Chapter 4
Whitneys Pov
We went to the Shooting Gallery, it was actually fun, I actually never expected to have fun with a complete stranger . My guards were down for once in a long time. I really needed to shoot something, it was a bit difficult at first considering It's been long since I came to a shooting Gallery and handing a gun is not something I'm used to, My siblings all handled it well, and now that I'm thinking about it, it's quite suspicious. Anyways they had unlimited freedom to go out and explore while I was busy being trained to look presentable.
We later went to a near by restaurant to eat, cause I was starving. We both settled for mixed beef and chicken fajita which was served on a hot iron skillet. We later exchanged numbers and we went our separate ways. It was nice making a friend .
When I got home it was late,way past my curfew. I started sneaking up until I recalled my parents were on a business Trip and I walked majestically like a queen I'm supposed to be.I laid on my bed thinking of Nick that was his name, he was such a gentleman, at first I was thinking he'd be somewhat creepy but to my surprise!!!!.
My face is becoming warm at the thought of him. As if he knew I was thinking about him. My phone rang and I saw his name on my screen...I didn't want to look desperate so I did not pick up immediately and when I picked up my phone to answer it went off.
Fuck!!! I groaned what if he doesn't call back
So I held my phone and waited for him to call me back, Yes It's exactly what you're thinking I'm a little bit desperate...okay not a little bit desperate,I'm very very much in need of a masculine attention !!!
I held my phone for about two minutes staring at the screen of my IPhone 11Pro Max waiting for a call back. Finally my phone rang I didn't wait to think about it,I picked the call immediately and was disappointed to hear my sister's voice Lily , she's an actress and she's in the prime of her career and she doesn't really have time for me anymore. She has been my best sibling, she understood me more, cared for me and listened to me most times.
'Hey itty' she mused
'I thought we agreed that you won't call me that anymore' I complained
I actually love the name, it sounds like Family. Like she's really fond in me and stuff.But I pretend not to like it just to encourage her calling me "itty" . It's what I call reverse psychology. Yes I know I'm smart. You can proceed to applaud my wisdom.
'You're still a baby to me and besides it suits your cute face,I miss you so much how are you holding up alone in that house, I was quite surprised that Mum and Dad showed up for my movie premiere without you'
Wait!! Hold up hold up .So my parents travelled all the way to Paris to visit Lilly and without me.OMG!!!!
"WOAW!! WHAT I sincerely had no idea you know how mum is with me, and we hardly spoke this past few months because you were busy, you know I would have really loved to come, I guess I'll have to catch a glimpse of it on E!news."
"Yeah, I was thinking of talking to Dad about allowing you come to Paris to Visit me,you need a little Air,he also told me about the contract thingy and that's more reason why you need to socialize a bit".
" well I really miss you and I want you to talk to Dad and Mum, especially mum you know against me going anywhere I'm pretty sure she's the reason why the investors didn't pick my draft"
" you know mum, I guess she's doing it in your best interest, don't worry about it, I'll plan a special vacation for you"
"Anyways just make sure you talk to dad about it, I'll call you tomorrow, please do call me more often, It keeps me sane with the loneliness in this house"
"Okay Itty, I love you okay, I'm so sorrt abouy not having time for you I'll to make it up to you.Good night love"
"Muah muah"
After ending the call , I laid for a bit before deciding to take my clothes off , I decided to call Nick back. It was only polite right? Afterall I had an amazing day because of him. I dialed his number and he picked after the second ring
' hey' I sounded more cute than anticipated
" Nene " the way he pronounced my name, I can feel the butterflies dancing down there...
' I missed your call sorry, .....
" yeah I was calling to make sure you go home safe, since you didn't allow me escort you"
' i got home safe ,thank you'
" Good now I can sleep with a clear conscience"
" that's so nice , Good Night Nick, thanks for today"
" Thank you for giving me a chance,I hope subsequently we will be able to go out more often, maybe explore new places"
' That would be really nice, I don't go out so much,so I barely know places'
" Permit me to be your tour guide Miss Nene...let me show you what you've been missing" he said in a funny British accent, I couldn't help but giggle and he was laughing too
I mentally slammed my head against a wall, why the fuck I'm I giggling like a horny slutty teenager. Urgggg!!!!
' that would be nice Sir, I'd really love That' i replied
" it's settled then, I'm at your service"
" you're at my service" i repeated gently, then I yawned almost to loudly
Shityy, why did that happen, hope he doesn't think I think he's boring
As if he heard my thoughts
" I guess you're tired, Good Night Nene"
'Good Night Nick'
I ended the call and screamed excitedly into my pillow, I quickly rushed the bathroom,and wiped my make up off my face and had a shower. Dried my body and went to bed..
I woke up but I was not in my room,I was locked up in an empty room ,then a woman walked in I could not look up I was so scared comforting my self with gentle words as I laid on the floor and curled my body in a protective form trying to calm myself with soothing words,I knew what was going to happen next, I've been through this a million times growing up,
" you mannerless child,you can't even acknowledge the presence of your mother"
Then she kicked me continuously,as i sobbed and begged her to stop, she then poured a bucket of cold water on me and hit me with her whip.
When she was no longer satisfied with my sob she picked me up and put me in a drum filled with water, She knew I couldn't swim or even hold me breathe,I was struggling to breathe but I couldn't , I wanted to give up and allow the darkness consume me but I still couldn't I wanted to prove her wrong, I was still struggling , I decided to allow the darkness consume me death would always be better than my I'll fate and circumstances.
I suddenly jolted up, and saw a worried Susan looking at me, I knew that face I was having my night mares again.
" You are not taking your sleeping pills, you had a nightmare again' she said sounding very concerned
" I forgot to take them, I'm fine Susan, you can go to your room , I'll take my pills'
" okay, but please call me if you need anything"
" I will" I responded almost immediately, I didn't like the pity face she was giving me, I didn't like it,she saw me as a broken toy, but I know I'm not I'm always stronger than anything I've been through.
As soon as she left I took my pill , I actually needed this sleep and I did not want to pity myself, soon I was lost to the darkness.