Chapter 3
2 years ago.....
Sultaan is a type of man who doesn't care about girls. He has never for once had a girlfriend. He has slot of girls fighting over him. What they're all after is his good looks and money. He thinks girls are just a distraction. He also thinks having a girlfriend is a waste of time not until he met Sohana.
One sunny Saturday, sultaan went to visit his best friend, Ahmad after years of not meeting. "Mubarak Hashim Umar is that you" Ahmad said with a wide grin which you rarely see. "It's me bruh, just got back from Louisville" he replied smiling.
They have a lot in common that's why they're tight best friends. "How have you been?" Ahmad asked. "Fine alhamdulillah. I am really sorry I missed your wedding bruh" he apologized. "You've been apologizing for almost a year now, let it go already" he said and laughed a little.
"I can't just believe I missed my best friends wedding. That's just messed up" he faced palmed his self. His eyes met with a beautiful pair as he removed his hand and opened his eyes. His heart skipped a beat as hers did the same. She kept the tray and turned to leave when Ahmad stopped her.
"Keh bakida hankali ne are you alright kuwa? Can't you greet?" He yelled at her making her to move back a little. Her head was low as she fiddled with her fingers. "I'm sorry yaya. Ina wuni (good afternoon)" she squatted a little. "Lfy lau" sultaan found his self answered. She quickly left as she answered.
"Wow, is that who I think it is?" He asked still looking at the door she went through. "Yep that's fatima!" He shrugged. "Hey! Have some respect for that name" he snapped making Ahmad to laugh a little. "That's Sohana she just came back from St. Louis last month."
"I haven't seen her in like six to seven years. She's all grown up" a smile plastered on his lips. "Why are you smiling?" Ahmad asked looking at his best friend. "Nothing" he shrugged. "Better find a spouse mehn, you're not getting any younger." Sultaan groaned "Don't start with that please!"
When he got home that day he went to abba's side and greeted him and did the same with mama before retiring to his room. He had his bath and dress up for bed. He hop on his bed and did his sleeping supplications.
He had just one problem, he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking of her. He kept picturing the way she looked at him and the way she ran out of the living room. A smile on his face as he kept thinking of soha. 'I have to see her again tomorrow'
Same thing applies to sohana. She couldn't sleep. She was full of thoughts. Why can't she remove him from her head. He's everywhere. His billion dollar smile send chills down her spine. She wants to see him again.
Sohana is the type of woman that hardly talks. You will never see her in a group of girls hanging out and gossiping. Najwa, arisha, amsaal and manahel are her only friends. They are the only people that seems to get her. Sohana love kids.
"For crying out loud you're 30 years old you should be married by now" Ahmad said looking at sultaan who was driving. "So? I'm just 30 stop getting on my butt" he shrugged. "Hey where's that girl that keeps on calling you? Ermm what's her name again?" he scratched his head trying to remember her name.
"Mahnoor" sultaan sighed. "Oh yes, the glow of moon." He laughed. Sultaan sent daggers at him. "What? That's the meaning of her name. Glow Of Moon" Ahmad smirked. "Whatever!" He shook his head. They stopped in front of a large boutique. MUUSHMAN written boldly on the building.
They went into the boutique. "Welcome to my boutique" sultaan grinned.
"You're pretty loaded mehn. Just try and get married." Ahmad laughed a little while sultaan glared at him. "You have a good job, companies, boutiques. You're just successful but moment of truth, you have to get married. I know mama wants you to get married too." Sultaan groaned "let go of this talk for once please"
They roamed around the boutique before going back to Ahmad's house. Sohana was in the living room holding amirah, Ahmad and ammatullah's first baby. Her heart started beating fast as she looked at sultaan. His heart was doing the same. This has never happened to her, so as him.