Chapter 6
At the Railway station
"Hina this is your ticket, some snacks and water bottle, when you reach Z City call my sister Helena I've saved her number in your mobile named " aunt Helena" OK", William guided Hina.
"Ok", Hina replied. After hearing her reply William helped her in finding her sit than said farewell, "train will leave shortly I'll go now take care and don't worry everything will be fine".
Hina had a weird feeling now she wasn't ready to leave her hometown she never travelled out of Y City, she was born here, her childhood friends are here, her school, her college, her house, and most importantly her father's cemetery is here. She is going to leave this place and never come back can she do it?
Her eyes were full of tears she looked at William and said, "Uncle I will never come back can you do me one more favour please?".
"Say it dear", William said.
"Can you take care of dad for me please", Hina requested.
William got emotional, "I promise you Hina I'll visit your father weekly and take full care of him for you. And don't worry once you became successful you can come back to visit your father hmm".
"Yes, I will. Thank you so much for everything uncle", Hina said.
"Would stop thanking me I told you I'm just trying to pay back your father's debt you owe me nothing and most importantly you are my best friend's daughter so it's natural we are a family for me you and Rija both are same. If you still think you owe me become successful in life to that our hardwork will pay back ok", William comforted Hina.
"I will", Hina replied.
"OK, I'll leave now stay safe bye", William said and stood up to leave.
"bye uncle take care", Hina replied. After that William left.
When he reached home Maria opened the door and welcome him with questions, "Hina's train left? Was everything fine? She was OK? Did anyone saw you? Did Noyan...". William interrupted her, "Relax she is fine. I stay till the train left and no one saw us. And I haven't seen Noyan and he didn't contact me. Anything else honey", William said playfully.
"stop messing around, you have no idea how scared we were after you left Noyan came to see Hina. He acted so weird", Maria said.
"What do you mean?", William asked
"He acted so calm so civilized his tone was full of concern and love for Hina.", Maria explained.
"Yes dad he was totally different from usual. He didn't shout and didn't pushed in to search house. He just stood on door and was acting like he is very concerned about Hina", Rija added.
"Really", William was a little surprised. He new Noyan doesn't care about anything but himself. He thought 'Noyan doesn't care what other people think about him unless he has some benefits to ask. But what benefits he can get from Hina.'
"I told him that Hina isn't here and she didn't contact us. I told him that I'll ask you to look for Hina when you come back and we will visit him tomorrow morning to discuss about Hina's issue.", Maria said.
"OK, we'll find out what he is up to tomorrow morning right now it's very late let's rest first", William said.
"But if we don't look around for Hina won't he doubt us", Maria asked.
"Don't worry I'll make some calls to ask people about Hina and than I'll call Noyan as well to show anger and worry. We have to encounter them tomorrow from tomorrow we have to start a new fight to make sure Hina's whereabouts remain secret.", William said.
"OK", Maria said.
Than three of them went to their bedrooms to sleep. William called some of Hina's neighbours and some common friends to put on act. Than at the end he called Noyan no one picked up the call, he kept on calling but no one picked after making ten missed calls he went to bed.
At Hina's house
Noyan went to sleep as soon as he reached home he didn't told Tina where he went and Tina didn't dear to ask as well. When Noyan's mobile rang Tina heard it but Noyan never allowed her to touch his mobile plus she didn't dare to wake him up. So she just let the mobile rang.
Next morning, Hina's house's door bell rang at 6:30 a.m. Richie, Tina and Noyan were still sleeping. Door bell kept on ringing and wook Tina up she went down to open the door. When she opened the door she saw William and Maria she asked, "is everything OK you came this early is Rija OK, come in" they both walked in.
"Are you serious Noyan told me yesterday that Hina left the house and you are asking us what happened. Tina do you still have conscience", Maria was angry to see how relax Tina is and burst out. She didn't know what happened to Tina after marrying Noyan she changed she doesn't care about her beloved daughter at all.
"That was her own choice, she wants to go against my will and do things than it's best she live on her own and she is grown up now. It's time that she should take her own responsibility I can't spoon-fed her whole life", Tina answered Maria without any guilt.
At this time Noyan came down from his bedroom and heard Tina, "Stop talking nonsense Hina did nothing wrong, Maria William I'm sorry I don't know why Tina and Richie overreacted I wasn't home if I was here nothing would happened. Please ask Hina to come back I'll make sure no one hurt her she can do whatever she likes ", Noyan said.
"Really", William said.
"Yes", Noyan responded.
"If you really care about her then where were you when I called you last night. I called you several times to ask about Hina but you never picked it up and still when we came to check you are all sleeping soundly like nothing happened. Is this your so called love and concern for Hina", William confronted Tina and Noyan.
"She isn't at your home?", Noyan asked.
"I told you last night when you came our home that she isn't here why you are asking again. Do you think we will run around to look for her if she was at our home.", Maria shouted.
"I thought you were hiding her", Noyan said.
"Are you serious why would we do that. Did we ever hide her before when you abused her and she ran to us to safe herself", Maria said.
Noyan thought about it last night he thought that Maria was hiding Hina but when he think through it they never hided Hina whenever something happened they told him directly that Hina is with them and confront him than why will they hide her now. He thought he was a fool to think that they hide Hina he was so confident that he haven't looked was her anywhere else if something happened to her or she ran away how he'll earn money from Gu Fashion house.
He Panicked, "We should look for her than. Let's go".
He said and ran out of the house Maria and William both were shocked of his reaction. If they didn't know Noyan well they really think that he cares for Hina but they knew there is something else. They thought that when they'll come to confront him he will show no concern and act less bothered like he always do but things turned out totally different. They don't understand why he is acting like this, they don't understand Noyan concerned about what he already got Hina's father's all property and insurance money than what else he wants from Hina.
William had no choice but to follow Noyan to know what's in his mind. Maria stayed at Hina's house for a while then left Tina was less bothered about this all she went back to her room and slept soundly.
Noyan and William looked everywhere for Hina but wasn't able to get any news about her and came back home at 1:00 pm. At this time Tina was in kitchen and Richie was watching TV. Noyan rang the door bell Richie opened the door. Noyan and William came in and sat on sofas. Tina came out of kitchen holding water glass.
Noyan and William took the glasses, "We should report to police station" Noyan suggested.
Richie panicked he knew if police came he'll be arrested for sexual harassment, he said "Dad what are you saying do you know what people will say. They'll think something nasty happened to Hina and her reputation will be ruined and once her reputation will be ruined do you think Gu fashion house will hire her as model".
William looked at Richie and then Noyan and thought 'So that's the reason why Noyan reacting differently. They are planning to sit and eat Hina's earning what a shameless father and son'.
Noyan was angry on his son who spit out everything in front of William but he thought Richie was right if they reported Hina is missing her reputation will be ruined and no one will hire such model so he have to let go of this idea. Than he looked at William, disgust was visible on William's face, he new it was because of what his genius son has just said he looked at William and said, "Aham... That's right we can't report to police Hina always dreamed to be successful model and now she got the chance Mr. Gu's assistant personally came to hire her if they knew she went missing whole night they won't hire her. We have to think another way to keep her reputation safe so she can fulfil her dream right William ".