Chapter 25

It's been one month since I found Cloniel, we're arriving at the hospital today because it was the day that everyone will be discharge to the hospital, my police friend accompany us until we reached the house. My high school friend and the two brothers said that they unfold the puzzles I gave them. Honestly, I forgot those because of the note that my twin brother's best friend left. I'm happy that they unfold it already but since they're all involved now... Therefore, they can't escape the danger now because of me. I decided to clear to them that they have to be more careful and sensitive. Besides, they have already decided that they'll stay on my custody because even if I don't work, I can't waste all the money I inherit from my parents and besides from that I have the trust fund that my twin brother and I had and also my own money at the bank that I keep. I don't boast, it's just that they slapped on my face that I can feed the all the people who's bathing on the poverty here in my country. Still, I don't touch the money that I inherit even the trust fund. As long as my money on my own is still fine in all of the expenses we need, there's no use on using those excess money. This night, I decided to work tomorrow to finance the forever needs of Cloniel. I need to work hard for the people I include for the business that I have to solve alone.

Cloniel is crying and jumping non-stop. He's still a child. I can't bring him at my work place. "Cloniel, daddy won't leave you, okay? I'll just go to earn money for your milk and diaper expenses. If daddy won't work, I can't buy ingredients for your favorite cookies. You can't eat cookies that I do bake, do you like that?" I said then he stopped crying and jumping. His just sniffing, I wiped his tears. "Behave when I'm not around, okay? I'll give you a prize when you're behaved." I said then I left the house.

Finally, I reached the house. The house is dark, the moment I turn the lights on. I was shocked. The living room is messy. What happened when I'm not around. My heart is beating fast, I don't want to see blood anymore, I don't want to see cold dead bodies lying on the floor of my house, if that thing happens... I swear, I can't take it anymore.

"Oh! Your home already, sorry we didn't clean, Cloniel didn't sleep, we just play all day but now he's asleep with the two upstairs." my high school friend said while cleaning the living room.

I kneel down, I can't help but to shed tears and my body can't help but to shiver. I was frightened of losing them. I have many love once who died and I won't allow anymore these people will going to die and not in my house ever again! The next two hours, my boss called me. He said that I have to rest more at first I'm resistant but he insist the vacation. After the call, I decided to resign when I get my nephew from his kidnappers and we'll leave the country to have a new beginning. Since my boss told me to have a long vacation last night, I decided to solve the puzzle that my twin brother's best friend left me. I don't want to see the unfold puzzles of my nephew's mother right now. I have to find the key where my nephew might be. I used the motorcycle I bought before with Cloniel. I can't leave him with them because they have to rest that's why I brought him with me. I visit the hospital of my father first since I'm the son of the owner then the pharmacy of my mother. While I'm observing the other business of my parents, I saw something familiar at the wall. It’s same huge painting where I got Cloniel but a mirror seals these one. When I stared at it, I discover that it's the mirror itself has the painting and it has something inside of it.

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