Read with BonusRead with Bonus



My mother. what the hell did she want?

" What do you want? " I asked again.

" Money. I want money," she said exasperatedly. Like she was talking to a five year old.I've passed that stage mother I wanted to say. Before I could say anything Karen asked," Who's that?"

" Um..An acquiantance."

" Is somrthing wrong?" she asked lookking concerned. I gave her a small smile and nodded. I turned to see Chris staring at me with a puzzled look on his face.

" I believe that's Karen." my mother said. Add a humourless laugh along with that.

I resulted the urge to smash my phone and then find her and do the same to her face. I walked out of the living room knowing that if I stayed here a minute longer I would end up doing something I would regret doing.

" I am not going to give you any," I said as soon as I was out of my house.And it took all the self contol I had to stay calm.

" Amber," I heard the warning tone in her voice. But I was not going to back out this time. I'd had enough. And I couldn't let them walk all over my life.

" No," I replied and fought real hard to keep my voice even.

" You ungateful bitch," I heard my father speak in the background. I guess I was on loudspeaker. He continued," this is how you treat us you good for nothing, slutty--"

My hands were shaking and I felt myself getting more furious by the second. With shaking hands I cut the call. I stayed rooted where I was taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself. Why did they even want to still call me? Was the pain they had caused me over the years not enough? I heard Karen laughing inside.

I suddenly jumped when I heard Chris call out," Amber!"

i turned to face him with a fake smile. " Yeah?" I asked.

" Karen's leaving," he said seeing through my fake smile. I knew this because his eyes narrowed and a frown formed at his lips.

" Yeah, I'm coming," I said and walked inside. Karen hugged me and kissed my forehead. After she left I turned to Chris.

" I hope you don't mind staying here. I mean, you know me being your employee and all." I said.

" I don't mind at all," he replied way too quickly. I raised my eyebrows at him. And then I felt an amused smirk spread across my face.

" So...... rules,' I said and watched how his face fell.then there was an unbelieving look on his face. I didn't have to know that that look told me ' SERIOUSLY??'

I fought my urge my urge to smirk and said," yeah, I like my peace. so rule one- If you want to invite someone over just inform me beforehand so you know I can make arrangements."

He just nodded in response.

Satisfied with his response I continued," Rule two- you can have parties," his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I continued," But you have to clean up afters. I will not be helping.and to tell you the truth I don't think people puking all over my place and also having sex all over doesn't sound that appealing."

" Damn!" he cursed after I finished. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

Then I showed him around the house and when we finally reached his room I told him, " ust so you know I don't like messy people."

" I'm not messy," he said and smiled at me.

As I walked down I said," If you need anything I'll be downstairs." With a last smile I walked down.

I was on my fourth cup of coffee. I was slaving on the files Chris gave me this morning. I mean considering the fact that he was staying at my place he could have told me not to do it. And I made dinner for him! Not exactly but...

A yawn escaped my lips and I sighed. time for my fifth cup of coffee.As I walked into the kitchen I heard Chris' voice," Amber?"

I turned around yawning and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. If people thought that Chris was hot I have no idea what they'd think if they saw him in boxers only. Chris thankfully didn't notice me checking out his perfectly chiseled body because he asked,' What are you still doing here?"

I answered," Completing files."

Confusion crossed his features as he asked," Files?"

" Yeah, the ones you gave me in the morning."

Guilt crossed his features as he said," Shit. Fuck. I'm sorry. You don't have to do those files. They aren't that important anyways. You can leave them."

Despite my irritation I smiled at him ," you sure?"

" yeah . Sorry. goodnight."

" Night ,"I replied. Maybe he wasn't that big of a jerk.



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