Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

This is not only the best day of her life, it is the day that She'll finally be taken to his arms. The arms of the love of her life. She's finally 'married to the love of her life'. She has been waiting for this day all her life.

Women kept yodeling as sohana was taken to her matrimonial home. She couldn't stop crying. She muttered a 'bismillah' and entered the house with her right foot. "My dear please stop crying kinji" one of sohana's aunt whispered.

She nodded, wiping her tears. After a long nasiha by her aunts she was left with her friends, Najwa, arisha, imsaal and manahel. "Keh kukan meh kuma kikeyi mawa kuma? (What are you the for ?)" imsaal asked glaring at her.

Sohana didn't say anything. "Shut up" manahel hit imsaal's lap. She gave sohana a side hug and said "please stop crying mana, ko kina so yazo ya sameki kina kuka ne? Kinsan dai bazeji dadi ba, kuma nasan baki san abinda zeh bata mai rai. (do want him to meet you crying? You know he won't feel happy about it and I know you don't want to do anything to make him angry)" she finished talking while patting her back.

Sohana opened her veil "toh na dena kukan (I've stopped crying)" she said wiping her tears. "Good girl, now go wash your face and arisha will fix your makeup." She nodded and headed towards the bathroom. She came out after washing her face. Arisha being a professional make up artist, glammed up soha's face in no time .

Sohana received a call from  sultaan saying they're downstairs waiting. "Breathe in and out please sohana, calm down" manahel spoke. Sohana nodded, najwa fixed her veil before they walked down the stairs.

And there, there was the prince waiting for his princess's arrival. His eyes were on her as she walked down the stairs. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. His friend Amir hit his shoulder making him groan "what?!" He snapped. "Don't worry you can have her to yourself right after we leave" he laughed. Sultaan glared and hissed at him.

They exchanged pleasantries with soha's friends before asking them how much they need for "siyan baki". "Kun san amaryar tamu nada tsada seku kawo 5 mil kawai (you know our bride is very expensive so we'd take just 5 million)" imsaal spoke first.

"Haba pretty lady reduce the money to 400k" anwar said. "Just bring 500k" arisha smirked. "400k please" moha (Muhammad) pleaded. "Cash please" imsaal said looking at the gentlemen. Anwar bought out 100k, so also anwar, moha and Ahmad.

All that while sultaan's eyes were on sohana. They prayed for the newlywed before leaving. "Better be pregnant by the end of this month"imsaal said teasingly as she walked out fast, laughing. Sohana shook her head. She knows that's how her friend is, so shameless.

Sohana went up to her room and covered her face again. After some few minutes, Sultaan came in holding three white paper bags containing chicken, fruits and drinks. "Salamu alaykum" his husky voice rang in her head as she answered.

Her back was facing him. "Can I come in?" He asked full of happiness. She nodded slowly. He walked in and sat beside her. He raised the veil, revealing her beautiful face, sighting her mesmerizing brown eyes, her cute pointy nose, her pink lips.

"Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal" he murmured both his palm on her cheek. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and moved back. "Let's pray before we eat." He said and stood up. He sashayed into the bathroom and performed the wudhu.

She did the same and came out. They prayed two raka'ats and prayed for a peaceful and blissful marriage life full of happiness and love. They fed each other before taking a shower. She stood there shy wearing a short silky red gown barely covering half of her thighs, the nightie been chosen by imsaal.

"Wow! You look hot" he looked at her from head to toe, his mouth wide open. He dressed up in shorts with a white tank top. Now on the bed sohana sat fiddling with her fingers as she thought of random things. She was so nervous about what was coming next.

He joined her on the bed and pulled her close to his body. She laid her head on his chest while he kissed her silky black long hair as he placed his hand on her waist, sending chills down her spine. "I don't know what to say to let you know how happy I am. I'm overwhelmed. I can't believe you're finally mine. Insha allah you'll not lack anything. I love you so much Fatima (sohana). You're my everything, I'll never let you down Insha Allah" he finished talking and kissed her head again.

"I love you too Mubarak" she whispered burying her face more as she Inhaled his cologne. He placed a soft kiss on her neck, he did it again. She breath in and out, feeling scared. "If I'm hurting you, just tell me and I'll stop" he whispered into her ear before he bit it lightly.

He trailed kisses to her lips. She didn't hesitate in kissing back. She heaved a sigh of relief as he kissed her passionately. He moved to her pulse and sucked on it making her let out a loud Moan. He continued doing that before moving back to her lips as his hand roamed around her dress.

Well that's how the newlyweds enjoyed their first night!

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