Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

Yasmine ended work. She tried to forget the phone call. She was going home to her family.

She felt exhausted... her husband, Daniel was not yet home. He was always late these past few weeks... her daughter Diana arrived home a little later.

She was preparing dinner when her mobile started ringing... it was Daniel

"Hello? It's me... I'll be late again. Don"t wait up for dinner."

"Why?" Yasmine did not really want to ask, but it's been happening almost every night...

"Ah, we're having issues in the production line again... several managers are staying as well and maybe we'll have dinner somewhere..." Daniel replied almost irritated.

Yasmine had to end the conversation "Okay, don't stay out so late..."

Knowing that Daniel was not coming home for dinner, Yasmine called Diana to eat.

After dinner, Yasmine cleaned up went upstairs, took a bath and changed into her house dress.

She took out her laptop intending to do some work while waiting for Daniel. She opened her email and saw an email from Paul.

[Dear Yasmine, you don't know how happy and excited I was after our conversation a while ago. I could not sleep thinking about you... I hope we can talk again soon... missing you so much...Paul!]

She read it several times, she was still confused and does not know how to react. She decided to delete it. She decided she would not indulge him.

It was past midnight when Daniel came home. Yasmine pretended to be asleep. Daniel tiptoed, not wanting to wake Yasmine up.

He went to the bathroom, took a shower and brushed his teeth. Then he proceeded to the bed and tucked himself under the covers.

Yasmine turned around and said "You're so late..."

"Uh, yes... the guys asked me to tag along... I'm tired... good night. " He then turned his back and was snoring.

Next day was a weekend and Yasmine usually do not work on weekends. Diana has a school project and Daniel said he has work. So, Yasmine was left all alone in the house.

She decided to do the laundry instead.

She was sorting the clothes when she came upon the shirt Daniel was wearing last night... it had a red stain on the shoulders... it was red lipstick!!

Yasmine did not know how to react! Is she angry? Would she confront him? Is there a need to be worried? Is he cheating?

Later, Daniel arrived and said he already had dinner... Yasmine did not say anything. She cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs to take a bath.

Daniel was on the bed, typing something on his computer.

Yasmine said reluctantly..."did you go out for dinner again?"

"No, we just had some snacks in the office before going home" Daniel answered without looking up at Yasmine.

"Ah..." Yasmine said perfunctorily.

"Who was with you last night?" Yasmine asked while brushing her hair.

"You know... the guys from production and some of the admin staff..." he replied.

Yasmine could see Daniel was frowning because of her question and then said "why ask?"

"Nothing... I just saw a lipstick mark on the shirt you wore last night" Yasmine spoke without emotions.

Daniel looked shocked for an instant but immediately rearrange his face to hide it. Then he retorted "I told you last night I was with the guys and some of the admin staff. One of them probably bumped into me because the place we went to was kind of crowded."

Yasmine thought that Daniel's explanation was kind of shallow. But she did not say anything anymore. She finished drying her hair and went to bed. Soon Daniel was snoring.

Yasmine could not sleep.

While tossing and turning, she saw Daniel's mobile flashing - an incoming message arrived!

Yasmine usually don't check on Daniel's phone calls or messages. However, she felt curious as to who would be sending him messages at this hour, so she got the phone and clicked on the message...{you left so early... I missed you}

It was from an unlisted number, but somehow she recognized the number... it was the number of that girl...Aina.

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