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Violet's POV

"He really did that? What a jerk! " Anna said after narrating the whole thing with Kyle to her.

"I know right." I said my hand on my forehead.

"So what are you going to do? What was your response?"

"I said yes "

"You did what? Why? Couldn't you have found another way? You're just going to let him win like that? After everything? "

"Nah! It's not like that. "

"Okay then. What exactly are you planning? "

I smirked.

"Let's just say it's going to be sweet. He thinks he's going to destroy my reputation... I'm about to turn the tables on him. He's not going to know what hit him. "

She smiled.

"I can't wait. " She squealed excitedly.

I smiled back at her. I also can't wait.

Kyle's POV

"So you see guys, it was that easy. " I said plonking on the comfy sofa in our hangout.

"Whoa! I can't believe she actually fell for it. " Talen said still staring at the picture.

"It does look quite life-like. " Xander remarked.

"Whoa! Kyle, you're really good, I'll give you that. "

"Yeah well it's just something I do. "

"Hmm I don't know. I have a feeling that this plan is not going to work. "

That was Xavier speaking.

"Oh really? And why do you say that? "

"Well she's avoided getting into your bed this long. I doubt you'll get her this time. "

I smiled.

"Just watch me X. Watch me. " I said while sipping the root beer in my hand, eagerly anticipating the time when I would finally get to have Violet Hill in my bed.

This is surely going to be fun.

"Thought you weren't coming. " I said as Violet walked into the room, locking the door behind her.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. " She said rather excited.

I was at a loss for words. What's going on?

"Don't look so shocked Kyle. My lips are waiting. "

"Are you okay Violet? " I asked looking at her pointedly.

She groaned.

"Are we doing this or not? " She asked her hands on her waist.

I smiled. We were surely doing this.

Taking large steps from where I was seated to reach her, I happily claimed her full perky lips. The feel of them was simply divine. I could get lost in them to say the truth. The mere taste of them was intoxicating. I just couldn't get enough.

Violet seemed to be as experienced as I was. She knew exactly what to do with her tongue causing both our tongues to move in sync with each other as the kiss continued.

With the kiss growing stronger and fiercer by the minute, I felt Violet's hand in my hair as I slammed her against the wall. She responded by encircling her legs around my waist while grinding her pelvis against mine. The action alone almost made me cum.

Just when I thought nothing could ruin the moment, she suddenly broke the kiss staring at me with a smirk on her face.

"Sweet dreams, Kyle. " She said still smirking.

Before I could react, I felt a painful twinge in my neck. All of a sudden, I felt weak and numb. Violet let go of me causing me to stumble around for a while before finally collapsing to the floor.

"Nighty night, lover boy. " I heard Violet say before my world finally went black.

"Wakie wakie Kyle! " I heard faintly as I came to.

"What.... What's going on? " I asked as my vision slowly became clearer and I came face to face with that monster in human form.

"You bitch! What did you do to me!? Where am I!? " I asked until I suddenly came to the realization that I was hanging upside down over a large drum of orange liquid.

"Why am I like this!? What's this? " I screamed at Violet who seemed to be enjoying the sight.

"Well it's not quite far fetched. You see Kyle, you're hanging over boiling acid. The rope that's holding you from your doom is connected to the machine and it's currently on fire. Once the fire burns through, the rope will be severed and in you go. " She said tapping the drum.

At her words, the rope dipped a little and I went a little closer to the drum.

I shrieked, a sound that made Violet burst into laughter.

I glared at her despite my fear.

"Fortunately for you, I can still get you out of danger if.... "

"If what!? "

Violet's POV

"How exactly did you get my nude pictures? "

"Really? Well I'm not telling. " He yelled back defiantly just as another string of the rope severed.

I smiled.

"Time's a wasting Kyle. Better spill it. "

"I am not telling you. "

"Okay then Kyle... See you never! "

I turned around and began to walk to the exit.

"Violet wait! " Kyle yelled.

I turned back smirking.

"Yes? "

"How about we make a deal? "

"I'm listening. "

"How about you let me go... "

"And... "

"No. That's it. Just let me go. "

"Hmmm interesting proposal but no. " I said heading towards the exit again.

"Violet wait please! "

"Are you ready to talk? " I asked turning to face him.

"Please anything else. "

I sighed.

"Bye bye Kyle. "

"Violet, please don't go. Please I'm begging you. " He cried.

I looked at him and was surprised to see tears running down his cheeks.

I couldn't help the laughter that followed.

"Oh my gosh! Is the legendary Kyle Tanner crying? "

"Violet please, I'm too hot... I mean young to die. "

"Just tell me what I want to know Kyle and I'll save you. "

Another piece of the rope severed again and Kyle got even closer to the acid.

"Okay okay. I'll confess. It's not really you in those photos. "

I groaned

"Bye Kyle. "

"No Violet. Don't go. I'm serious. The whole thing was photoshopped. I got a naked picture of somebody else and I was able to attach your picture with it. It's not you Violet. I swear. "

I examined him closely. His expression was very funny. He looked as though his spirit had left him already. It was really quite funny but it seemed like he was telling the truth.

"Okay Kyle. I believe you... "

"Thank heavens.... "

"But it's too late for you already. You wasted my time so it's goodbye for you. Bye Kyle! " I said waving just as the rope finally severed completely and in he went into the acid.

Okay okay! Before everyone starts calling me a murderer, I'll just like to point out one thing..

There never was any acid. Kyle was hanging over orange juice all this while. You heard me right? I made him cry over being dropped in orange juice...

It wasn't even boiling. I just added something that made it look as though it was boiling. How's that for a perfect prank?

"Arghh! It burns. Someone help! " Kyle yelled as he wriggled in the orange juice.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's orange juice you moron! Get a grip! "

"Wait what!? "

"You heard me right? You're currently in orange juice. "

He didn't seem to get it at first until it suddenly hit home.

"You bitch! You freaking liar! You said it was acid. "

"Citric acid duh! Besides, who's the real liar here? You who photoshopped nude pictures so you could sleep with me or innocent me who said you were hanging over acid when in fact you were. Orange contains citric ACID, does it not? "

"You're so going to regret this! "

"Do your worst Kyle. You're no different than a dead rat... Now to retrieve this. "

"What's that? " He asked as I opened up the video camera to retrieve the tape.

"That's right. I've been filming everything this whole time. Imagine when it comes out that you were crying over orange juice... That'll be so funny. "

"You wouldn't dare. "

"Oh I would... And by the way, you suck at kissing. " I said with a wink before I turned and left the building amidst Kyle's screams.

That felt good...


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