Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Kyle's POV

The trick I pulled on Violet was absolutely fantastic. I even got to turn her biting my lip into an advantage. That'll teach her not to refuse me.

"Kyle! " I heard a familiar voice scream.

I turned to see Violet marching angrily towards me and to say the truth, I was so damn scared.

Before I could react, she'd already reached my front and boom! She punched me!

Before I could recover her, I felt her hand in my stomach. I doubled over in pain but she wasn't done yet. She landed two more punches on my face and grabbed me by my hair and pinned me against the wall with my hands behind my back.

"You think it's funny right? To make up lies about me? I would never beg to be fcked least of all by your 3 inches dck? " She yelled so everyone could hear.

"Now, tell everyone you lied! " She whispered into my ears.

I was about to refuse but she pressed my hands the more. It hurt so bad so I quickly agreed.

"That's a good little Kyle. Now tell them! " She said sweetly as she roughly pushed me away.

I glared at her but immediately looked away when she glared back with such fire in her eye.

"I lied!" I said lowly.

"What did you say? "

"I lied okay? " I said louder this time.

"I didn't sleep with Violet. She didn't beg to be f*cked."

The cafeteria became filled with different murmurings, everyone obviously shocked at what was going on. I didn't quite get it either.

"That's a good little boy..... Now apologize! " I heard Violet say in my ear.

"But I just did! " I retorted.

"No, you didn't. You just confessed. Apologize! "

I sighed.

"I'm sorry. " I said begrudgingly.

"No! On your knees. " She said smirking.

"But I... "

"On. Your. Knees! "

I got on my knees like she instructed.

"And this time, say it nicely or else... " She said with all seriousness.

I sighed in defeat.

"I'm sorry! " I said more sincerely this time.

She smiled.

"You may rise! "

I did.

"I hope you've learnt your lesson... Pigface! " She said as she stepped on my toes.

"Owww! " I whined.

She smirked at me, turned around and walked away.

I was shocked as I mentally ran through all that happened......

Can someone tell me what the heck just happened???

Violet's POV

"OMG V! You're trending! " Anna said to me as we walked out of our second to the last class for the day.

She handed me her phone and showed me a video of what happened in the cafeteria. It'd been posted on the school's news feed and had hundreds of comments.

Most supported Kyle, others were in shock while the rest supported me. Either way, like she said, I was trending!

"I don't see why everyone's making such a big deal about it. The jerk face deserved it. " I said closing my locker.

"Still, what you did was totally cool! "

Just then, I heard over the speaker "Violet Hill to the principal's office. Violet Hill to the principal's office. "

I turned to Anna in surprise.

"Why would the principal wanna see me? "

"I wonder... Oh shoot! The principal is Kyle's father. "

"Which means... Damn! The snake! "

"What are you going to do? "

"What else? Prove my innocence. If he doesn't believe me, that's his cup of tea. It's not my fault his son's a stupid son of a b*tch. "

I sighed.

"Wish me luck then! " I said to her before heading in the direction of the principal's office.

I stepped into the principal's office and came face to face with a smirking Kyle and a gloomy principal.

"You called for me Sir? " I said innocently.

"Yes. Yes I did. Have a seat Violet. "

I nodded and took a seat in front of the principal beside Kyle.

"Kyle here tells me you're the cause of this?"

I looked at Kyle who had bruises all over his face along with a couple of bandages.

"Yes Sir. I am. "

"Why? " He asked.

I was about answering but Kyle interrupted m before I could.

"Dad! Are you serious? She did this to me and you're asking why? Isn't it obvious? You've obviously admitted a psycho into this school... Can't you see my face? "

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"Kyle, just go wait outside. " His dad said.

"But... "

"Now Kyle! "

"Fine! " Kyle grumbled as he walked out but not before secretly sticking his tongue out at me.

I saw him and glared at him as he walked out.

"Now Miss Hill, why exactly did you do that to Kyle? "

"Well Sir, your son thought it was very funny to post on the school's news feed that we slept together. "

"Well didn't you? "

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"No! We didn't! "

The principal looked shocked.

"You didn't? "

"No! "

"Okay then, what exactly happened? "

"Well you see.... "

I narrated all that had happened from the slap earlier in the morning up until I was called in the hallway.

At the end of my narration, the principal was obviously shocked and apologetic.

"I'm very sorry for what my son put you through and on your first day... I'll make sure you get a formal apology. "

I wanted to tell him that Kyle had already apologized but I decided not to bother.

"Thanks a lot Sir. " I said standing up.

I walked towards the door with a satisfied smile on my face but just when I was about to turn the doorknob, an idea crossed my mind.

Time to give Kyle a show...


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