted again
He ordered his boys to stop and they threw my dad to the floor
He moved closer to me, I inhaled his cigarette which made me to cough
"When are you going to pay me?" He asked
"I...I...I will pay you when I have money". I said and he chuckled
" Remember today makes the eighth day and tomorrow, makes it ninth ..deadline". He said and squatted before me
"I told you I will...." He interrupted me with a slap
I groaned
"Take her out." He said and his boys continued beating my dad
I was dragged out of his room
Hot tears ran down my cheeks, I heard how my dad was shouting and screaming my name
He was in pains
"Dona, help me!" He shouted
I walked out of the club sullenly thinking of what to do
My name is Dona Morgan, I'm twenty five. I use to live with my poor dad before he got into pablo's trap
He happened to be here because of me. My dad borrowed a huge amount of money from him so that he could take care of me when I had a chronic disease
After I had the operation, Pablo abducted my dad and threatened to kill him if I don't pay him.back his money or I strip in his club for Thirty days
I'm working but I don't think I can raise the money in two years time and I hate exposing myself
I can't bare the way my dad's being maltreated
I turned back and entered the club
I walked to Pablo's place, he was smoking
"I have agreed to do the Job" I said and he clapped his hands
"Wow! Fantastic! Brilliant!" He said
"Will you free my dad now?" I asked
"We will let him go after thirty days." He said and blew the smoke of his cigarette to my face
I covered my nose
" why can't you free my dad now, I told you I'm going to do the job, what else...." He held me by my neck
"What I say is final, now get to work". He said and pushed me away
I coughed and coughed. I stood on my feet and followed his boys to where I could change
I met fellow strippers there, so.....I have to be a stripper for thirty days
" Hey sexy." A bitch said and came to me with a cigarette in between her fingers
I coughed and withdrew from.her
"Oh, you don't smoke?" She asked and moved closer to me
I nodded
"Hey guys, see a stripper that doesn't takes this." She said referring to the cigarette
They made jest of me
"What's your name?" One of them asked
"Dona". I said and covered my nose immediately
She looked at me from.head to toe then they all laughed again
" Who brought you here?" She asked
"Pablo." I shivered
"And he didn't tell you we don't wear this here?" She said sarcastically
I looked at myself, what's wrong with my dress? I thought
"Girls, give her the waters, she's stripping tonight". She said and walked to a place that looks more or less like a inner room
" Hi, I'm Sheela." A bitch said and came to me holding some underwear
I couldn't help but cough again, the smokes were....horrible and dangerous to my health
She threw the clothes at me and walked away swaying her butt left and right
I looked at the cloths
Geez! If I should wear this, it's gonna expose my cleavage and thighs
She came back with a scissors and some other make up equipments
"Sit." She said and I sat gently
I don't know what she was doing but I felt a cut in my hair
She made it blonde then I think she dyed it
She performed her magics and after an hours, she was done
Tadahh....she said and showed me a mirror. I looked like a slut!
I can't believe I'm going to do this, being a stripper was never my plan
She told me to change
I used the inner room and wore the clothes she gave me
. I went outside and then she wowed at me
"You look great, you'll sure attract a lot of customers". She said and made me turn around
My b**b were exposed
I sat on a chair and cried
" Hey, it's nothing...you will get your pay, I trust Pablo. " She said and sat beside me
"I'm not doing this work because of money, he has my dad and he threatened to kill him if I don't pay him or I strip here for a month." I said
"Oh... Get used to it, Pablo doesn't give a free gift." She said, I continued crying
"Girl, your tears won't stop him from taking back his money, you get to work and satisfy him with everything...everything". She emphasized on her last word
I cleaned my tears
" what do you mean by saying everything?" I asked
"You'll understand when it's time.." She said then their boss came in
"Be outside in five minutes." She said and left, smoking as usual
"She's Pablo's girl and also a stripper." Sheela said
She stood on her feet and amended the spoilt make up on my face
"Go there and show them your talent". She said and pushed me outside
The club was full with a lot of people, high personalties
Musicians and actors
Men actually
The stripping girl was done on stage then it got to my turn
I walked slowly to the stage and waited for the song
It started and then, I found myself doing it
I was really stripping
I forgot I was Dona, I danced like a legend slut
I did it like I have been long in the business.....
I swayed my butt up and down the stage. Performing like a demi God
This is it Dona, you can do it
You can save him
I wowed as the lady on stage swayed her adored body
This girl gonna be sweet even than Lilly
Gosh! So perfect. She showed her face
O M G! It was the girl I carried earlier and she looks more beautiful and s*xy this time
The music ended and she ran out of the stage
Hun? She was supposed to come and patronize us as the law implies
I've got to have the girl tonight. My d*ck erected but I controlled
I stood up and went to Pablo
Boss... He said and offered me a cigarette
I collected it
What brought you here? He asked
That girl.. I responded
What ever her name is, I gotta taste her tonight. I said
Boss, there are better ladies here, she's a newbie. He said
I don't care...
Alright boss. He said and whispered to his boys
Some minutes later, they came out holding the girl
That's her, take her to the special room. Pablo said and she was forced in
I wonder why she was acting stubborn. I winked at Pablo and followed them
i was threw into the room, and they closed the door
Why am.I here? I panicked and asked myself. The guy I saw earlier at the bar came in with a cigarette in his mouth
He took off his wristwatches and jewelries and besides, he was the guy that took me here, he's a renowned musician in Singapore, Sammy King, I heard he's flirt as well
He took off his cloth and was soon coming closer to me
What was he trying to do, I guess this is what Sheela means by saying ',everything