Chapter 6

I can't believe that I, fell in love to the girl that my twin brother loved the most. As I reached the door of my room, as I'm about to press the doorknob, I can feel my hand is shivering then I realize I'm already inside of my room. I can't dry my tears. Everything that happened at the hospital is flashing back.

Why didn't my father tell me? He knew the promised that brother and I vowed before that we will never love the same girl. So, why didn't he say anything? I kept on asking myself. My mind is full of question, why?

I just cried all night, I locked myself up inside my room. I don't know why am I crying. Is it because I love the same girl my brother did and I fell in love with the mother of my nephew? On the other hand, is it because the one that I love died right in front of me?

Now, I'm here sitting at a white chair looking at the casket where she was lying in. I can't stand up to look at her inside. My nephew sat down beside me. "Uncle, why is Mama lying there?" he asks as he pointed the casket of his mother.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Didn't granny answer that?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Why does when I ask you, you always asked back?" he asked with a frown expression on his face.

I wiped my tears off. "Okay, Mama is lying there because she's resting now."

"Will she wake up?" he asked again.

"Mama will rest forever." I replied.

I saw him frowned. "I can't play with her again?" I nod. Then he started to cry and ran from me to mom. Mom looked at me and smile as if says I did the right thing.

I looked back at the casket. Slowly, I stand up and gradually I walk to look at the inside. Finally, I reached it. I slowly opened my eyes. I look at her. She opened her eyes. At the shock I felt, I stepped backwards. I fell even if the floor is flat like a board. I point out the casket where she is. "She... she..." I can't complete what I'm about to say.

My mom taps my shoulder. "Are you okay?" she asked. "You look pale."

I look around. Everyone is sitting. I look at myself, I'm still sitting also. I sigh. I look at my mom with a worried facial expression and smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry." I said and pressed her hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath. I stand up, its now for real. I will look at her for the last time with my eyes wide open. As I walk slowly from the chair I sat from the casket, I can feel my legs are shaking as if I want to kneel down again. At last, I reached the coffin. I saw her beautiful face once again. Her face has a smile on her lips as if she wasn't hit by a car.

Wait, I saw the plate number of that car! What was it again? As I glance her face for the last time, I promise myself that I will give justice for her death. I walk and go outside, contact my twin brother's best friend who is a lawyer. She was shock when she found out what happened, so... she said that she's going where the funeral is. After I gave the information she needs, she said we will discuss that when she arrive. I end the call and sat down beside my dad. He tapped on my shoulder. I smiled at him.

My twin brother's best friend finally arrived. She asked what happened. I walk her outside and I open my car's door. "Let us discuss that matter to some place. My nephew might hear the whole story what happened." I whispered to her. She nodded as an agreement.

"Uncle, where are you going?" my nephew asked before I got inside my car.

I smiled. "We'll just talk then, buy some food. What do you want?"

"Can I come with you?" he asked.

"No, next time. Sorry."

I saw his sad facial expression. "Okay..." then he go back inside, sat beside my dad and he pouted his lips.

I drove from the funeral to a near restaurant. I opened the restaurant's door for her. "Thank you." she says. I pulled the chair for her then she smiled at me.

The waiters came and taken our order. While she was discussing something that I don't want to know. I'm curious about the girl I do see at my twin brother's best friend’s back. She tapped my hand. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Huh?! Oh! I mean, I can talk to my friend police. Just discuss that to him. I'm sorry."

"It’s okay let me know what was just happened." then she smiled.

I saw something different spark in her eyes, it’s something I can't explain. Her smile isn't the usual smile I see. I stand up and say, "I'm sorry, I have to go now. My nephew will find me if I stay a little longer." I heard my phone rang. I laugh. "See? He’s calling me using my dad's phone. I have to go."

I drove to the near drive-thru fast-food chain and I ordered a kiddy meal for my nephew then I return to the funeral. My nephew hugged me that and he whispers something that I didn't understand. After the funeral, we decided to cremate her body. Then we ate at the near restaurant.

It’s been to two months since I and my twin brother's best friend talk. I still contact my police friend. After work, I drove home due to fatigue so I locked myself in my room and rest. I don't know what time is it already. I can't open my eyes properly but I knew my eyes are open. I saw someone lying beside me looking at me. It’s her. Then I close my eyes again. "It’s her?!" I asked myself then when I open my eyes, no one is lying beside me. I heard my nephew shout, so I run from my room to his room. "What happened?" I asked.

My twin brother's son hugged me tight. I lift him up and hug him. I felt his body shivering, I saw his face, its pale. I told him to talk but he doesn't want to. I get some water from the refrigerator, and let him drink it to calm him down. "What is happening? Why did you shout?" I asked when he calm down a bit.

"I saw Mama lying down in my bed and she's smiling and looking at me. Then... then she disappeared." he says with a trembling voice. I was shocked. Did I heard it right? My twin brother's son saw his mother lying on his bed looking and smiling at him.

"Uh..." I said and chuckled. "You're trying to fright Uncle, uh!..." I joked on.

"NO!" he cried.

I sighed and smiled at him to ease his trembling body. I hugged and kissed him. "Where's granny?" I asked.

"I don't know..." he answered.

"Okay, I'll just go look at granny at her room. Want to sit down here and wait for me?"

"No! I want to go with you." he said then hugged me tight.

I just smiled and carried him. We didn't saw my mom on their room. "Why granny didn't knock my door? Didn't granny tell you anything?" I asked.

"She just said, I have to stay at my room. That's all."

We check the bathroom, the library, my dad's office, the kitchen and the garage, we saw her car, it means Mom was just somewhere in the house. We looked at her all over the house, just one part, the garden. I don't know why, maybe because the garden is spacious. Therefore, we decided to stand up on the entrance of the garden. "Granny?" I shouted.

We heard some sound. It gets nearer, nearer, and nearer then the sound stops. My nephew and I looked at each other. "Boo!" We scream and I run one meter away from the entrance of our garden. Then, we heard steps get nearer. We saw feet on the ground and slowly we look whom is it holding our breath.

"Granny?" we asked.

Then, my mom started to laugh. "What are you running and screaming at?" she asked.

At last, we breathe. I stand up and carry my nephew. "You frightened us, Mom!"

My mom laughed again. "Coward boys!" she teased then laughed again. My nephew laughs next. Then, it flashed back in my mind so I also laugh.

After dinner, my nephew looked and smiled at me. "I don't like that smile young man!" I joke on.

He pouted his lips. "I just want sleep with you, Uncle..." he says.

I smiled and looked at him. "Okay... But let me talk to granny first, hmm?"

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