Chapter 9
"Okay. We're here now, so I think you can leave." Ivy said once she get out from the car and face William.
William smile at her, then he shake his head. "Sorry, but I have to wait here. To see if someone will come and do something to you." He still smiling. Sometimes he looks like crazy. There's no one will smile all the time. Even Adam don't smile to her every second they meet.
Ivy close her eyes then look away. "You're talking nonsense now! There's no one will harm me. I have no enemy, why does that 'someone' want to do something to me?" Ivy feel comfortable after what happened today. William always want to be near with her, and she doesn't like it.
"No Ivy. Maybe you don't know there's someone will do something to you. But I do. Why can't you just trust me?!" William start shouting. His face look so mad, because Ivy seems like don't trust him.
"Heyy guys. Why can't we just calm down, and take a deep breath. There's nothing to fight for. William, I think it's good if you leave now. And Ivy, William just want to help you. Don't be so mad to him okay? Chill guys." Lily do some hand motion. The situation became somewhat tense between the two of them.
"Okay. I'm sorry. I will go now." William turn to walk to his car. But he stop when he heard someone approach them.
"Hye Ivy! How's your day today?" Adam smiling at her. Even he's a little bit mad to Ivy cause she doesn't message him after her class over. But he know, she have to come here, and work is more important to her.
Ivy look at him, somehow it make her heart calm a bit. And she realize she did not text him. "Ohh. I'm sorry I forgot to text you. I came here after my class ended. So yaa, I forgot." Ivy said to Adam with a flat tone. Sounds like she's not sorry, but she really sorry.
"Nahh, it's okay. That's why I come here to see you." Adam almost laugh when he see Ivy with her emotionless face and voice. But, that is what make Ivy more attractive.
William turn back to them. He look Adam up and down, like he's judging him from his look. 'So this is the man. Looks like a playboy and yaa he's rich. Does Ivy really like this man because he's billionaire?' He thought.
Ivy can see the unpleasant look from William face. What does he want now? She never know William face until today. He's more disgusting than Adam before she know him.
William is a good boy. Every lecturer love him because he always do assignment and submit it early. And he's a lovely boy. He treat every woman so nice. But why he be like this today? What ghost did possessed him today?
"William. I thought you're gone." Ivy said. She frowned and look at Lily. She want to ask her for help, because she can't handle it. The only way she can handle someone is with yell at them. But she doesn't want to do that to William. They're a classmates afterall.
"Ermm. William, this is Adam our regular customer here. And Adam, this is William our classmates." Lily said after Ivy.
Adam held his hand out to William, to try to greet him. But William do not take his hand. He only look at Adam face then he smile. "I'm sorry Mr. Adam. But I don't shake random people hand. There are various viruses now, so I have to be careful." He said. It's sound like he's said that with sarcastic tone.
Ivy look at William with a disgusted look, then she look at Adam. He's still smiling while he take his hand back. She feel so sorry to Adam. William really do something that crossed the line. "So maybe you can go now. Cause if you're exposed like this, there will be more virus come to you." Ivy smile at him. She felt satisfied after said that to William.
Adam and Lily look at her in shock. This is the first time Ivy backup Adam. It's mean there's really something between them. A friend, or maybe more than friend, just Ivy can't see that.
Adam smiling. He feels so touched when Ivy try to backup him. There are no one ever backup him when someone accuse him before. They always just know to ask him for a date and take his money. After that when he know that woman just want his money, and he want to leave them. They will accuse him for seduce them and take advantage on them. But, doesn't they realize they are the one who take advantage on him?
William clench his jaw and his fist. How dare she talk that way to him? He always care at her and show affectionate to her. But why she doesn't see it at all. And she just backup this man? So it's true, she's a materialistic woman.
"Okay. I will go now." He turn back and walk to his car. This time there are nothing to stop him. He start the engine and drive away.
"Sorry about that. He never been like that before. He's a sweet and lovely boy in our class. But today, from what Ivy said he's weird." Lily break the silent. She doesn't know why William like this today. They're good before, because of that she give him Ivy number when he asked for it.
"Nevermind. But yaa, he seems so nice but at the same time rude with me." Adam laugh to break the tense. Ivy still look unpleasant. Something on her mind. "Ivy, I want to take you out this weekend. But, this time as a friend."
Ivy frowned but she nodded. They're friend now, so why not?
"And Lily, you can come too if you want." Adam give Lily a wink. He will always be the most flirtation man.
"Sure, I will come." Lily smile back at him. Then she look at Ivy. She look so upset, but she don't say anything. She look at Adam and clench her jaw.
"Can you give me your number? So that I can contact you to confirm it. And maybe we can chatting all night long." He still look at Lily face, but he know Ivy is watching him now. He like it when Ivy is upset. He can't imagine how it would be if Ivy become her wife. Maybe everyday he will tease her.
"Sorry Adam, but we have to open this shop. If we don't do our work and just stand here with you. I afraid that no one will come and give us some money." Ivy said nicely. She forced a fake smile on her lips.
Adam smile, but almost laugh when he heard that. "Don't worry. I can give you money if you want. But now I want Lily's number."
"Don't worry. I can give her number to you. And if you want, I can give you William's number too. So you can talk with him about virus or bacteria. Do you want it?" Ivy still smiling. It does look like a forced smile.
Adam try not to laugh. It's so tingling to see her mad but not show it. "Okay. I will wait for it. But about William. No thanks. I'm not interested with boy. Lily, I hope we will meet this weekend." Adam said then wink again. Then he walk away.
"Just like always. Easy come and easy go. Doesn't bother to hear what other want to say." Ivy said with a slow voice just to she hear. But Lily hear it too.
"Heyy. Chill okay? He's not interested in me. He just want to messed up with you." Lily laugh. This is the first time Ivy is this mad when a man talk to her.
"I don't care if he's interested or like you or love you or whatever it is. I just don't want you to fell for him."
"Heyy. Friend will not talk like that about their friend. You're friend with him right?" Lily laugh again.
"Can you stop laugh? We have work to do." With that, Ivy walk in the shop. She flip the open sign then walk to cashier table.