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Thirty days as a stripper chapter ten


I went to the inner room so i can change to something responsible but then Jessica and one other bitch i don't know her name crossed me

Can...can i go...please? I requested and she hit me on my face

Oh my.gee!

I told you to be careful now you are taking all my customers. She said and pointed her index finger at me

I held the cheek she slapped

I'm innocent. I replied and she slapped me again

Are you crazy?! I remarked then she gripped my hair and pushed me to the wall

Let go off me! I shrieked

Shut up. I don't ever want to see you come here again, all customers are demanding for you....

But you have Sammy...

Shut up! She yelled at me

I have customers apart from Sammy, they ask for you instead of me even Pablo pays more attention to you

I'm sorry, please let me change to something responsible, i didn't take any of your customers... Leave me alone. I said

She took me out through the backdoor and gave me a life beating

I'm sorry....

They hit me in every part of my body most especially my face

I will destroy your face...

Hey! Someone shouted and came out of his car

Sammy, stay out of this. Jessica said

Oh shut up tramp, are you doing this because of what i told you? He said

Yes...she's taking you away from me...

He brought out his phone

I'll call the police and you'll go to jail. He said

I covered my exposed body with my hands

Go ahead.... I don't gave a hell! Jessica yelled back at him

I 'll come back for you! She shouted and left with her friend

I was embarrassed....

It's alright. He said carried me into his car

He got inside and ignited his car

He drove out of the club. I cleaned my tears and sat upright

Where are you taking me too? I asked

My house. He replied

Thanks. I muttered


I got home after some minutes

Are you okay? I asked as i turned off the engine but got no reply

I turned tl her, she was asleep

She sleeps so fast

Jessica is a disappointment. I told her to help me find a way i can have Dona and the next thing she did was to beat her up in public

I'll tell Pablo about this

Welcome boss. My securities said at once

I opened the door and carried her in a bridal style

I took her to the guest room amd covered her with a duvet

I stared at her and brushed back the strands of her hair with my hands

Why is she going through all these?

i rolled up and down my bed. Feels good and soft. I muttered

Suddenly, i opened my eyes

Where am i? I asked myself and got up from bed. I looked at myself

My half naked cloth was still on but how did i get here? I questioned myself then i remembered what happened


I shouldn't have allowed him, I hope he didn't do any thing to me. I thought and checked myself


A knock fell on the door.

I gave no response to it.

If you are awake, just come downstairs. He said outside

How? With this on my body? I asked myself

I opened the closet and I saw a towel

Good. I took it and covered my body

I can't stay here all day.

I opened the door and went downstairs, he was sitting in a couch with his legs crossed and his phone in his hands

I stood for a while and looked at his handsome face, I smiled and continued walking

Good morning. He said without raising his gaze at me

I was about to respond when he stood up and answered a call

Why are you in a towel? He asked after he ended his call

I cleared my throat then he muttered an 'oh'....

I'm sorry, i'll get you a shirt. He said and tried walking upstairs

Do alone? I asked and he stopped walking

Not really. He replied and went upstairs probably to his room

His house looks great! I looked at his pictured on the wall

Very nice and handsome. Just that he is a flirt and I hate him for that

He came back with a white T-shirt and he handed it over to me

Wear this till the time I get you some

I collected it. I was expecting him to go but he stood still with his hands in his pockets and then....he did that thing

Lips helping me doesn't mean I'll give myself to you. I said and he smiled

Don't you like to be around me?

Yes, I don't like it! It's destiny that brought me here and thanks for accepting me in your house. I said and attempted to walk away then he drew me back by my hand

What? I asked slapped his hand off me

I'd love to say this again, you've got some crazy curves. He said and licked his lips

I sighed

Sammy, can you do me a favor?

What favor?

Please, till I'll get a new house...don't you ever mention or talk about my body structure. I said

Okay then. He said

Thanks. I replied and took the stairs then he said again

You got some curves....

F*ck! I ran to my room

How am I sure he's not trying to seduce me by bringing me home

Do I even like him?

Wait...of course I do not like him...he's just handsome for nothing

A flirt. I said in my mind and wore the shirt

Oversize... Thank God it long and it reached my knees

I sat on the bed and thought of what my dad told me

'Pablo is a bad person, I should leave....'

I can't do that, only a heartless person would do that. He is my father

Who to do?

Maybe....I should inform Sammy and maybe he would help me.out but......what if he asks for my body in return?

Oh God...what should I do?

After some minutes of staying in my room, I was bored

I went downstairs and met him setting the table

Oh...I was just about to call you, food is ready. He said and pulled out a sit for me

Did you cook these? I asked

No, I ordered for it. He replied and sat down

I was about to eat then I realized I haven't brushed my teeth

Oh gee! I dropped the fork

Why? He asked

I haven't brushed my teeth. I said and he laughed

Why? You think it is funny? is funny, just too funny. That's poor hygiene. He said

I don't have a brush here and I think I haven't brushed my teeth for the past twenty four hours. I said

Oh my! I'll be back. He said and went to a room. He came out holding a new brush

Thanks. I said and collected it then he directed me to the nearest basin

I washed it and returned to my seat.

He was no longer there, where did he go? I asked myself

Whatever! I started eating

I thought of discussing my problem with him...maybe when he comes back

He was making a call and walking hurriedly as well

He got to my spot and he ended the call

I have an appointment.. Bye.


I'm sorry, gotta go now. He said and walked out of the house hurriedly

Oh......I guess I'll tell him.when he comes back.

I left my phone at the club, what if Pablo calls me

He would be mad at me and I don't know the time he wants me in his club

! I sighted a ipad on the table

Ow..he must have forgotten it. I picked it and ran outside but he is gone already

Ma'am, do need anything. One of his securities asked

No..thanks. I replied and went back inside

I double tapped it screen and it opened. No password

His wallpaper looks great, a picture of him and an old women. No all that old though.

I swiped to his gallery and viewed his pictures. Nice pictures

I mist confess he is really handsome and cute.

Ladies picture dominated his gallery, what do you expect?

He is a flirt. I hate flirts, they would surely cheat on their wives when the get married


We need to get to the company in ten minutes, manager kang is waiting for us. I said and searched for my iPad

Oh sh*t! I forgot it on the table! I said

Sir, is everything alright? My driver asked

Yes, ride on. I answered

We got to the music company signing me for a business

Manager kang must be inside. I stepped out of my car and walked in with my securities following me

O M G! Ha!!!

A young teenage girl screamed and ran in my direction

My security stopped her before she could have an access me


~love your songs

~He's handsome

Why do we have teenage girls here? I asked manager Kang when I got to his place

They are up coming artist probably signed in by this company. He replied

They should control themselves. I said and looked around

A young lady of my age was giving sexual signals, invisible kisses and all that.

She's tempting and then...

She went to a corner where I could see her clearly and she moved her butt

Oh my gee! Don't tempt me. I muttered and she did it again

Oh my! I'm gonna have that! I muttered

I'll be right back. I said to manager Many and went over to the lady

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