Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

"Skye?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. How dumb can this kid get? "Yes," I seethed.

James got a new look in his eyes. A dangerous look that made me shiver as he leaned into me again. His hands pulled down one of the straps of my dress and trailed down towards my butt.

"That's it." Chase said and I saw his fist fly into James face causing him to stumble back and fall into my kitchen counter. I suppose he was too drunk to retaliate, but he had football with Adam and Chase within the first week of school and he would certainly get back at him then if he didn't see them sooner.

Chase quickly took James spot in front of me and looked at my wide eyes.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Why did you do that?" I blurted too surprised and grateful to stop myself.

"You told him to get off." He grimaced in confusion.

"But you never help me." I informed him of what he must have already knew.

He pushed his body against mine and whispered into the crook of my neck, "Adam would have killed me if I didn't stop him."

His warm breath hit my neck and I shivered making him chuckle, "And I'm the only one who's allowed to mess with you."

Then he pushed off me and left. He couldn't have meant that last part. I was sure of it. The way he said it wasn't as if he was mocking me, but more like I was his. He definitely didn't want that. The sickest thing was; I kind of liked it.

Adam found me still pressed against the fridge with a beer in my hand staring at James who was passed out. I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever wake up. Who knows how hard Chase packed a punch.

"What happened here?" He asked concerned about his friend. Admittedly those two and Chase were football buddies. They must have liked to hang out with each other.

"Chase punch him off of me." I said before I realized what I had just told my over protective older brother.

"He was on you!" Adam exclaimed angrily. As I spoke I knew he was going to go off the walls. I anticipated something bad was about to happen, but when his eyes land on my sleeves half way down my arm, I almost died, I'm terrified, "What do you mean on you? Did he kiss you or touch you?"

I knew either way I answered wasn't going to be good, so I told the truth, "He touched me," I squeaked out.

"What?" He exploded.

"But Chase knocked him out. Everything's fine."

"Everything's not fine! Why did you let him touched you to begin with?"

I scoffed, "I did not let him touch me."

"I'm going to kill him." Adam snarled.

"Shush." I said looking around to people who were beginning to stare at us. No one in their right mind would apparently miss the drama of someone touching Adam Barker's little sister, "Adam it's okay. Just be quiet."

He gritted his teeth but then sighed through his nose before stomping off.

Jen and Aaron found me pretty quickly after that and gawked at the story I had told them.

Jen walked over to James and kicked his stomach, "Never touch Skye."

Aaron chuckled as I grasped, "Jen, I'm fine. There's no need to kill him."

"I thought you should get a little payback," Jen shrugged.

I grimaced and I took another sip od my beer, "Payback, not assault."

"Same difference." She rolled her eyes.

"You're too violent."

"You're too forgiving," Aaron responded for her.

I sighed and grabbed a second can, "I'm going to go have some fresh air."

"Bye." Aaron waved and turn to flirt with Jen.

I burst through the back door of my house and took quick breaths. The yard was loud and filled with drunken people making out. I stood by the pool sipping on my drink alone wishing I had taken Aaron and Jen with me.

"You can't be here dressing like that." Adam came up behind me while I was looking at our lightened up pool changing colors.

"Why not?" I asked astonished and turned to face him.

"Because there are a lot of drunk guys and I don't trust them."

"Don't you trust me?" I asked innocently.

"I trust you, but not your self defense skills." He informed me.

I rolled my eyes ready with a comeback when a huge splash came behind me and soaked me to my core. I slowly faced the pool to see it was Chase coming back up from underwater.

"What's wrong with you?" I screamed forgetting all traces of the sweet Chase who just saved me.

"Who? Me?" He asked faking innocence with a smirk.

I stormed off to my room not even interested on partying anymore. I was more focused on going to bed. I slammed the door to my room shut and stripped off all my clothes. I picked out a bra and underwear, quickly changed into them and crawled into my warm comforters.

My eyelids drooped and my bed dipped down. I felt a body on top of my covers, but still on the bed with me. Too tired to fully register that another person was in there with me, I fell into an unconscious, peaceful sleep.

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