Chapter 15
They smiled at me, stood up and started to go upstairs. They pointed the second diary. I blinked my eyes, what is the connection of that into my suggestion. "You have to read the remaining diaries this night until tomorrow." they said.
"What?!" I asked. They didn't give me any choice but to read the remaining second diaries.
It has numbers, but doesn't have any clue.
July 09, 2008
1201211805140305’19 0405012008 23011914’20 10211920 0225 14012021180112 0405012008 06181513 200805 04051905011905, 0805 230119 110912120504 0225 080919 02051920061809051404, 190805 03080114070504 080919 1305040903091405 2308090308 13010405 080913 030121190504 080919 0405012008. 09 11141523, 09 190123 080518 0308011407091407 200805 1305040903091405 21142015 01141520080518 1305040903091405. 190805 230118140504 1303 20180120 0906 09 20051212 20080120 2015 011425151405, 190805’1212 11091212 1305, 1325 191514 011404 1325 16011805142019.
It’s already five in the morning and I'm at the last date of the diary. I can't read it because all I can see is numbers. I'm not in the mood to solve a puzzle because I'm sleepy.
It was ten in the morning, I can see it on the wall clock. I felt my stomach aches I can also hear it. I fell asleep. When I already got up in bed, my twin brother and his girlfriend puffed out on the wall.
"Don't forget the diary." my twin brother said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I won't... Can I eat first?" I sarcastically asked. I saw his eyebrow lift of its normal position. "Sorry, I forgot that the older one..." I said with sarcasm. I open the door and I straightly went inside the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and get what I can cook for myself. After eating, I washed my dishes and went inside my room to take a bath. After taking a bath, I saw them sitting on my bed. "Solve the puzzle immediately before we get run out of time." he said.
"Out of time?" I asked. "You both force me to read those six remaining dates of those diaries the whole night then, your giving me time pressure?" I sarcastically asked.
"You're the only one who can save our child." she said. "So, please... I'm begging you; solve it now before she finds out what I left."
"Why don't you just say it, you’re the one who wrote that, right?"
My twin brother looked at me. "Well... We don't know why we left those puzzle; all we knew is, that is the key to save everyone. Its late because our parents died, but it’s not too late to save lives especially my son." he says.
I sat down on my bed and looked at the last date. I sighed. "I can't solve this without any clue or hint even if its numbers... But I'll try to solve this as faster as I can." then I get a piece of paper and start to solve it.