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Kyle's POV

"Good morning Kyle! Want some orange juice? " Jayred said, a glass of orange juice in his hand.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's been three days Jay. Knock it off! " I said back lowly.

"I'm just messing with you Kyle. Loosen up! "

I scoffed as I plonked on the chair behind me. It might have been three days but Violet's video of me is still trending, not only in school but on the whole internet.

I'll be walking down a street and all of a sudden, people start laughing at me. So annoying!

I even tried to get at her by releasing the fake nude pics of her but I ended up getting myself into more trouble with my dad. I also got more popular by doing so and not specifically in the good way.

Violet has only been here one week but she's managed to do more damage to me than my sister and that is saying something.

Despite that, is it still weird that I oddly want to kiss her anytime I see her? The taste and feel of her lips is still stuck in my head. I can't seem to get it out.

No girl I've kissed since Violet has been able to take the memory away. That kiss was just too good. If only Violet was such a stuck up b*tch.

"You know K, Violet has really got your number. " I heard Xander say bringing me back from my reverie.

"Right! Just in her first week, she managed to make a big fool out of you. I wonder what'll happen after she's here for a month. "

That was Talen.

Everyone burst into laughter at his remark. I rolled my eyes again.

"Laugh all you want! I'll still be in bed with her by the end of the day. "

Xavier and Jayden scoffed.

"Yeah right Kyle! Hasn't all your encounters with her taught you anything? "

"Violet is not like other girls. You can't just snap your finger and have her. "

"Whatever! I bet I can get her in bed. "

"Wanna actually bet on it? " Jayden said.

"Guys! Come on. Not this betting charade again. " Xander whined.

"Nah X. I'm on this one. Violet has shown her stuff. This is one bet Kyle's going to lose. " Talen said smirking.

"Okay then. I'm betting too. "

"What exactly is the bet? " I asked.

"Okay Kyle, I bet you can't get Violet in bed before prom. " Jayden said

"I say that I can. " I remarked confidently.

"And if you can't, what should be your punishment? " Talen asked.

"How about doing whatever we say for a month? " Jayden said.

"And if I do get to sleep with Violet, what then? "

"You won't but okay Kyle, if you can manage to get in bed with Violet before prom, I'll let you have my cousin, you can get the twin's stepsister and Talen's friend, Riley. "

"Hey! I'm not on board with that. " Talen tried arguing.

"Well I am. Challenge accepted! Get ready to lose, losers! " I said on my way out of the hangout.

"And where are you going to? " Xander asked.

"To go get the girl. " I replied with a wink.

This guys have no idea what they're getting into. I'm surely going to win the bet.

Violet's POV

"You are really a master prankster V. This video is hilarious! " Anna exclaimed, her phone in hand.

"Isn't that you're thirtieth time of watching that video? " I asked eyebrows raised.

She smiled.

"It gets funnier everytime I watch. I especially love this part. "

She placed the phone in front of me just as Kyle started crying. I burst into laughter almost immediately. That part just cracks me up. When he cried, he completely looked like a donkey.

"Okay okay. That was pretty funny. "

"Pretty? It's hilarious. "

"Yeah. You're right! It's completely hilarious. " I said bursting into laughter again as Anna played the video.

"Okay Anna. I gotta go. "

"Go where? "

"The library. I have to return a book. "

"Oh lemme come. "

"No need Anna. I'll meet you in class. "

"Okay. See ya V! "

I nodded and waved as I headed towards the direction of the library.

"Hello Mrs. Henshaw. " I greeted once I entered.

"Oh hi Violet. "

"Here you go! " I said handing the book to the librarian.

She nodded and accepted.

"On your way to class? " She asked bringing out the register.

"Hmm...not quite. I still have some time left. I think I'll look around for a while. "

"Have fun dear. "

I smiled as I began walking around the library, looking for a particular book that'd caught my attention the last time I came.

"Oh that's right. It was in the upper shelves. " I said to myself when I suddenly remembered where it was.

I grabbed one of the nearby ladder and placed on the particular area where I saw the book. I was browsing through the books when one suddenly caught my eye.

It was a book titled "Just One Kiss". I didn't see the writer's name however. The kiss part brought back memories of the kiss Kyle and I had shared. It was fake but I always found the memories coming back.

I know I called him a terrible kisser but that might have been a lie. His lips were so damn...

What am I thinking???

"Geez! Violet, snap out of it!" I muttered hitting my palm on my forehead.

Unfortunately, that led to me letting go of the ladder and falling off.

I prepared myself for the pain I was about to feel but after a while, there was no pain. Instead, there was only warmth.

I slowly opened my eyes only to meet a surprise.

"K-Kyle!" I stuttered. What is he doing here?



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