Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Cameran -
I woke up to see she had messaged me asking if I would be willing to send her a photo along with some questions.
I didn't want to seem too eager, but wanted her to know I was very serious.
Once I selected a few photos to send I told her I was fine with answering any questions she had for me.
*Hello again Cameran,
I hope you're not just now waking up. It's nearly lunchtime. I hope you don't mind me saying that you're very beautiful. You also seem like a silly little girl I would like to get to know. Even though we've only just started talking would you mind keeping track of what you eat and when as well as tracking your sleep schedule? Do you have any questions for me?
What are you truly looking for in a dynamic?
Security. I feel incomplete on my own and I actually feel anxiety when I'm making decisions for myself. I may be able to manage my day to day life without the instruction I desire, but it is not without stress. I'm unable to truly get into a headspace on my own and I think it's because I don't feel comfortable knowing that I don't have someone in control. I also enjoy the idea of being in service to someone. I feel accomplished when I'm able to provide satisfactory service.
What experiences have you had?
When I was with my ex girlfriend I was spanked using a bare hand and a square hair brush. I have been restrained using store bought restrains. I have experienced orgasm denial and edging. I have been in both little and puppy head spaces and played in each. I have been humiliated and experienced emotional sadism. My ex ordered scalpels online and tried artistic cutting, I still have the scars.
What are your hard limits?
Anal play.
Bathroom play.
Noticeable or permanent physical changes.
Public humiliation.
Rape or abusive simulations.
Isolation as punishment.
I would have to negotiate to discover others.
What are things you would like to explore?
Almost anything that isn't a hard limit. I've found that I am a very kinky girl and would like to explore anything I possibly can even if I discover it's not for me.
Do you have any physical or mental medical issues I should be aware of?
I'm not sure if it counts as an issue since it hasn't been diagnosed, but after things took a turn with my ex things got kind of heavy. I still have occasional pain in my left arm with limited mobility as well as what resembles ptsd.
Do you have a criminal record and if so what is on it?
No Ma'am.
What kind of punishments have you been given?
As a little I have had things like toys or privileges taken away. I've been given extra chores.
As a puppy I have been crated overnight.
In general I have been spanked, denied, given extra sexual chores, and things of that nature.
I'm sorry to say that I have just now woken up. My sleep schedule has not been the best for about six months now. Thank you for calling me beautiful, but I know I can't compare to you Ma'am. I can keep up with those things for you. My only question I guess would be why you've turned to online ads to find someone when you've been active in person before?*
I realized she was right about the time and went to make a sandwich.
Before I finished eating she replied.
*Hello Cameran,
When you refer to your left arm, an I understanding correctly that you had an injury you never had checked out? If that is the case would you let me make you an appointment to have it looked at?
The bill would be taken care of.
May I ask the nature of your ptsd?
I have chosen the internet because it allows you to get to know people with a bit of an anonymous factor. While I provided you with a picture it was because you responded directly to my ad. However going out in public, you can be seen by anyone at the event. My career has advanced over the last few years. I used to only go to events out of town, but I now travel with my job so online is easier.*