Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Cameran -
I pulled in to the parking lot of the hotel and sat in the car to collect my thoughts for a few minutes.
Finally I texted her that I had arrived safely and she said she was just settling into the room.
She asked if I needed help with my bags and of course, I declined so she gave me the room number.
I waited a few more minutes before getting my things and heading inside.
I felt knots growing in my stomach on the way to the top floor.
I was having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that I had only messaged her last night and now I was meeting her in a hotel for dinner tonight.
As odd as it was I felt comfortable with it.
I was fully aware that I could walk in and be totally wrong about her, but something about her made me feel safe.
She could have easily asked me for nude photographs, but instead showed me what she looked like first then simply asked to see me.
She could have been arranging a playdate for the weekend, but said she wanted to spend time together and even offered to take me out to dinner first.
Without even knowing me she sent me to the doctor and took care of the bill with what seems like no personal gain for herself.
Of course I knew I had to be cautious, but I had high hopes that it would be unneeded.
The elevator doors opened and she was waiting for me in a nice business suit that showed off her curves.
Dani: ‘I'm glad you made it Cameran. I'm Dani.’
I stepped out of the elevator and she extended her hand for me to shake, then took the duffle bag off of my shoulder.
Dani: ‘The room is just down the hall here, I wanted to greet you.’
‘Thank you Ma'am.’
I said shyly and she gave me a warm smile before I followed her down the hall.
She inserted the key card and opened the door for me.
Dani: ‘I was just about to get out of these clothes and into something comfortable, I hope you don't mind.’
‘Of course not.’
She sat my bag beside a very nice suitcase and began removing her clothes.
Her body was incredible and only covered by a black thong with matching bra.
She noticed me staring and turned to face me while giggling.
Dani: ‘I hope you don't think I'm trying to be forward or anything. I've had various struggles with my body image over the years and I have have finally become incredibly confident in my body. So I don't typically try to hide it. I hope that doesn't offend you and that you don't feel pressure to change in front of me as well.’
‘Oh um, no I'm sorry, you're just insanely gorgeous.’
I said then quickly covered my mouth.
Dani: ‘You're a very beautiful young lady yourself Cameran. You're free to look all you'd like, like I said, I'm very proud of my body.’
She put on a pair of cute leggings that showed off her ass and a loose fitting tank top.
Dani: ‘Are you ready to eat? I picked up a large salad for us to share, then a chicken parmesan meal and chicken carbonara. You can pick one or we can share them both.’
‘Both sound great Ma'am.’
I followed her out onto the balcony where she had the to go boxes on a table with plates and bowls across from each other.
I sat down and she put a bowl of salad in front of me.
Dani: ‘So what was the verdict from my friend about your arm?’
‘Well, she said that it wasn't anything too serious, but it seems like there had been some soft tissue damage. She wanted me to do physical therapy a few times a week for the next couple of months, but I told her that I would be fine.’
Dani: ‘What did she say when you told her that?’
‘She said that she was going to go ahead and schedule it, but if you contacted her to cancel it she would cancel. I really do appreciate it Ma'am, but I don't think it's necessary.’
Dani: ‘I'm not sure why you're so hesitant to accept the help, but obviously a medical professional has deemed it necessary. Could you please follow through with the therapy as she recommends? It would make me very happy to know that you're not going to be in pain anymore.’
I just looked at my salad.