Chapter 7
He nods. I look at my mom. She looks at me. We stared each other then laugh. My face began to express the seriousness and my mom begun to ask on her eyes.
I sigh. "Mom, he saw his mother. On his bedroom lying on his bed, looking and smiling at him. Moreover, I saw her lying beside me staring and smiling at me too. I don't know if I'm just dreaming on what I've saw but his sure of what he saw because his body is trembling and his face is pale when I rushed in on his room the moment I heard him screamed."
My mom thinks and stands up from the chair. She washed the plates. I don't know why she begun to be so quiet. "Granny, we're going to sleep now." I said. My mom just nod, she never turn to look at us. That's strange. Therefore, I decided to move and go beside her. "Mom, is there something wrong?" Before she turned her back on me, I saw a portion of tears on her face. I hugged her. I looked at my nephew and signed him to hug my mom. He hugged my mom. Then, my mom began to smile. "Don't ever frighten me like that!" she says.
"What..." I asked with a smile on my lips.
"Don't ever say you and him seeing her lying on your bed, she's looking and smiling at you." she said with tears in her eyes.
"But granny, it’s true! I saw Mama!" my twin brother's son said. My mom labels at him at tap his head.
My mom looks at me. Then, my dad came at the house. Then we said what my nephew and I saw. My parents decided that my nephew would sleep in my room so that the child won't feel anything terrifying. My parents also told me not to leave my nephew left all alone by himself. They also said that kids don't lie when they saw something that makes them terrified. My nephew doesn't have any class, my parents have to work, so... I'm about to send him at the house of his mother's parents. I called them that I'll send him to them but they said they're busy so I decided to took him at my work. We went to the mall to buy some toys and at the same time safety gear for the construction site.
Its already lunch, we're about to go at the near fast-food chain. We saw my twin brother's best friend. She greeted us. My nephew stepped backwards and hold on my hand tight.
"Where are you going?" she ask my nephew. My nephew hold on my hand more tighter and never answered. I looked at him and asked him through my eyes. He just pouted his mouth.
She smiled at me and I smiled back awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I just want to ask the story of what happened to..." she didn't complete her sentence but I knew what she was talking about.
"Well... Her family was the one who will investigate it." I said as an excuse.
She nod. "Can I talk to her family?" she asked.
"They said, I'm out of the investigation, I respect it so... I let them. They don't want to involve any one of us." I lied. "Why are you interested in her case?" I asked.
"Nothing, its just she's the girlfriend of your diseased twin brother." she said.
I just nod. "Okay, we have to go now. He's hungry and I don't want him to babysit a boy who's having tantrums. He’s difficult to please."
"I see... Then, maybe I could join you."
"Huh? If it’s okay with him..." I said. I saw her expression changed. I looked at my nephew and he looked at me.
"I don't want to..." he whispered.
The facial expression never changes. "I'm sorry..." I just said to apologize. I saw her nodded and go, drove her car.
It’s been three weeks since that encounter happened. My police friend contacted me. He said that they already traced the plate number. As I said to my police friend, its confidential. It’s just I who will know every detail what will be found. I promise myself that I'll find justice for her death. I will never stop until that person who hit her wasn't sent to jail. I'm going to find every evidence to imprison who hit her, not for me but for the justice that her family wants and for my twin brother's son.
It’s already vacation, still the investigation is ongoing. My police friend wants to know my twin brother's best friend, so... I introduce them to each other. I got confused. My police friend is confusing me; he doesn't say anything why does he wants to know my twin brother's best friend. I didn't asked him, instead I conclude that he wants to date a prosecutor, that's why I let him, I know he can do his job. As the confidential investigation progress, I got promoted on my job but I still didn't change my car, I'm still going home to my parents house.