Read with BonusRead with Bonus



His groans fill the room as I bounce on his cock, his fingers digging tightly as he searches for his release.

Me? I don't feel a thing..... Not the pain, not the pleasure. Their touch does not affect me, I am only numb.

My identity changed from Bliss Carnap, the demon possessed girl to Bliss Pyaar, Royal hooker of Sandy's club and bar, NY.

How it happened? She sold me.

Deaconess Patty sold a thirteen year old girl, that's me to a club owner.

Far away from South Dakota.



Patty turns to the lady sitting opposite her. "Here she is" she says. The woman looks at me thoroughly with a smug smile spread on her lips.

"I will take her". She says.

I am perplexed as I stare at her curiously. "Take me? Where" I ask.

"You should be grateful that somone is ready to buy your patethic self... It was hard finding a buyer because of your ill fate!!" Patty barks at me.

I want to scream, I want to cry, but I do none of that as I stand there. The woman smiles up at me. "Won't you pack your bag darlin' " The woman says.

"I don't have anything to take out of this house" I say blankly, and it is true I have nothing to take out of here... I have never had anything to my name.

Except, my hands travel to my wrist... My mother's bracelet. It is at least the only thing that Patty allowed me to have in that house.

Of course not without her telling me to keep it away from her children because it was the property of a sinful soul.

"Let's leave please" I don't look back at the house that holds so much bitter memories as I follow the lady who later introduced herself as Maeve into her waiting car.

I don't look back at South Dakota as we drive out of town.

I don't look back....

I won't look back because my past is buried there and I will not dig it up again.

There is a new me, only that this new me is an thirteen year old girl who sells her body for money.. The new me is Bliss Pyaar.

As we enter into New York city, I get to realise that Maeve is not the one who bought me but a certain Ma'am Sandy who owns strip club called Sandys.

She needed more "recruits" as Maeve put it so she had bought me. How Aunty Patty found her is still a mystery to me and I don't want to think about it.

"Here in Sandys, Money trumps self respect" Maeve tells me as we stop in front of a house. I should marvel at the beauty of the place but I dont, I only keep up a blank look. I follow Maeve inside.

Madam Sandy is on a large sofa, a cigarette stick in her mouth. She turn to face us and her eyes land on me. She puffs out a smoke and smiles.

"You are beautiful" she says.

I don't agree but I say nothing.

"Get her changed Maeve" She added.

At that time, I knew one thing... My life was obviously taking a drastic turn from bad to worse.

I was only thirteen.



"Wow, you are really as good as they tell, ya know I am all with the see before you talk kinda thing... You are damn good Bliss Pyaar" The man says with a wide grin as he shrugs on his clothes.

"Payment" I say coldly, ignoring his statement.

One thing I learnt over the past five years is that this old dorks who spend their money on hookers prefer to be obeyed than hearing your scream of pleasure..

Dominance.. They love dominance.

Your silence and your willing attitude is what make them love you more... I guess that's why the big men come for me at Sandy's. I allow them to do what they want without making as small as a scream, they enjoy it.

"Ah, you are also as cold as they say" he replies and hands his credit card to me. I swipe it over the portable phone-like machine I carry about and hand back to him.

Sandy's don't do cash...

I wear my overall over my skimpy dress and start to leave. "We should see more often Bliss Pyaar" he says to my back.

"If you want my services again, talk to Sandy" I reply with finality and walk out of the hotel room.

Rich old prick.


"And here she comes" I hear one of them whisper as I enter into the dressing room.

They scoff loudly enough for me to hear. It is still a kind of mystery to me why the girls don't like me probably because I don't really interact with them except Maeve.

I don't let them bother me anyway, I have lived with rejection all my life and it's something I have allowed to be plastered to myself.

Maeve enters and sights me at the corner as I shrug on my cloth. "Hey you're back" she says.

"Obviously" I reply nodding at her. She is the only one that is still a bit chatty with me than the others.

Selene, Lolita, Tori, Kim, Courtney, Theresa, Alice, Katy, Maeve and I.

"Maeve, can I get a d-cup with you" Selene asks from the other end.

"Ol' lady, whatchya mouth... You gonna clean up the mess at the bar if I give you" Maeve replies and throws the bra to Selene who catches it with a smile.

"Hey, ya know cleaning the bar isn't my thing"

The girls snicker... "Then you get a d-cup and stop begging for one" Lolita chips in. This two never agree on a thing, always bickering back and forth.

"Fatso" Selene sneers at Lolita and runs outside to avoid her incoming wrath. Lolita hates being called a fatso, considering her weight she wasn't that fat. She just had the right curves in the right place.

"And here comes Belly Bee" Tori sings out as Bella enters with a bag of crispy cookies in her hands. She munches on it as she enters.

Bella is Sandy's little sis, she is just a little over two years older than me and she has been the only thing closest to friends I have come to have here.

"Want some cookies" she ask waving the cookie bag in the air. The girls rush to her while I sit at my bed staring at them.

Her eyes land on me as the girls keep struggling over the bag of cookies. "You are back" she states.

"Yeah, did she see the alert?" I as referring to Sandy.

She smiles. "Did your job well huh, I have a gift for you" she says motioning for me to come out.

I stand up put on a short and a tank top, packing my fiery red hair into a messy bun, I slip my feet's into my flops and follow her.

One thing about Bella is that she never refers to me as the girl her sister bought... She treats me equally, even better than the other girls that sometimes I tend to forget that I am a property and I can never leave. Though I don't think leaving has ever crossed my mind.. I will choose this place a thousand times over my basement in South Dakota. I shake my head, I don't want to remember Dakota.

There is a mock office at the far end of the bar, that's where Bella leads me to. She closes the door behind her and draws out a chair for me. I sit.

She also sits facing me. "Aren't you curious as to why I called you here?" She asks with a smile, bringing out brown envelope from the safe beside her.

"Curiosity kills the cat, so they say" I reply her smugly.

"Smart ass you are, ever thought of going back to college?" She throws the envelope to me.

"My roommate had a free slot this year, her dad's a professor..... The scholarship covers only your tuition and a dorm if need be... Rest will be handled by you.. You need some money I will be of help. Ya got potentials babe, I thought you might want this" she says in one breath.

"It is NYU"

I exhale loudly as I take in what she just said.




I look at her in shock. "You want me to finish my education?" it is a question that doesn't need an answer because the document in my hand clarified it as I shakily bring it out.

A scholarship slot from New York University.


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