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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

she's still mourning, I hope you understand it, that's the reason also why I need to talk to her first,

You don't have to worry sir, I understand it, so She will not be stressed of this matter, better not to announce the engagement in the public,

Thank you William you are such a considerate person, you are just like your grandfather,

Thank you sir!" He smile,

Grandpa you called me? Monica went straight to her grandfather study room, as soon as she arrives from work,

Yes!" Moni please sit down,

What's the matter grandpa, she can see the seriousness on the expression of the Oldman sitting in front of her,

Moni we both know that you are not a real Herrera by blood, but you know that we treated you like our own family,

"Yes Grandpa i know that!" And I'm very lucky because you treated me well even after the lost of my real foster parents you never abandoned me,

I'm sorry Moni!

I'm not telling this, because I want to ask for exchange, but I don't have any choice,

you know that Monalisa run away with her childhood sweetheart, I came to meet my comrade today, and talk to him regarding of what happen. and William Fernandez personally ask to marry you,!"

Monica Herrera dumbfounded after she heard the request of William Fernandez to marry her,

Grandpa did he knows about my real identity, with a confusion in her face,

No he didn't know anything, only his grandfather knows it, bit I think his not going to tell it to him either,

I'm sorry Moni please don't be upset to Grandpa,

No Grandpa don't say that I will never be upset on you, you know how much I love you, and love and care for this family, tell to William Fernandez that I'm willing to marry with him,

Thank you my dear, the Oldman response with a shyly expression,

" Oh Grandpa!" She stand up and hug her grandfather,

She accepted the arrange married even, she never meet William Fernandez, he knew him only by name,

Marrying this man to save the family from the embarrassment, so be it after all this is the only family who care and love her, and never abandoned her like what her real parents did, when she's a baby, if it's the only way to pay the goodness of this people who take care of her, she will accept her fate wholeheartedly,

Knock! knock!

Come in,

Miss Monica,sir William Fernandez is waiting outside,

Okay thank you butler I'm coming down now,

she open her bag and check aif all she needed is there, before she exited her bedroom, this married is not actually for her, but for Monalisa, but because she run away with Jericho, and it's also the request of William Fernandez to marry her, that's she don't know why, what's the reason, according to Monalisa, William Fernandez have a girlfriend,

But what will happen if William discover that she's not virgin anymore what will happen, it's better to tell him before they go in registrar office, she needs to tell him first,

So he will not blame her when they make love, after all it's his right to know,

She went out of the house, she sees Bentley park in front of their gate, the driver open the door for her as soon as she reached the car,

She find a man sitting in the back of the car, that is purposely waiting for her, his wearing a black suit the way he sitted you can see the aura of a noble man,

Good morning William I'm sorry for letting you wait,

The man look at her, with a serious expression,

Come in, the Time is gold, I still have a meeting after we registered our marriage,

She immediately went inside of the car, she suddenly felt nervous she has know idea that this man was so serious and not even showing any gentleness,

She sitted inside of the car that closely to the door, the atmosphere inside of the car was so silence, you can only hear the beat of their own heart, she don't know how she can tell him about herself, her plan to tell him first about her not a virgin anymore,

She's really nervous, she can't see any gentleness of this man as soon as she greeted him, she even ask an apology, for keep him waiting,

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