Read with BonusRead with Bonus



He was hotter than hell itself!  Damn, though he didn't look that old, maybe twenty five or twenty six. Who knows? But, how could someone that young can be a boss?

"Hello, sorry I'm late." He said breaking me out of my stupid reverie.

Everyone was quiet and I couldn’t understand why. I was waiting for a ‘hey, is okay’ or a ‘better late than never’ or stupid things like that because in a matter of fact he is the boss and well, you know how it is when the employee acts like a total licker-in-the-eye for its own benefits.  Oh well...

But no! I really needed to roll my eyes at this awkward moment and since no one replied, I asked. "Why?" and frowned regretting it. I really wanted to hide under a desk for what I just asked.

He arc a menacing brown as if saying ‘I’m your boss, remember?’ But when he looked around understanding that everyone was waiting for the answer as well. He had no other option than to say, “Traffic." and forced a smile.

Traffic? I snorted, feeling immediately self-conscious.

Did I just snort in front of my boss? I mean, I could care much. He was the one who came late because of a damn ‘traffic.’ Was he kidding me?

I just hope that his next excuse won’t be that lame or at least telling us that his cat got stuck in a tree and he had to call the freaking fireman.

I must have looked angry -scratch that- I must have looked annoyed because I heard Nate mumble a "Shit!" next to me.

"That's a lame reason. I mean, you ARE the BOSS and you ARE LATE. Also you didn't call and even to inform anyone. The HR department exists for a reason you know…" I snap.

Now he looked pissed, very pissed. In the verge that he could explode all the balloons with that radiating fire that came out of his pores. But instead of retorting angrily he held out his hand to me and said, “I'm Chris Meyers"

What a bipolar creep or should I say The Pacific Pretender?

I sighed internally and replied in a civil manner not giving him the hand; instead I forced a smile and gritted my teeth and then I responded, “Amber Woods."

Surprise crossed his features and before he could say anything Nate started introducing everyone else. I walked to my table and started working on our new client's files.

I never mentioned you where I work, didn’t I? Well, I work and the Law office and is been a year since then. Seeing lawyers running on the hallways all the time because of this and that is quite funny, from case to case.

After some moment of my busy time, June appeared out of nowhere and said, “Amber, boss wants to meet you.” She pointed with her thumb finger and shaking it towards his door.

Right now I had an urge to roll my eyes so slow and markedly… I knew he would want to meet me, of course, after all the scene and making him feel the obligation to answer all my questions, well, who doesn’t? And after all that embarrassment I made him go through, he surely would want to make his position clear to me.

I stood up from the rolling chair and grinned at June. As I walked in I prepared myself for a huge sermon, you know... and when I entered and closed the door behind me, I recovered my posture and cleared my throat waiting for that awesome speech, but instead of giving me one he said," I want these files in my office by tomorrow morning, completed.” He established.

I gritted my teeth once again. (Remind me to go to the dentist later) Oh Lord! There were like ten, fat, thick files, on in top of the other. I groaned internally and basically I have to do it all by myself.

Good job Amber! Next time hold your tongue so you can save the heavy duty.

And in top of that –not forgetting the cherry- I have to go home and prepare dinne for my aunt. Usually I would order it, but I have to cook today. I gave him huge and wide smile and said," Sure, Mr. Meyers"  I walked to his desk, picked up the bunch of files and turn my way to the door and he said, "It’s Chris."

I mocked him silently and turned my head to smile at him. His eyes widened in surprise and I was mesmerised by their colour. It was such a beautiful and non-peculiar blue that looked as if it could see through my soul...

Amber, do you think that their color can look through your soul? Really? That was just pathetic.

I think I’m in my hormonal days… Oh God, I’m not forty! Maybe I need to get laid…

OH MY GOD! Did I just blurt that?

I really need to hide in the rabbit hole.

I blushed when realization hit me like the cold water of the early morning and quickly turned and walked out.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Today was a horrible day on the office. When I got out of his office and with the bunch of files in hands, I stumbled with a person making all of them fall to the floor. That was strike one.

Strike two was when that stupid boss of mine made me take off all the welcome flyers and all the freaking balloons. I didn’t do all those stupid stuff and why I had to take them out? I was shooting my most dead glare at Julie for doing all this welcoming and stupid stuff. Oh and did I forgot to mention that he ordered me to throw them away in the outside garbage? He just couldn’t wait for the janitor to do it. I sweated like a total pig.

I just was waiting patiently for the strike three. What he would do? Make me clean up his shoes and polish them?

That is just stupid.

Anyways, I was glad that I made it alive here, home.

I was biting my lips constantly and licking their dryness. Today I was going to meet someone new, know that I had agreed to have a housemate, since my aunt had asked me nonstop. She had done so much for me and I felt it would be rude to say no for an answer.

I was passing eagerly in the living room waiting for the person to come.

When I heard the doorbell rang, I quickly went to get it and as soon as I opened the door I was pulled into a crushing hug by my aunt, Karen.

"Hey cupcake." She said smiling at me. She was a good woman and very jubilant. She was wearing faded long jeans, white thank top with a bottom up red sweater and some fancy heels. With her wrinkle brown eyes and colored skin, just as beautiful. Not to mention her wavy dark hair.

I grinned at her and said, “Hey Karen.”

She really looked happy, and it was because of the new housemate, but she was way too happy for such thing. She cleared her throat finally saying, "I would like you to meet your new housemate, Chris Meyers." She stepped aside revealing him.

Now I understand why she was so happy. Who wouldn’t be that happy seeing a sexy man and not to count the fact that he was my housemate also my boss.

My eyes widened and my breath caught In my throat.  I just realize that this was the strike three.

My boss is my housemate.  WTF!!!!!!!!!!

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