Chapter 20
The eldest brother says that they'll do their best to solve the puzzle while I'm searching for our nephew. The eldest brother of my nephew's mother was four years older than me and the second one was two years older than I was. I heard someone knock on the door. Then the door was open in half and a head comes in. "Can I come in?" said a person with a smile on his lips.
"Sure, come in." I replied. "What can I do for you?" I asked.
He chuckled. "I'm here to visit you." he said.
Before I opened my mouth, the two brothers’ of my nephew's mother tapped my shoulder saying their going. I nod as an agreement. The person sat down on a chair near beside my hospital bed. He chuckled again. "What? Uh... I guess, you don't remember me at all, dude." he said.
"Dude?" I asked then it flashes back the high school year I had in abroad. The only guy who approached me at my first day of schooling abroad. He was my best friend there and also my competent in all aspects such as rankings and competition in school and outside the school but I can say he is the best one I knew in all aspects I know.
"Stop starring at me like that." he joked on. "Do you remember me or I need to introduce myself?" he asked.
"No need. How did you know I'm here?" I asked.
"Of course, our acquaintance is police! I came here just two hours ago. What happened?" he asked me with curiosity in his eyes.
"It’s a long story, dude." I said.
I said the whole details of the case of my nephew. He told me that he is a private investigator of a secret organization under a foreign institution and he has a case here. He decided to help me in my nephew's kidnapping case while he's searching for his assigned job. That is why I gave him the other puzzle.
June 05, 2011
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