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Thirty days as a stripper chapter five


I drove out of the club

"So, where is your house?" I asked but I got no reply

Dona... I called but still got no reply

I half looked at her she asleep? I asked myself and stopped driving

I looked at her

Oh my goodness, see an angel!

She looks more beautiful when asleep


It won't be nice if I wake her up, she must be tired and won't be nice if I take her to my house

I looked at her sexy lips, br**st and her mad curves. I can't rape her....


Maybe... I should I should wait till she wakes up

To be candid, she was beautifully created


I woke up to the sound of a phone. I yawned and sat well

My neck hurts and....why am I in a car? And Sammy...

I hope he didn't do anything bad to me

"Sammy?".. I called

He raised him head and looked at me

"Good morning". He greeted

"What did you do to me"? I asked

"Nothing". He simply replied

"Why am I still here"....

"Chill babe, you slept off before I could ask for the address to your house". He said and picked up his phone

"Unlock your car, I need to go".

"Chill baby doll". He said softly and unlocked it

I opened the door and went out of his car

I ran forward and made sure he wouldn't see me again

I hope he didn't do anything silly to me, I need to check myself when I get home

Taxi and cab men moved up and down, I think I'd have to trek home

I don't have money and I am hungry as well. I shouldn't have slept off yesterday

I began my journey

Gosh, I am tired, where am I going to get money to go to Pablo's club this evening?

He's gonna kill my dad

Why must I go through all these


She's always acting strange, acting pure and holy. I know i'll get to her potato one day. I thought and did my usual habit

My lips

Very found of doing that. My phone rang again

Oh.....Miss Gina, I ignited my car and drove home

I got out of my car and my securities ran after me


~You were not home yesterday




I'll talk to you later . I said and they all left at once

Miss Gina came downstairs

Sammy. She called and came to me

Are you okay? Where were you yesterday? She asked

I'm fine. I replied and sat down

She went to the kitchen and came out with a cup of coffee, she gave it to me. I collected it and placed it in the table

Are you not drinking? She asked

Not now, I haven't brushed my teeth. I replied

So, you are leaving today? I quickly added

Yes, right now......I was waiting for you and thank God you are here. She said

I'll miss you. I said and gave her a long hug

Same here child

Be careful. She said after we unlocked from the hug

Boys. I called and they rushed out

Take Miss Gina's luggages downstairs and drive her to the airport. I said and they bowed and went to her room

Make sure you get a new maid. She said and I laughed

I don't need a maid, I'm old enough to cook myself. I said

You know nothing, all you do is follow ladies around. She said and gave me a knock on my head

Ouch, that hurts.

Sir, we are done. One of my securities said

Alright, have a safe journey. I said and gave her a hug

Bye. I said and sat on the couch

I picked up my phone and checked my email

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