Chapter 1
"Haaaaaaa". I screamed as I felt cold water pour on me
I open my eyes and saw my step brother grinning like the fool he is.
" Are you crazy?". I yelled getting up from my bed.
" Nah, you are the crazy one here, cus you are late to prepare breakfast ". He said
I looked at him for a while and nodded.
" Wait did you just nod ?, Like you just waved my word?". He said with a suprised face.
" You have a problem with that". I replied and made my way to the bathroom.
I peeped and noticed he left my room already.
I immediately cracked my brain for the best way to make him pay for pouring water on me.
An idea crossed my mind and I smirked.
I brushed my teeth and made my way to the kitchen.
I checked the time table and saw its just a simple meal.
I was done few minutes later and prepared ☕ coffee.
I ran to my room and took the sedatives drug in my drawer.
I ran back to the coffee and dropped a tablet into it, I mix it together and made my way to Owens room, I was about to knock when an idea came to my mind.
I went back to the kitchen and dropped four more tablet into it.
" Yes I think five is enough for him to miss his professional exam today, he is going to sleep and eventually forget about any medical exams ". I muttered and went to his room.
I knocked but got no reply , I knocked again but he refused to answer me.
If there is one thing I hate it's being ignored I can kill for being ignored.
I pushed the door open and I met the idiot masturbating.
" Fool, I know your foolish whores are too busy to come around this early morning, so you decided to satisfy your little needle ". I said and dropped the coffee on his bedstand.
" What do you want crazy Stacy ?". He asked and wrapped a towel round his little needle.
" Owen you don't need to wrap a towel round that needle, have seen the needle several times ". I said and rolled my eyes.
" Did you just call my monster a needle ?". He asked coming closer.
" And what will you do about it ?". I said and sat down on his bed.
I looked around and noticed his books scattered across the room.
The fool must have read although the night.
" Stacy you made me coffee?". He said more like a question.
" Yes, I thought since you are writting an exam today,I should just make you coffee in case you decide to skip breakfast ". I lied and smirked inwardly.
He reached for the coffee and sipped from it.
" Hmmn tastes nice , the milk is not too much ". He said and gulped down the whole coffe.
" I will be in my room ". I said and turned to leave.
I was about opening the door when I heard a loud sound like someone fell.
I looked back and saw Owen on the floor, I laughed and closed the door.
Thank God mom and dad are not around.
I checked the time and realised am almost Late for school.
I checked my outfit in the mirror and nod my head in a satisfied way.
I picked my bag and checked if my instruments are complete.
I took the colour spray and dropped it in my bag { blue,green,red and yellow } , then I picked my favourite tool that is my pepper spray.
I ate breakfast and off to school.i decided to trek to school and not make use of my power bike.
I walked along the road and saw a girl clinging to a boy, I shake my head and formed an irritating face.
It rained last night so everywhere is muddy.
I was about crossing to the other side when a goat sped past me and splashed muddy water on my beautiful dress.
" What the hell!!!". I shouted but the car did not stop.
I took a stone hastily and threw it at the car, luckily the stone met the car back glass.
The car stopped and I ran to the car, not waiting for the owner ..
I took my colour spray and started spraying.
" Hey what are you doing ?". Someone said but I ignored.
I took a big stone and broke another glass.
" Stacy have you lost your memory?". A familiar voice said and I froze.
Am so fucking doomed...
My craziness has led me to my doom and am so fucking doomed.
" Stacy you are expelled from this school ". The principal said as I stated at him shocked.
The principal happens to be the one who splashed water on me.
" Excuse me sir, I clearly said am sorry ,what more do you want ?". I said to the Baldhead principal.
He didn't answer me instead he stated going through some files on his table.
" Hey bald head man am talking to you". I shouted
He raised his head with a suprised face.
" Did you just call me bald head?". He asked
" Did I say it aloud ?". I asked and hit my mouth.
" Get out before I lose my temper ". He said codly but dangerously
" Am sorry". I said and made to sit.
" Get out !!". He yelled and I flinched.
" Easy Mr Baldhead". I said and threw a new gum into my mouth.
" Call me that one last time and I will shatter your dreams ". He said
What he mean by shattering my dream is this :. My mom actually asked him to help me in gaining admission into one of those music schools.
I love singing so much and would do anything to become a musician.
" Shatter bundle". I said and removed the gum am chewing then paste it on his Baldhead.
I exit the office and made to leave when an idea crossed my mind.
" Maybe I should teach the principal a very big lesson". I said lowly and made my way to the school abandoned store house.
I brought out a big book and outlined my plan.
*. Hot pepper and water.
*. Spray his car and remove the battery
*. Remove or deflat his tyre.
*. Pipe out all his petrol.
*. And lastly beat up his arrogant son.
I looked through the list and settled on one{1,2,3}.
I began the necessary things and soon I was done.
"Haaaaaaaaa". I screamed at the doorpost of his office.
" Who is there?". His stupid voice boom from the office
" Aaaaaaaahhhh". I screamed again and I heard his doorstep.
I went to hide and watched all the show.
As soon as he opened the door the bucket of Hot pepper poured on him..
" Ahhhhhhhhh, ehhhhh, help me". He screamed and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.
I watched the way he danced around like a madman,.
I saw the vice principal running towards him with some of the teachers.
"Don't just stand like a fool help me, my eyes hurt ". He said and i burst into a silent laughter and made my way out of the school to the parking lot.
I looked around to see if anyone is there.
When I was sure no one is around, I took the colour spray from my bag and started painting.
I paint the car with so many colours and nod my head when I was satisfied.
I bent down and took out a strong needle, then I opened the cover of the air in the Tyre.
I opened the small cover and used the needle
I smiled at my self for a job well done and made my way out of the school compound.