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Thirty days as a stripper chapter eight


For the last time, stop calling me baby doll. She replied and I smiled

You know what I want....

My body? She asked cutting me off

Yeah. You drive me crazy, just give me an hour and let's go in....

Shut up! She shouted cutting me off then she closed her eyes and held her belly

Are you...are you okay? I said and tried touching her

Get your hands off me. She said and opened her eyes

You are troubling me, leave my life alone. She said and I licked my lips

C'mon baby.....

Sammy! She shouted

What? I'm a super star and I want you on my bed, so what's surprising about it. I asked

Oh gee! She said and sighed

I noticed she was holding a bag

What's in that bag? I asked

None of your business. She said and walked away

I followed her

Dona, just a night....a night

Do you want me to take you home?

No. She replied

Just a night baby, just a night. I said and she stopped walking

Bad boy Sammy, my sweet words got into her brain.I said within myself

She turned to me .

Just a night and......

Stop following me! She yelled at me


Babe, listen.....

She turned to leave but then she lost her balance

Her bag fell

Hey hey hey! I shouted and caught her in my arms

What happened to her?


Dona?? I called her name countless time

I carried her in a bridal style, I opened the door to the back seat of my car and carried her in

What happened to her? I wondered

I got to the driver's seat, I ignited my car and drove to the nearest hospital

I drove into the hospital hurriedly

I got out of the vehicle and carried her in

Oh my gosh! Sammy King! A nurse shouted

Where the fuck is the doctor?! I yelled

Oh.... They brought a stretcher and I laid her on it

She was taken to a ward

I stared at my hands

I carried her. I should have touched her butt but I didn't remember to do that

A nurse came to me with her phone in her hands

Can I take a selfie with you? She asked

I licked my lips and gave her a full look

How about we do something more than that. I replied and winked at her

She held my hands and took me to a toilet

Few hours later

Have taken a picture with the nurse in the bathroom, You know

A doctor came out of Dona 's ward

Mr Sammy I have been looking for you. He said

Here I am, how is she? I asked

Ummm, well, she's fine but we discovered she hasn't been eating for days

It may lead to ulcer. He said

Ulcer? How? I asked

I should ask you that, she has not been eating and that has reduced her strength. He said


I'll write you the food she's gonna take to make sure she's back to normal

Okay, can I see her? I asked

Yeah sure but do not wake her up. He said

Got it. I replied and walked over to her ward

She has not been eating? What could have caused it

A beautiful girl like her. I thought

I went inside

She was sleeping, medical stuffs were connected to her body like drip blah balh blah

I know nothing about medicine though

She has not been eating...........

I used my index finger to brush back the strands of her dyed hair

She's Beautiful


I opened my eyes,my vision was blur for a while then it became clear


Where am i? I asked myself and sat upright ....someone was seating close to me with his head on the bunker


He raised his head and smiled at me

You are awake. He said

Why am i here? how did i end up being here...i was at poblo's club yesterday and you were pestering me and......

You fainted. He completed the sentence

He stood up and brought out the flask in a bag

You brought this for me? I asked with a smile on my face

Yes but before that.....

You want my body? I asked sarcastically and he scoffed

No, but before that the doctor complained you haven't been eating lately..... Is it true? He asked

What business of yours is that? It's my business if i eat or not. I replied

C'mon! Try to be grateful. He said and sat on the chair

I think he is right

Okay.....thanks for bringing me here. I said then he smiled and did that thing i hate


So, you wanna tell me why you haven't been eating? He asked

I don't have a house I said

That's why you haven't been eating? But you work for Pablo, don't you?

Yes i do's a personal story. I muttered

I don't even know where to stay, i'm homeless......

I can help you. He said

You'll help me get a house? I asked

No, you'll live in my house. He said i get it, you want to deceive right....that won't just fly. I replied and he scoffed

Let me know when you done making your decision. He said and opened the flask

Eat. He said

I don't trust you. I muttered as i took a bit

Oh my gosh! What is this? I asked and gulped down water


she didn't swallow the food

Oh my gee! What is this? She asked and gulped down water

It's food. I replied

Your cook made this?

No, i did. I replied

Aigo! This is a mess. She muttered

What's wrong with the food, it's great right? I asked and took a bite

I couldn't swallow it but i smiled

It's good. I hummed.

I stood up and walked to the toilet with my hands in my pocket; big boy style

I vomited it as soon as i got to the toilet, this bad

And i read the recipe very well, i followed every steps.....

I went out of the toilet and met her eating the food

No, don't eat tastes.....bad

Really bad.

But i'm hungry. She said

I....i'll go get you food from the eatery. I said and walked out of her ward

My food

Amma bad boy


I was waiting like forever, i don't even know what time it is

I hope it's not six yet

Finally, he came in with a lunch bag in his hands

What time is it? I asked


Five thirty four???!

Oh my! I got up and disconnected the drip

Hey, easy. He said

I wore my floppy slippers and ran out of the ward

Your food! He shouted

I don't want the food now, thank God i ate little out of his bad food

I was already outside before i realized my bag was inside

I ran in and met him packing

Hey. He said

Hey, where are going? He asked

Where is my bag? I answered with a question

Your fell at the club yesterday. He said


Because you fainted!

I need to get to Pablo's club before six. I said

Alright, i'll take you there. He replied and took his car keys

I followed him outside and entered his car

We left for the club

You know we ought not to leave without the doctor's permission. He said as he drove out

F*ck you. I said

F*ck your ass...

What? Are you okay? I asked

You started it. He said

I fastened my seat belt and couldn't stop thinking of where to stay tonight

Can you please drive faster. I said to him

Chill, you are in my car. He said and did that thing i hate


But why are you going to his club by this should be seven right. He asked

Just drive. I replied

Pablo's Club

Thanks for the ride. I said and went out of his car

He came out

And that's all i get from taking you here? He asked and i chuckled

What else? My body? That's never gonna happen. I said and walked in

My stomach made some sounds

Oh shut up intestines. I said and went to the change room

I changed my cloth and went to the counter, waiting for Pablo

He came outside

Hey girl, you are two seconds late. He said

Two seconds? I mean two seconds isn't something. I replied then he slapped slapped me

I am not done talking so you don't talk back at me! He yelled silently

Tear streamed down my cheeks

What's up Pablo. Sammy said coming towards us

I cleaned my tears immediately

Boss! He hailed

Yeah, what about Jessica? He asked and gave me a full look

Gosh! I was wearing a half naked cloth and he was looking at me seductively

I..i'll get to work. I said and went to the stage

The Dj played a music and i stripped as usual......

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