Chapter 17

06182125, (1425050821122321’07 24210706200817211222) 1707 25 04211801 222512192108110507 251222 1712201405211223172514 21042112 061811051918 071821 2211210712’06 14111115 14171521 06182506, 071821 232512 0706211414 192106 1712201108132506171112 251222 251414. 061821 1713251921 071821 14212006 1112 1321 0706171414 08211325171217 1112 061821 232513100507. 06182506’07 181103 1712201405211223172514 071821 1707… 071821’07 1112221 1120 061821 2325050721 1120 21042108010618171219. 061821 2221250618 1120 1301 24110120 0817211222, 061821 1713251921 17’13 07061123152122 2506 251222 061821 072123082106 17 2011051222 110506.

I still can't solve it. I decided to have a break and eat some desserts from the refrigerator. I can't even think normal, I'm in time pressure. It feels like I'm solving a puzzle with a bomb that makes me feel the pressure that it might explode. It also feels like I'm in a game show and solving a big puzzle that has timer, and if ever I didn't solve the puzzle... I'm going to lose the game. I hate losing! It’s been two hours since I'm trying to solve the puzzle. I didn't look at my phone even if there are plenty text messages, and even phone calls. I focus on solving and solving. But I failed. There's nothing left beside numbers.

I'm still solving the numbers with close and open parentheses and the whole date of full of numbers. My head is aching solving the puzzle. I want to give up but when I'm thinking about giving up, I remember my parents who died. That's why, I want to know what is the message of the puzzle. I want to unlock the code. I decided to look at my phone. After I read the last text, it made me frozen... it feels like someone threw cold water all over my body. If only I look at my phone while solving the puzzle, if only I answer the calls... But it's too late... It's too late because... "My nephew was kidnapped." I subconsciously said as I regret of being so focus of unlocking the puzzle that my nephew's mother left.

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