Read with BonusRead with Bonus



Chris Meyers was my new-freaking-housemate. And thankfully it didn't look like I was the only one who was having a hard time processing this. Chris also looked equally stunned, too stunned that I just wish I could slap his face off.

I mean, what’s the deal? Okay, yeah. I have a big deal, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to accept it.

No way Jesus!

Karen looked at our stunned expressions and said, "I take it that you both know each other?" She looked at him and then to me while arching her left brow, waiting for one of use to answer.

I glanced back at her and gave her my most possible-dead-glare ever!

And that’s when my anxiety started to increase over.

One part of my mind argued that it was perfectly normal for me to live with him, that it was good to socialize with new people, new man-


-That this was also another new beginning of mankind being capable of coexist together and what not. But the other side of my brain was telling me to slap his face and tell him to not ever come over or I will-

“Amber?” My head shut down when my aunt said my name. I’m not going to lie; he was definitely sexy, in every mean. He was wearing jeans and a formal shirt, and his eyes…

I think it is unfair for someone who has such hot blue eyes…


I took a deep breath and looked at him and then to my uncle saying, "Let’s have dinner." I forced a smile and led them both to the table, closing the door behind.

"How do you two know each other?" Karen asked cutting the tension out of the air.

I paused before answering, but Chris answered right away," I'm her new boss." He grinned and once again I wanted to slap that beautiful smile away from that handsome face.

Instead of replying, my aunt just smiled at us, a smile that looked suspiciously-suspicious, making me to narrow my eyes at her. I know there was definitely something wrong with that smile.

At dinner I gathered a lot of information from Chris. It was actually interesting knowing he was twenty six, lived in San Francisco, and most importantly was single. Not that that mattered…

Stupid Amber!

"Weren't you offered my place?" Chris asked me about the job position. We were halfway through dinner and it felt like we had been talking only about him. Not that I minded, but I wasn't really looking forward to him knowing about me and past.

And that really sucks you know…

This sure was an uncomfortable topic. I paused before answering. "Yeah…"

"Why did you say no then?" he asked genuine with curiosity in his voice and eyes. He’s acting like the freaking cat right now, and I hope he dies…

I cleared my throat and began to say, “I'm too young. I'm the youngest in the entire office. And I'm definitely not capable of managing an office at twenty two."

"You’re twenty two?" He asked with disbelief evident in his voice.

"Of course…" I replied shrugging from one shoulder. He is acting like a total fool you know… I bet he thought I was older or something.

Curse you!

After dinner Chris went out to get his bags, which were still in his car while me and my aunt were doing the dishes. I never thought about living with a guy before and well… is kind of, strange since I have never lived with one before. After a few minutes of silence, she broke the silence asking me, "So you’re okay with him staying here, right?"

I smiled at her. "Yeah it’s no problem. I just don't want people in the office to know."

Seriously Amber…? What I lame excuse.

"Why?" This was asked by Chris. I don't remember hearing him come inside. God, please let the dirt burry me right now!

"Because it will spark unnecessary rumors and that’s unprofessional. Not to count that you just joined." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

Before he could reply my phone burst into life and I hurriedly answered it. Chris looked kind of pissed. I shrugged away because I really don’t understand why and well… I think he have some mood swings.

I didn’t look at the caller ID and I picked up, "Hello?" I said, but I instantly regret it when I heard who it was.

"Amber!" I heard my mother-


Karen and Chris were looking at me with a dumbfounded expression. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice sounding rough.

She laughed un-humorlessly and replied," Oh you know exactly what I want."

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