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I stared at the imposing figure standing at the doorway. He really looks as formidable as my uncle said he is.

"I believe you are Renée Adams?" His deep voice came out curt.

I nodded my head, at a short of words. My head was whirling. A lot of questions.

What is he doing here? Did he come to pay condolence for my uncle's death? How did he find us?

"Uhm, Ren?" Venice spoke up, drawing my attention. I looked at her and she added, "I'll be going now."

"Oh....okay, dear." I gave her a little smile, answering the question her eyes asked...telling her that I'll be fine.

She walked closer to me and we hugged each other, then, she turned to the door. Mr Crown stepped into the house giving her space to pass.

Afterwards, he turned back to two men that stood behind him. "I'll speak with Miss Adams alone." He stated before shutting the door.

We were alone at last and the silence was deafening.

"Please sit down, Mr Crown." I said in a soft voice, very thankful that my voice didn't come out shaky.

"You are not what I expected." He stated flatly.

I took the remaining seat beside him, my eyes echoing my confusion.

He didn't elaborate on his words. "You know why I'm here right?" He said instead.

"No. Please enlighten me." I replied.

He arched his eyebrow.

The silence stretched.

"Listen to me Miss Adams, you might not know it but I'm a very busy person. Time is quite precious to me and I don't like wasting it unnecessarily."

I waited for him to keep talking, already swallowing nervously. I don't scare easily...but this man sitting here and staring at me like a hawk is capable of instilling fear in the heart of the most fearless man.

He stared me straight in the eyes and stated. "Where is the money, Miss Adams?"


"Which money? I'm sorry but I don't understand." I replied truthfully.

"The money your uncle stole from me, Miss Adams. That's the money I'm talking about." He didn't raise his voice but he didn't have to. His eyes were blazing fire.

Oh my God. My eyes widened to unbearable degrees. "My uncle stole from you?"

"Don't sit down there and claim ignorance young lady, or I swear to God, I'll file so many lawsuits you'll spend the rest of your life in and out of court and jail." He sneered.

"What!?" I sprang up from the chair, "I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know my uncle stole from you and I don't have any money that belongs to you, Mr Crown."


It was all I could do to keep sitting down. I tried to rein in my anger as I stared at the girl standing in front of me.

Although I'd taken a good look at her picture before making this journey but I'll admit that the pictures didn't do her good. She is truly as beautiful as her uncle said.

Every time I spoke with Mr Adams when he was alive, the man must have a word or two to say about his niece, showing how close they are.

So, what can she just stand here and pretend not to know about her uncle's treachery? How can she pretend not to know about the money?

Although her environment looks like it can use some money—a lot of money—but it's just not possible that she's as ignorant as she appears.

"Who is the girl I met at the door." I asked.

She seemed to calm a little at that. "That's my kid sister, Venice."

Surprising. I didn't know a kid sister existed.

She bit her lips worriedly, "This money you're talking about sir, how much is it?"

"Fifteen million dollars." I stated bluntly, "That's twelve million in UK pound sterlings, Almost two billion in Indian rupees and Almost six billion in Nigerian naira."

I watched all the blood drain from her face. She looked as pale as a ghost.

My lips twitched without humor. "And that's the only one I know about yet. Your uncle has been stealing from me for a long time Miss Adams."

"Fifteen million dollars...." Her voice trailed off as she fell down on the floor and fainted.

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